Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 991

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 991

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 991

Chapter 991 You Are My Wife Now

Kisa’s sudden switch in the subject caused Gilbert to pause momentarily before he nodded. “Yeah. Why?”

“Can I go with you?”

She still could not find any information about her mother’s bracelet.

However, she felt something peculiar about the birthmark on Peter’s chest. She suspected that Peter might be the child that her mother gave birth to back then though her assumption may be bold and absurd. She still did not want to eliminate any possibility, so she wanted to personally look it up.

Gilbert looked at her strangely, “Why do you want to go to Oceanville?”

“I just want to be with you all the time. Why? Do you not want me to follow you?”

She had almost forgotten about her nightmare just now.

Kisa sat up from Gilbert’s arm. “Do you remember when I messed up your documents that day? I accidentally noticed that there were a few contracts involving the Webb family from Oceanville. I figured that you’ve got to sign the contracts with them again since the previous ones were stained, right?”

Suddenly, Gilbert stared at her playfully. “Now that you mentioned it, I’m starting to think that you spilled the sauce on my contracts on purpose.”

“How are you going to punish me if I really did?”

Kisa got serious.


She had just finished crying, and tears were still rolling in her eyes. Her eyes were wide open as she looked at Gilbert. Gilbert just did not have the heart to punish her, even though he was really mad.

He fumbled her long hair behind her neck and said softly, “You got me good. I’ll just let it slip this time.”

“So… Oceanville?”

“We’ll go together if you’re free by then. I don’t want to be away from you for too long, either.”

Kisa laughed after hearing what he said. “Too long? How many days are you planning to stay there?”

“To me, even one day away from you feels like forever to me.”

Kisa never knew that Gilbert was so good at saying cheesy stuff like this, realizing that she indeed did not know that man very well. She then asked Gilbert, “When do you want to go there, then? I’ll make some arrangements.”

“There’s no rush. Don’t you have to attend Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday ceremony? We’ll only make our way to Oceanville after visiting Athadale.

Kisa was shocked. “How did you know I’m going to visit the Mullens?”

She was talking about Anthony Mullen’s family. To be honest, she was not very fond of Anthony and did not even feel like attending the birthday ceremony.

However, she was a rather famous public figure. The media would definitely say something bad about her if she chose not to attend after Mr. Muller Sr. personally invited her. She only decided to go, figuring things would not go well for her if the public started criticizing her for her absence.

Gilbert hugged her in his arms. “You’re my wife now. It’s only right for me to know everything about your schedule.”

Kisa was startled when she heard the word ‘wife’. It was just something very simple, yet she just could not associate herself with it.

At night, Kisa did not really sleep as she kept thinking about her mother and the birthmark on Peter’s body. She figured that she might be able to find David through Peter if he was really the child that her mother secretly gave birth to back then. She just had to tell David about what her mother wanted, no matter what.

Kisa’s mother was still saying his name before she died. Kisa thought that David would know how much she missed him and desperate she was.

Kisa was awakened by her phone’s ringing tone the next morning. She picked up her phone, seeing an unsaved number on the screen, and hesitated for a second before nonchalantly accepting the call

“Ms. Becker, it’s me.”

Kisa heard a strange yet familiar voice. Then, she frowned and sat up.

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