Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 994

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 994

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 994

Chapter 994 No Need to Conspire

Madalyn reached for her phone hurriedly and showed it to Gilbert as she spoke.

Kisa looked at her silently, and she felt embarrassed for her. She was just talking with Shaun, yet Madalyn made it look like she caught Kisa cheating on Gilbert.

Madalyn searched for the photos in her phone before she handed them to Gilbert.” Look, she was plotting something with that man early in the morning. You’ve got to beware of her. I’m sure that she’s up to something by getting back together with you

this time.”

Gilbert looked at the photos without saying anything. He saw Kisa talking with a man in the photos, and he could remember that man being Jensen’s assistant, Shaun.

He put Madalyn’s phone away and said to her with a smile on his face, “Grandma, you misunderstood Kisa. That man is just an employee.”

“Quit defending her. Why didn’t that man look for you instead if he’s really from your company? He even came here early just to talk to her.” Madalyn glared at Kisa disgustedly as she said that.

Kisa slowly finished her sandwiches before she looked up at Madalyn. “He’s my special assistant from J & K Film Group. He came because he had something to tell me.”

“Your special assistant?”

Madalyn was about to say something, but Gilbert interrupted her, “That’s enough, grandma. I know who that man is too. Kisa isn’t lying.”

Madalyn got furious after seeing how Gilbert stood on Kisa’s side, but she did not know what to do about it. She sat down and coldly warned Kisa, “Listen, I’d never

ever allow you to approach Gilbert again if he wasn’t so crazily in love with you. Now that you got back together with him, you’d better commit to this relationship wholeheartedly. I will make you pay if I ever find out that you lied to him and had malicious intentions by getting back together with him!”

Kisa felt a little ridiculous after ignoring what Madalyn said, other than when she mentioned how crazy in love Gilbert was with her.

‘Could a person who tried to kill me really love me?’

Kisa and Gilbert did not speak with each other while they were on their way to the set.

Kisa looked over at his calm face from the side and asked with a faint smile, “Aren’t

you going to ask me why Shaun came to talk to me so early in the morning?”

“You’ll tell me if you want to, and there’s no point in me asking if you don’t,” Gilbert answered flatly, sounding indifferent.

Then, Kisa said with a smile, “You’re so open-minded. Actually, it wasn’t anything special. He just told me that he wants his job back. So, I hope that you can make that happen and reinstate him back to his old position.”


Gilbert agreed without hesitation and added, “Even though J & K Film Group has merged with GK, it’s still an independent organization as a subsidiary company under GK. You can manage that company

personally if you’d like, and Shaun can still be your assistant.”

Kisa was astonished, not expecting that from Gilbert at all. She then snickered and said, “Are you not worried that I might conspire with Shaun and rob GK from you?”

The car had already stopped at the entrance of the set as Kisa finished speaking. Gilbert lifted his head and looked at her. His gaze looked so deep it was like a black hole that would suck everything in.

Then, he said in a deep voice, “There’s no need for you to do that. If you’d just ask, I can give you everything that my family owns, let alone GK!”


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