Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 948

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 948

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 948

Chapter 948 Don’t You Have A Woman Now?

“What’s wrong?” Jolina asked after seeing the serious expression on Kisa’s face.

Kisa looked around and made sure that there was no one around. “I was sad about what happened with Jensen that day, so I forgot to tell you, do not tell anyone that we’re going to Hillsby.”

Although Jolina did not understand why Kisa was telling her this, she nodded heavily and did not ask any more questions. “Don’t worry, Kisa. I won’t tell a soul. But…” Jolina frowned. “I’m scared that Peter might.”

“I don’t think he would. He doesn’t seem like the type to spread the word around.” Peter made a good impression on Kisa because of the incident in Hillsby. Moreover, he had volunteered to donate his blood to Jensen.

After work was over in the evening, Kisa picked up her phone and looked at it. Gilbert still did not text her back, nor did he call her. She pursed her lips and smiled as she dialed a number.

At the office of GK Pictures’s CEO, Davian had sorted out several important documents and placed them in front of Gilbert. “Mr. Kooper, here is our contract with the Webb Group. As for what’s going on at the Webb Group-” Davian’s cell phone suddenly rang, interrupting his report to Gilbert.

“Sorry, Mr. Kooper. I’ll have to take this call.”

After saying that, Davian took out his phone from his pocket while Gilbert leaned

over the desk to sign the contract, paying no attention to Davian.

Davian thought that it was Felicity who was calling. The woman had been pestering him every now and then since the day they had together. Feeling a little embarrassed, he hesitated to answer the call.

However, he was stunned when he

caught a glimpse of Kisa’s name on the screen.

He looked over at Gilbert. Initially, he wanted to ask Gilbert why his wife was calling him, but after thinking about it, he decided that it was better not to ask. After all, Gilbert’s phone was on. ‘She must want something from me since she’s not directly calling Mr. Kooper,’ he thought.

Davian quickly picked up the call before it stopped ringing. Gilbert looked up and glanced at him suspiciously. He then lowered his head and dealt with the documents in front of him.

“Is Gilbert at the company, or is he at home?” Kisa asked as soon as the call was

connected. Davian was puzzled but answered truthfully, “He’s at the company.”

“Okay. Go to a place where he can’t hear you.”

Davian was getting suspicious of Kisa’s call. “But Mrs. Kooper-”

“Shh! Don’t let him hear you. Listen to me; go and find a place where he can’t hear


Although Davian’s head was full of question marks, he did as he was told. “I’ll take this call outside, Mr. Kooper.”

“Mmkay,” Gilbert replied with his head down. But when Davian went out of the room, Gilbert frowned. ‘This guy has been rather mysterious since he got together with that woman,’ he thought.

“What is going on, Mrs. Kooper? Why aren’t you calling Mr. Kooper directly if you’re looking for him?”

“Are you guys busy today? Do you need to work overtime?”

“We’re super busy here, I have to work overtime!” Davian replied.

“Well then, find an excuse to leave work early, and don’t tell him that I called you.”

“What are you up to, Mrs. Kooper? Also, things are so busy and hectic, how am I supposed to come up with an excuse to leave?”

“Don’t you have a woman now? Use her as an excuse.”

“No, but I-”

“Alright, just do as I say.” Kisa hung up after that while Davian stared at his phone, dumbfounded.

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