Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 947

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 947

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 947

Chapter 947 Show Off

Kisa thought that Gilbert had gotten mad and left. She was worrying about how to coax him, but it turned out that he was still reluctant to part with this game of love. She had a smile on her face, but her eyes were cold.

The next day, Kisa went to the set early in the morning. When she woke up, she sent Gilbert a good morning text

However, the man did not reply to her message even after she got onto the set.

‘I don’t know if he’s mad at me or if he’s just ignoring me on purpose. Has he lost interest in me? Has he lost patience with me?’ Kisa did not think much about it. Since Gilbert did not directly leave the vicinity of her apartment last night, it showed that he still wanted to continue this relationship with her.

“Someone here thinks that just because she is the wife of GK Pictures’s CEO, she can be absent from work, causing the filming of our show to be postponed again and again. She has nothing to be afraid of as the CEO’s wife. However, our hard work

cannot be overlooked.”

“Right? She’s wasting our time.”

“Mr. Tanner and the director should really get someone else to play her role. What’s she trying to accomplish by delaying our time? We’re all working hard in this entertainment industry so that we can get famous, but she’s out here wasting everybody’s time.”

“Yeah. I don’t even have time to film for any other drama series because of this show.

As soon as Kisa arrived on the set, she saw Sharon speaking ill of her with some of the cast members. She pursed her lips and walked over to them slowly. Interestingly, as soon as she was there, the group fell silent. Everyone looked at her in respect. Only Sharon was full of dissatisfaction.

“Yo, if it isn’t the wife of GK Pictures’s CEO. Tsk, you’ve married into wealth. What are you doing here? Are you trying to show off?” Sharon’s tone was sour. Kisa pursed her lips and smiled. “That’s exactly why I’m here,” she said. “You!”

Lea quickly dragged a chair over, and Kisa slowly sat in it as she looked up and stared at Sharon contemptuously. “I remember you failing numerous times trying to get into the Kooper family. Naturally, I want to show it off in front of you.”

“Pfft-!” There was a burst of muffled laughter.

Sharon’s face instantly flushed with anger as she glared fiercely at everyone around her. Finally, her gaze fell onto Kisa.

“You are happily in love with Gilbert now. But what about Jensen? Gilbert played him just like that. Jensen used to care for you. How could you have the nerve to betray him and run into Gilbert’s open arms? Do you not feel guilty at all, Kisa?”

Kisa’s heart tightened when she heard that, but she said, “Why should I feel guilty? What happened to Jensen was an accident. There’s no use pointing fingers.”

Kisa was sorry for what happened to Jensen. Even if she should feel every ounce of guilt, Sharon of all people had no right to lecture her about it. Sharon was unhappy that she did not bring Kisa down with her words. Just as she was about to say something else, Kisa had already gotten up and walked toward Jolina, not caring about what Sharon had to say.

“Kisa, are you alright?” Jolina looked at her worriedly and asked. She had seen what happened at Hillsby that day. She had also witnessed the tense situation between Kisa and Gilbert at the hospital.

‘I can’t believe they have reconciled and are now a legitimate couple!’ she thought.

“I’m fine. I’m good, actually,” Kisa replied with a smile. As she said that, she dragged Jolina to a remote corner on set.

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