Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 953

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 953

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 953

Chapter 953 Delicate Women’s Tears

Kisa was drenched. Her clothes clung to her body, making her feel uncomfortable. She crouched in front of the trash can, then lifted her clothes and wrung them. She carefully moved the few dishes on the desk to the coffee table after getting her clothes dry.

Gilbert leaned on the back of the couch and kept his eyes closed. He did not look at her or say a word.

Kisa said softly to him after she finished moving the dishes, “Gilbert, it’s time to eat.”

The man did not respond for a long time.

Kisa thought he was asleep.

Unexpectedly, Gilbert suddenly said flatly, “You can have it. I’m not hungry.” There was a trace of fatigue in his voice and also an indifference or anger, which was hard to tell.

Kisa pursed her lips and silently sat on the chair beside her. She was drenched, making it hard to sit on the couch.

The CEO’s office was quiet, and the atmosphere seemed a little depressing..

Gilbert frowned. He could not help but open his eyes to see the woman sitting quietly opposite him with her head down as if she were a child who had done something wrong.

“You haven’t taken your dinner yet, right? Quickly have your dinner then.”

Kisa raised her eyes immediately when hearing his tone. But her eye sockets were flushed with water vapor.

Gilbert sighed helplessly, ‘She cries whenever she wants to, as if she’s made of water, and I have yet to say anything harsh to her.’

“Gilbert, I’m sorry. I didn’t spill the dishes on your document or break the faucet on purpose. I know I’m useless and can’t do anything right. I’ll never hastily look for you again,” Kisa’s tears kept falling as she said.

‘In the past, Sara and Sharon always used this trick on this man. They pretended to be harmless and pitiful to gain his sympathy and pity. I didn’t expect I’ll do this too. I feel ironic thinking about it. I don’t know if it’s useful for me to use this trick in front of him.’

Gilbert felt bad when looking at her crying and guilty face. He sighed, got up, and

walked to her, “Alright, stop crying. I don’t blame you.”

“But I blame myself.”

Kisa was crying in front of him, but she could not stop sighing in her heart, ‘This trick is really useful. He doesn’t blame me anymore. No wonder he didn’t blame Sharon much, even if she had done so many bad things. Tsk! Men have no resistance

toward delicate women’s tears.’

Gilbert sat beside her as he broke the chopsticks in two and put a bowl of rice in front of her, “Okay, stop crying. Let’s eat. The food is turning cold.”

“I won’t eat if you don’t,” Kisa said stubbornly.

The man smiled helplessly, “Okay, I’ll eat.” He took another bowl of rice and put it in

front of him as he said.

Seeing his smiling face, Kisa suddenly planted a kiss on Gilbert’s cheek and happily said, “Gilbert, you’re so nice. You didn’t blame me even if I did something wrong.”

Gilbert’s hand, still with food, paused for a moment. He looked at her, “It depends on what it is. I won’t forgive you if it’s a serious matter.”

“For example?” Kisa asked casually while eating.

Gilbert held the fork, and his eyes suddenly darkened somewhat.

“For example… You cheating on me.”

Kisa’s figure froze. She smiled after a while, “You emphasize this to me daily. Are you that afraid that I’ll deceive you?” She deliberately leaned in front of him and stared into his eyes without blinking when she asked this question.

The woman’s approach enabled him to clearly see the scenery in her collar and her body wrapped in wet clothes.


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