Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 956

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 956

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 956

Chapter 956 Don’t Worry. I Won’t Peep!

Kisa was still facing the couch, shrunken into a corner. That scene was embarrassing yet funny. Trying to deceive herself, Kisa thought that people would not know who she was if they could not see her face. Gilbert, after being interrupted, no longer has the mood for pleasure. He tugged her hand and said, “Alright, they’re gone. You can get up now.”

Kisa sat up from the couch, her face blushing scarlet. The buttons on her shirt were all undone, and her shirt was hanging to the sides. Seeing her flat tummy, Gilbert felt uncomfortable for not being able to reign in his wild imagination. He took a deep breath and glanced elsewhere. His gaze fell on the bag of clothes at the door and he walked over. Davian brought two new sets of clothing. One set was for Gilbert, while the other was for Kisa.

Gilbert took out his set of clothes and threw the bag at Kisa. “Change out of your soaked attire.”

“Alright,” Kisa nodded her head, grabbed the bag, and was about to head for the bathroom when Gilbert called her, “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to change,” said Kisa, staring at Gilbert weirdly. Gilbert knotted his brows and gave the couch a glimpse. “Can’t you change here?” ‘There isn’t even a place to put her clothes in the bathroom. How could she change there?”

Kisa’s face was still flushed. ‘He wants me to change in front of him?! I can’t do that.’ She said sullenly, “I want to change in the bathroom.” Kisa walked toward the bathroom while talking, but the man was one step ahead of her and went into the bathroom. “I’ll change inside so you can change outside.”

Kisa was astonished, and before she could reply, the man added, “Don’t worry. I won’t peep.” His statement made her seem a little melodramatic. Kisa hmphed with her lips twitched. She turned around and shut the CEO’s office door.

After Kisa finished changing her clothes, she realized Gilbert had not exited the bathroom. Unable to resist the need to check, she found him smoking at the bathroom sink. Gilbert had already changed into his fitting and expensive hand-made suit with a gray-collar shirt. Kisa observed him for a while and laughed, “Why are you hiding in the bathroom, smoking?”

“I was afraid you hadn’t finished changing,” Gilbert replied flatly, his eyes never leaving her figure. Kisa burst out laughing and pulled him out of the bathroom. Kisa laughed while looking at his emotionless expression, “You don’t look too excited.”

Gilbert watched her and said in a solemn yet lighthearted tone, “How can men feel excited after being interrupted like this?”

‘Umm… Is he insatiable?’ Kisa thought. Kisa got embarrassed thinking back at the scene of others seeing them like that. She snickered, “It’s all Davian’s fault. Go on and blame him. But…” She stared down at her dress as she was talking. “Davian indeed has good taste. This floral dress is rather pretty.”

Gilbert pushed away Kisa’s hand, sat on the couch, and muffled a grunt. ‘Why won’t she consider I was the one who picked the dress while Davian was only responsible for sending it over?’

Kisa, not noticing the changes in Gilbert’s emotions, sat beside him. “Are you busy tonight?”

“Yes,” Gilbert replied.

“I’ll be with you,” Kisa responded.

“There’s no need to. Go back and rest. You have a scene tomorrow,” Gilbert stated. ”

It’s fine. I’m not tired now,” Kisa answered and went to tidy up the files on the office table as Gilbert’s conflicted eyes were fixated on Kisa.


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