Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 973

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 973

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 973

Chapter 973 I’ll Take Revenge for You!

Davian was so frustrated he simply lowered his head and kept quiet.

Seeing his crestfallen and wronged expression, Kisa laughed in amusement.

A moment later, she looked at Gilbert’s cards.

‘It seems like Gilbert doesn’t have good luck either. The cards he got aren’t much better compared to Marshall’s cards earlier on. His highest card is a King,’ she thought.

Then, she glanced at Kenneth.

Kenneth was looking at his own cards with a smug, icy smile. novelbin

Kisa was speechless.

‘Why’s luck still on his side when we’ve already changed to another attendant? With that luck of his, he should buy some lottery tickets. Peter has a deep frown, and Jolina’s little face is still scrunched up. I’m guessing they also didn’t get good cards. Even though we got another attendant to shuffle the cards, it seems like the situation isn’t that different from just now,’ she thought.

Kisa glanced at the alcohol beside them.

‘While the alcohol content of these drinks isn’t that high, one will still get drunk if they drink a lot of it,’ she thought again.

Gilbert peered at her gloomy expression and said coolly, “You’re afraid now? Then you shouldn’t have played from the start!”

‘I never expected this woman would enjoy coming to places like this. What more playing such a game with this many men!’ he thought.

The more Gilbert thought about it, the angrier he felt.

Kisa gazed at his dark expression and smiled awkwardly, “Try to make your cards last as long as possible. I don’t want to strip.”

Once again, Gilbert was furious when he heard her bring up the phrase “strip.”

‘If I didn’t come and that rookie had ten cards left, wouldn’t that mean she’d have to strip for real? And she’s only wearing a short-sleeved white shirt. Those men would’ve seen her with nothing on if she had to strip. I can’t believe she had the guts to play this game!’ he thought.

Gilbert gritted his teeth and glared at the woman beside him, “Just you watch. I’m

not like that rookie. I won’t let you drink a single glass of alcohol, let alone strip!”

Kisa kept quiet as she listened to him talk big.

‘With those cards of yours? I don’t think so,’ she thought.

However, Gilbert demonstrated that having bad cards was one thing, and having bad skills was something different.

Surprisingly, Gilbert did not come last this round. He was the third to finish his cards.

On the other hand, Peter was a little unfortunate. Without Marshall around, he became the last place instead.

However, he did not have many cards left, only four.

Jolina glared at him. She was close to tears, “Do you know how to play or not?”

Peter was furious at her skepticism, “What do you mean do I know how to play or not? You saw it. The cards were too shitty.”

Felicity laughed quietly beside them, “Alright, stop fighting. Let’s start the next round.

Then, she handed Jolina four glasses of cider.

Even though ciders had low alcohol content, two or three glasses of it were enough to make Jolina, someone who did not drink at all, completely flushed.

Peter peered at Jolina’s uncomfortable expression as she drank the ciders. He felt angry and panicked.

‘Damn it. I must’ve stepped on sh*t today for my luck to be this bad,’ he thought.

They started a new round.

Kisa initially had given up on Gilbert’s cards. However, she immediately brightened and sat up once she saw two Kings among his cards.

‘Two Kings and four 2’s! Wow!’ thought Kisa.

Kisa’s eyes instantly widened in excitement.

Gilbert glanced at her in amusement. Then, he leaned into her ear and whispered, ” Sit back and watch. I’ll take revenge for you!”

Felicity peered at Kisa’s overjoyed expression and grinned at her, “Oh my. It seems like Mr. Kooper had a change of look. Look at that beam of yours. I can imagine Mr. Kooper must have some good cards.”

Hearing this, Peter turned sharply to look at Gilbert and Kisa.

Gilbert had a calm expression. On the other hand, Kisa could not hide the smile on her face.

Peter lowered his gaze and glanced at his cards.



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