Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 962

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 962

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 962

Chapter 962 Stay With Me Tonight

Carolyn smirked and said sarcastically after looking at how shocked Kisa was.

“Sigh. I didn’t know I could be so charming, either. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t be with your father. That way, he wouldn’t fall for me and abandon your mother to be

Bwith me.”

She even sighed and pretended to be sorry and regretful as she spoke.

Even though Kisa was shocked, she still asked Carolyn with a cold smile, “Does my dad know what’s going on between the two of you?”

Carolyn arched her brows and said, “I don’t dare to tell your father about this because I don’t want him to be sad. I wanted to divorce him, but you know how stubborn your father is, too, right? I’m afraid that he’ll do something regretful if I tell him about this.”

Kisa was struggling to hold in her laughter.

‘Where did this woman get her confidence from? How could she be so bold to say something like this?’

Kisa shifted her gaze to Adrien and saw how deeply in love he looked as he stared at Carolyn.

She felt like everything she knew about the world was wrong.

Even though Adrien was already a middle-aged man, he was still a charming, ambitious man who could act and speak like a gentleman.

Carolyn was the total opposite of him.

She found it impossible to point out anything that could be attractive about Carolyn.

Kisa could not believe that Adrien was actually in love with Carolyn.

‘Could it be true that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder?

‘Adrien has got to have some really weird eyes then.’

“Kisa, you should join Peter and Jolina if there’s nothing else. I need to talk to Carolyn about something.”

Kisa did not feel like staying there anymore either, looking very disturbed whenever she sees them.

Suddenly, her impression of Adrien was ruined. He did not look as respected and trustworthy to Kisa anymore.

Kisa was glad that she did not tell Adrien anything about the revenge she was plotting against Gilbert.

Otherwise, her entire plan would be ruined if he told Carolyn anything by mistake.

Kisa stood up cautiously before she said to Adrien, “I’ll leave you alone now, then.”

Carolyn threw herself into Adrien’s arms as soon as Kisa left. novelbin

“I can’t stand that person anymore! He’s been so paranoid lately, and he wouldn’t even let me leave the house. It took me so much effort just to be here today.”

Adrien tapped her nose dotingly. “Be patient. Divorce him when he doesn’t have the energy to deal with you anymore. Then, I’ll marry you.”

“Okay. You’re the one who said it.” Carolyn smiled happily as she said that.

Adrien’s eyes sparkled. Then he asked Carolyn, “Stay with me… tonight?”

“Eww!” Carolyn hammered his chest lightly before she continued shyly, “You’ve got to be gentler with me then. It hurt so much that day. Besides, it was so dark. I couldn’t even see you, and you wouldn’t talk to me either.”

“Ha-ha. Sure, I’ll be gentler this time.”

Kisa had goosebumps all over as she watched them flirt with each other while hiding in the corner.

‘God, Adrien has got to be blind.”

Kisa could not bear to see them anymore. Then, she turned around and left.

She wanted to snap a picture of them and send it to Christopher, so he could see what kind of person he abandoned Kisa’s mother for back then.

However, she gave up that idea after thinking about it.

She thought that Christopher would find out about it sooner or later anyway.

Carolyn might even turn on her if she sent Christopher a picture of them.

Kisa wanted to look for Jolina, but she could not see her anywhere after looking around in the lobby. So, she went to search the private rooms.

There were a lot of private rooms on that floor besides the spacious lobby.

Someone staggered out of a private room when Kisa walked into the corridor and bumped right into her…

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