Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 955

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 955

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 955

Chapter 955 Missed the Show

Kisa felt like she could die embarrassed. Not knowing how she mustered the strength, she pushed Gilbert off of her and turned around, still blushing heavily; leaving her bare back for Davian, at the door, to deeply fantasize about.

Davian was astonished as he stood at the door with a bag of clothes in his hands, conflicted about entering the office. Gilbert, still looking like a mess after Kisa pushed him off the couch, stood up with a gloomy face, and gazed coldly at Davian, still at the door. Davian shuddered in fear and softly disputed. “D-didn’t you tell me to send the clothes over to you?”

“I did tell you to send the clothes, but I didn’t say you could come in without knocking! Gilbert held back his anger and growled gloomily. Davian felt that he was innocent upon hearing his growl. He put on a long face and softly said,” How am I supposed to knock on your door when it’s not even closed.”

“Davian, are you done? What’s taking you so long to send clothes?” A woman’s enchanting voice suddenly sounded, followed by the sound of her heels. ‘There was someone else who came with Davian!’ Kisa bit her lower lips, feeling ashamed. She arched her back on the couch, trying to disappear behind it so that they could not see her.

“Woah, what did I miss?” As soon as Felicity walked to the door, she saw a woman as wet as a drowned rat lying down on the couch. The woman’s back was almost see- through under her transparent shirt, causing everyone’s imaginations to run wild. Besides that, the man beside the couch was half-naked. His chest had several love bites. ‘Woah, this is really an erotic scene,’ Felicity thought. Yet the scene in Felicity’s head was way more sensual than the scene before her eyes.

Gilbert’s face darkened when he saw the woman at the door watching on. He gave Davian a sinister glare. “Why did you bring her when you’re sending me clothes?”

“N-No,” Davian shook his head. “I didn’t bring her. She was the one who tagged along

with me. I-”

“Oh my, Davian. Do you have no shame? How could you ignore me once you’re done with my body? Weren’t we making out just now? You were the one who said you didn’t want to leave me and brought me along when you sent the clothes. You even mentioned we’re going somewhere romantic to continue after you’re done. Why are you changing your version of the story, you scum!”

“Why you! What nonsense are you spouting!” said Davian, turning red. “You said you want to tag along because you’re hungry…”


“That’s enough!” Gilbert was annoyed as they interrupted him. He waved his hand at the duo, still at the door, causing a scene. “Go on, get lost!”

Felicity did not want to leave and said in high spirits, “Who is that lying down on the couch? From the looks of her back, she seems pretty nice. Let me take a look at her


Gilbert’s face immediately darkened. Davian was startled and hurriedly pulled Felicity, who had taken a few steps into the office. “Come on, let’s go. Let’s leave Mr. Kooper and Mrs. Kooper alone.”

“Gee, I just want to have a look.”

“What is there to look at? Let’s go!” Davian quickly dragged Felicity out and put the bag of clothes at the door. He then said to Gilbert carefully, “Mr. Kooper. I’ve put the clothes over here. Remember to

take them later, okay?”


Davian dared not stay long as he pulled Felicity before running away in a hurry. Though they were far away, one could still hear Felicity’s loud teasing. Gilbert’s face clouded with gloom, and he was silent from anger. He gritted his teeth and looked at the woman on the couch.

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