Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 986

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 986

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 986

Chapter 986 She’s Our Mom

Gilbert unfastened his seat belt and said to her, “You’re still injured. I think it would be better to have dinner at home. What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you.”

‘His tone is exceptionally gentle, and his deep voice is sexy and nice. If I put aside my hatred… Well, forget it. There’s no if in the world.’

Two little figures ran toward Kisa quickly as soon as she got out of the car.

“Aunt Kisa!”

“Aunt Kisa!”

Two kids plunged into her arms excitedly.

Ada hugged her waist with a smile like the crescent moon. “Aunt, it’s really you. I miss you so much.”

“Aunt, I miss you too,” said Andrew.

Kisa’s heart almost melted when she looked at their cute faces. She patted their heads and said, “I miss you guys too. I’ll be living here from now on. Are you happy to

live with me?”

“Wow! Really?” Ada looked at Kisa, and her eyes lit up with joy. “I’ll be happy every day if you really live with us.”

“It’s true. I’m not lying to you.”

Gilbert stared at the smile on the woman’s face without blinking. There was a touch

of tenderness somewhere in his heart.

Kisa looked at the two kids in front of her lovingly. Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong. She asked Andrew, “Why is it just the two of you? Where’s Blake?”

‘Gilbert told me that Mia sent Blake to the Kooper’s residence after Jensen’s accident. I’m not worried about Blake because Ada and Andrew will be with him. But, only Ada and Andrew came out happily. Why don’t I see Blake?’

Kisa looked at the house and saw Madalyn standing at the door with a walking stick. Madalyn showed a long face as though she was extremely unwelcoming.

Kisa’s eyes quickly glanced past Madalyn and finally fell on Blake, who was standing beside her.

Under the light of the doorway, Blake pursed his lips tightly. His clear eyes were filled with tears. He seemed to be holding back his sadness and his urge to cry. Blake had

lost some weight, and he looked less lively than before.

Kisa’s heart ached suddenly when she saw him. She quickly walked up to Blake and touched his face. “What’s wrong? I’m here. Don’t be sad.”

Blake plunged himself into her arms. He choked up and said, “Aunt, is dad awake?”

Kisa’s heart wrenched, but she could only comfort him with lies. “Soon. Your dad will wake up soon.”

Gilbert took a breath painfully and turned his gaze elsewhere.

‘It would be nice if I didn’t chase after Jensen that day. Then, all these tragedies wouldn’t have happened.’

Madalyn snorted coldly at Kisa and turned back into the house.

Kisa did not expect Madalyn to treat her well. So, she just shrugged indifferently when facing Madalyn’s unwelcoming attitude. Then, she led Blake into the house.

The house was bright.

Kisa took Blake and sat on the couch by herself after she entered the house. Andrew and Ada came along soon and sat next to her.

Madalyn sat across from Kisa and glanced at her. Her face became even more gloomy. She said to Andrew and Ada, “She isn’t even your mom. Why do you guys like her so much?”

Gilbert was walking to the side. His figure could not help but freeze when he

suddenly heard Madalyn’s words. A touch of mixed feelings flashed across his eyes when he looked at Kisa.

Kisa smiled indifferently and said nothing.

Suddenly, Ada said to Madalyn, “Great-grandma, in our hearts, Aunt Kisa is our mom.”

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