Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 985

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 985

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 985

Chapter 985 Deeply Rooted

‘Birthmarks are common but having the exact same birthmark as someone else and at the exact same spot on the body is strange,’ Kisa thought.

She felt that it was no coincidence that the birthmark Peter had on his chest was just like her mother’s.

‘I have to dig deeper into this.’

Gilbert was silent for a long time. “Alright. I’ll let him get away with it this time since he donated his blood for Jensen. But mark my words; I won’t be sparing him the next time he lays his hands on you.”

“Sure,” Kisa nodded with a smile.

Suddenly, Gilbert frowned and looked at her.

“And you, don’t meddle in other people’s business from now on. It’s their relationship. You don’t get a say in it,” he said slightly disapprovingly.

“Got it…” Kisa lowered her head and replied as if she had done something wrong. Seeing her admitting her mistake, Gilbert did not reprimand her any further.

He started the car and murmured, “If you hadn’t told me that you didn’t like Peter when you were drunk last night, I would have thought that you were in love with him.”

Kisa looked at him and suddenly remembered that he had asked her who she liked last night. She stared at the man’s side profile and asked with a smirk on her face,” Then who did I say I like?”

Gilbert did not say a word. The corners of his lips slowly curled into a smug smile.

Kisa felt uncomfortable when she saw his smile. The truth comes out when alcohol

is involved.

It seemed that no matter how much she warned herself not to be fooled by the man

in front of her, and no matter how much she told herself not to fall for his fake care and consideration, it was undeniable that she still had feelings for this man.

Those feelings had taken root long ago since she was a child. Now, it was even more deeply rooted in her heart. However, those feelings were now mixed with a strong hatred. Hence, there would always be conflict and pain when it came to facing Gilbert.

Kisa’s injuries were all surface-level skin wounds. The doctor cleaned up the wounds on her arms and knees and proceeded to prescribe some ointment.

It was completely dark when they came out of the hospital.

“Should we go get some food?” Kisa took Gilbert’s hand and asked with a smile on her face.

“Let’s do that,” Gilbert nodded and carefully helped her into the car.

“We’re going back to the Kooper residence today,” Gilbert said after starting the car.

Kisa was stunned. “The Kooper residence? What about grandma…?”

“She has accepted you as part of the family. It was her idea for us to go back and live there.”

Kisa fiddled with the seat belt as doubts began to materialize in her heart.

‘Grandma used to hate me so much. It’s weird that she’s suddenly accepting me into the family. I bet Gilbert discussed it with her. But I’m not sure why she would play this game with him.

I know Gilbert is playing this game because it may be fun for him or maybe because he just wants my body, and there’s also the possibility that he’s toying with me. But what are grandma’s intentions behind all this?’

Seeing that Kisa had suddenly fallen silent, Gilbert said, “It’s fine if you don’t want to go

back to the Kooper residence. We can stay at your place if you want.”

“No, we can go to your place,” Kisa chuckled.

She still did not understand why Madalyn had suddenly started hating her.

‘Maybe this time, I can get along with grandma and find out some answers. I can also investigate the incident between the Kooper family’s eldest son and Gilbert’s dad. After all, the two of them have lived there for a long time. There’s no way grandma destroyed all the evidence about her own son without leaving any trace just because she was afraid of angering Gilbert.’

As Kisa was lost in thought, they reached the front porch of the Kooper residence.

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