Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 954

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 954

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 954

Chapter 954 She Flirted With Him

His gaze immediately turned dark and sparked with desire. Suddenly feeling a little thirsty, Gilbert grabbed the water from the coffee table, drank it, and said to her, ” That’s right. I’m scared.”

Kisa was bewildered. Perhaps Gilbert admitting his fear was too much of a contrast to his usual arrogant attitude. Suppressing her bewilderment, Kisa crept closer to Gilbert, pressing most of her body against his chest. She had her hands around his neck and smiled sweetly at him, “You’ve always been so good to me. How would I even have the heart to lie to you? Speaking of which, I should be the one who’s scared that you don’t want me anymore.” Kisa smiled lovingly at Gilbert as her warm

breath assaulted Gilbert’s neck.

Kisa’s action was undoubtedly setting Gilbert on fire, easily arousing the impulse that he had barely suppressed. Oftentimes, Gilbert felt powerless toward the woman’s advances. He was still mad at her as she effortlessly aroused his lust. Gilbert scolded himself for being useless ‘How long have I not touched a woman to be craving like this? Heavens knows that I don’t lack women, yet I only have feelings for her.’

Kisa playfully kissed Gilbert’s neck twice, but she failed to notice his increasingly lustful eyes. “Remember to inform me If you get sick and tired of me one day,” Kisa laughed as she tried to back away.

Gilbert suddenly grabbed the back of Kisa’s waist, and with slight force, her drenched body was now tightly pressed against his chest. Kisa was astonished as her alluring smile was quickly replaced with panic. “What are you doing?”

Gilbert groaned hoarsely, “Do you think you can leave so easily after making me


“Wait, no. I mean… Aren’t you still mad at me?” Kisa slurred her words in shock. She was flirting with him because she feared he had lost interest in her body, throwing caution to the wind and flirting with him after seeing that he was still angry with her. Kisa didn’t expect Gilbert to be in the mood for this. ‘B- But we’re in his office! How could he possibly think of that?’ Many thoughts flashed through her mind.

Gilbert hugged and kissed her neck passionately, as if he had been holding back for a long time, waiting for a release. He ripped off her wet shirt. When Gilbert pinned her down on the couch, Kisa had no idea if her body was hot or chilly. She hurriedly reached out her hand against his strong and warm chest. “We can’t do this. We’re in the office.”

Kisa felt insecure and strange about this place, as if many people were looking at

her. She wore a white silk shirt with a pair of jeans today. Her white shirt had turned almost transparent after it was drenched with water. Gilbert fixated gaze on her got more intense as time went on. As though not hearing her speak, his hands went straight to unbuttoning her shirt. Kisa’s brows knitted in a frown, and grabbed his hand. “Gilbert. Not here. What if someone walks in on us?”

Gilbert easily escaped her grasp and fully unbuttoned her shirt. Looking at her white skin, his eyes went dark as his voice became breathy, “There’s no one who will come in at this time. Besides, who would dare to enter my office without my permission?”

Just as the man was talking in a deep and domineering voice, Davian’s impetuous voice came from the door, “Mr. Kooper, the clothes are here.”

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