Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 963

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 963

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 963

Chapter 963 What’s Up, Sc*mbag!

Kisa wobbled to the side after that person bumped into her. However, she managed to keep her balance after holding her hand against the wall.

She looked up and saw a woman coming out of the room.

That woman was dressed in sexy clothes and had some delicate makeup on. She looked gorgeous.

She seemed like she drank, as her cheeks were a little pinkish.

However, that woman looked very familiar to Kisa.

She stared at that woman for a few seconds before she could remember who she was. That woman was Felicity. Gilbert brought her here from Athadale before he introduced her to Davian.

Felicity squinted as if she was checking Kisa out too.

Suddenly, Felicity smiled at Kisa and said, “I’m sorry for that.”

“It’s fine.” Kisa shook her head subconsciously.

Felicity smiled before she walked to the lobby.

Kisa looked at her, receding back. She had no idea if Felicity recognized her.

‘I guess not. After all, I’m just wearing simple clothes without any makeup today. Besides, we haven’t really met other than in the airport that day.’

Kisa stopped thinking about it and went deeper into the corridor while calling Jolina.

On the other side, Felicity went to a corner and reached for her phone right after she made her way to the lobby…

In the CEO’s office of GK Pictures.

Davian was disconsolately reading the documents that were stained by the sauce.

‘Mr. Kooper is punishing me for ruining his plan last night, right?


‘A few of the contracts were stained. All my effort these days had gone to waste again!’

He glanced at the man sitting behind the office desk. Gilbert looked very busy as the pen in his hand would not stop moving.

‘Sigh. Forget it. Mr. Kooper has a lot of work to do too.

‘I blame the person who just had to spill the sauce all over the documents.’

Davian even told Gilbert that Kisa did that on purpose.

However, Gilbert got mad at him.

So, he chose to keep his mouth shut.

He knew that Gilbert would not allow anybody to put Kisa in a bad light judging from how Gilbert spoiled her.

Davian’s phone rang when he was still thinking to himself dispiritedly.

He reached for his phone and saw Felicity calling him. He declined the call directly before going back to cleaning the documents.

Shortly after, his phone rang again, and it was still Felicity.

His ringtone filled Gilbert’s office, and it sounded abrupt and annoying.

Davian looked at the office desk cautiously as if he had done something wrong. As expected, he saw his boss frowning.

He gritted his teeth and declined the call again.

Davian heard Gilbert’s emotionless voice as soon as he put his phone away.

“There’s a lot to be done today. You’re going to work until late. Stop thinking about your girlfriend.”

“Oh… okay…”

Davian responded mindlessly. ‘I wasn’t thinking about that at all.’ He thought to


Spending time with Felicity was the last thing he would ever want on Earth.

Felicity called him for the third time when he was deep in thought.

Gilbert could not keep his cool anymore as he threw his pen away and snorted. “Just

take it!”

He knew that it was Felicity calling without asking.

Gilbert knew Felicity too well. She just would not give up until she got what she wanted.

Felicity would keep calling Davian until he decided to pick up.

Davian acted immediately and answered the call after seeing the insidious look on

Gilbert’s face.

“What’s up, sc*mbag! Why did you keep declining my calls?”

“My boss said I have to work until late today, so please stop bothering me. I’m very busy.”

“Oh…” The woman on the other side of the phone chuckled. “Turn on your speaker then. I want your boss to hear this.”

“What are you up to?” Davian asked cautiously.

Felicity chuckled again. “There’s nothing much I can do over the phone anyway. Just do as I say.”

Davian frowned confusedly but turned on the speaker of his phone anyway.


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