Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 974

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 974

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 974

Chapter 974 I’ll Make You Pay When We Get Home!

‘What the hell is this?’ Peter thought again.

He glared at his cards which looked like a string of phone numbers. He was so furious the veins on his forehead bulged.

Jolina peered at his cards and cried in anger, “I shouldn’t have paired up with you!”

“Then which man do you want to pair which?” Peter glared at her and gritted his teeth furiously.

“Anyone would be better than you,” Jolina replied in a soft, choked voice. Her eyes.


Peter inhaled angrily. Then he said through gritted teeth, “Just you wait. I won’t do anything to you since there are many people here. I’ll make you pay when we get


Peter spoke in an extraordinarily fierce tone.

Jolina trembled, and the tears welled up in her eyes instantly trickled down.

She bit her bottom lip and roared, “You’re a monster!”

Then, the two of them ignored each other.

Jolina lowered her angrily while Peter glared at his cards furiously.

‘I don’t believe it. If Gilbert could turn things around, so can I!’ thought Peter.

Gilbert casually glanced at Kenneth.

Kenneth, who was acting arrogant just now, now had a deep frown. He was glaring at his cards as if he were looking at his enemy.

When the woman beside him tried to seduce him, he pushed her away in annoyance.

Ronald smiled slightly, “Alright. It’s my turn to start this round. I have both three of

Diamond cards.”

Felicity was drinking. When she heard Ronald’s words, she immediately leaned closer.

to him.

The two of them were super close to each other. Felicity’s chest was practically pressed against Ronald’s arm.

“Wow, you have good cards! Do a chain first!”

Davian glared at Felicity in a rage. His eyes flamed with anger.

‘I’m angry not because she’s being so close to another man; I’m angry because she’s a female Casanova, yet she keeps on flirting with me and won’t leave me alone,’ he thought.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he felt. He leaned over to Gilbert and whispered, “Mr. Kooper, it’s really stuffy here. I’m going outside. Let me know if you need anything!”

Gilbert looked at him weirdly, “Is it stuffy?”

‘This room is huge, and not many people are smoking right now. There are even two opened windows. If this is considered stuff, wouldn’t the lobby be the same? There

are even more people outside,’ thought Gilbert.

Kisa glanced in Felicity’s direction. A moment later, she smiled at Gilbert, “He’s feeling stuffy inside, so let him go outside.”

Gilbert also glanced at Felicity momentarily. Then, he nodded and said to Davian,” Alright, you can go.”

Just as Davian took two steps outside, Felicity suddenly called out to him.

“Where are you going, you player?”

Davian frowned deeply. He hated this form of address she gave him.

‘No matter how I look at it, she’s the one who’s a player!’ he thought.

Felicity walked up to Davian and yanked him over.

Davian protested in disdain, “What’re you doing?”

Felicity took Ronald’s cards. Then, she stuffed them into Davian’s hands, “Play two


Ronald frowned a little and looked slightly displeased. However, he did not say anything and moved aside to make space for Davian.

Davian looked reluctant, “I don’t know how to play this game! You guys can play among yourselves!”

“HA-HA! You’re a joke. How could you call yourself a man if you don’t know how to play this game? Did you really think having three legs would be enough?”

Once again, Kisa choked after hearing Felicity’s words.

‘Felicity’s bluntness is really something amazing,’ she thought.

Davian flushed at Felicity’s words. He growled at her furiously, “Shut your mouth!”

Felicity leaned onto the chair seductively, “I could shut my mouth if you play!”

Davian was furious. He turned to Gilbert with a pleading look.

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