Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 990

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 990

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 990

Chapter 990 Late Love Is Inferior to Grass

“I think we’re a real couple now.”

Kisa’s back was stiff, and she said nothing.

Gilbert hugged her tightly, “I wish we could continue to be this way.”

Kisa stared blankly at the curtains, not saying a word.

‘Love that blossomed too late is even cheaper than grass. These words made a lot

more sense now.’

Gilbert did nothing to her that night. He just hugged her and fell asleep peacefully.

At night, Kisa had a nightmare. She dreamed of her mother and the blood-red birthmark. She was lying in her mom’s arms, touching her mom’s birthmark as she did when she was a child. But the birthmark suddenly turned into blood and kept on flowing. She hurriedly looked at her mom and only saw her mom yelling at her in disgust, “Why do you exist in this world? Go to hell! Go to hell!”

Kisa was immediately awakened by the nightmare. Her forehead was covered with sweat, and her heart was heavy. With a click, the wall lamp at the head of the bed suddenly lit up.

Gilbert pulled her into his arms quickly, “What happened? Did you have a nightmare?”

Kisa stayed quiet and just sat stiffly on the bed.

‘I rarely dreamed of my mom since her death. When she was alive, she was always kind to me, except she would show some disgust toward me when it was raining heavily. She would hold me in her arms

and tell me stories. She would keep the only bun for me when there was nothing left to eat. I knew she loved me, but why did she hate me this much in the dream and even want me dead?’

Kisa was sad, and her tears unconsciously fell.

Gilbert’s heart tightened, seeing her sadness. He hugged her tightly and anxiously asked, “What did you dream about? Care to share?”

Kisa shook her head and smiled blankly, “Why does everyone say I shouldn’t have been in this world? My mom said so, and your grandma too. Gilbert, who do you think my birth harmed?”

“Don’t listen to their nonsense. Grandma said that to you because of a misunderstanding, and your mom… she…”

“Ha-ha. You can’t even explain it properly.” Kisa laughed at herself, “No mother would hate their children that much. Just probably, my birth really made them suffer.”

“Stop spouting nonsense!” Gilbert said angrily, “What should I do without you in this world? I think your birth is the best gift God has given me.”

Gilbert truly thought so at this moment. No matter how much they suffered and their many misunderstandings, he still felt it was better to have her in this world. Not knowing the irony and sadness of what he just said, he will feel it in the future when everything comes to light.

Kisa stared at him blankly.

‘I know I shouldn’t be tempted by him anymore. But my heart is still unstable at this moment. Maybe I’m fragile after waking from a nightmare, or his affectionate words finally awakened the feelings buried deep in my heart. At this moment, I feel his embrace was particularly reassuring.’

She leaned quietly in his arms without thinking too deeply.

The birthmark in the dream was so real. Kisa could not help but think of the

birthmark on Peter’s chest.

After calming down, she suddenly raised her eyes to look at him, “Are you going to Webb’s house in Oceanville soon?”

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