Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 995

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 995

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 995

Chapter 995 He Is a Bad Guy

Gilbert spoke very seriously, yet his eyes looked gentle and affectionate.

Kisa was stunned as she stared into his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat.

She looked away anxiously before trying to catch her breath, smiling faintly at him. “I was just joking with you. I didn’t expect your joke to be even better than mine!”

Gilbert was about to say something, but Kisa already opened the door and got out of the car. She bent down and smiled cheekily at the man sitting inside the car. ” Remember to pick me up later.”

She walked into the set while carrying her bag after saying that. Gilbert stared at her slim back as a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

‘Is my credibility really this terrible now? I genuinely meant what I said, yet she thought that it was a joke!’

Gilbert shook his head in resignation. He needed to stop thinking too deeply about it, or it would upset him again. He only made a U-turn and drove in his office’s direction after Kisa disappeared from his sight.

Kisa hid at the main door of the set, staring at the car that sped away. Undoubtedly, the serious look on Gilbert’s face made what he said very believable. It was fortunate that Kisa kept her composure and did not admit that she really wanted GK. He made things sound too good to be true by saying that he would give her anything if she asked.

However, nobody knew if Gilbert would end this relationship with her after she

admitted that she wanted GK, revealing her real intentions of approaching him. She would have no chance of taking revenge by then.

Kisa shook her head. ‘I can’t trust that man no matter what he said to me. Never!’

Kisa suddenly received a message from Shaun during her lunch break. He told Kisa that he had returned to the office, and Gilbert had already put him fully in charge of J & K Film Group.

‘Gilbert is a very careful man. I don’t think he’d trust Shaun this much. Is he not worried that Shaun might be up to something bad and would secretly sabotage GK’s operation with the resources of J & K Film Group before disintegrating GK?

‘Even though it might not be an easy job to do that, it isn’t completely impossible for Shaun to do that if he wants to since J & K Film Group and GK are technically the same company now.’

The director shouted at Kisa to shoot the remaining scenes, stopping her from thinking to herself before she sent Shaun a text message: [Work hard.] Then, she put her phone away.

Perhaps Gilbert was just testing Shaun. Kisa knew that she had to take GK away from Gilbert no matter what to compensate Jensen. As Shaun was so loyal to Jensen, he would be able to help her achieve that.

When Kisa’s work ended in the evening, Peter suddenly showed up while she was talking with Jolina. The look on Jolina’s face immediately changed as she hurriedly ran to the backdoor, as if Peter was a ghost. Knowing that she would run to the backdoor, Peter strode forward to stop her.

“Why are you running? I didn’t come here for you.”

Peter’s voice sounded cold and disdainful. Jolina was shocked to hear it.

Then, Peter looked unconcerned at her before walking toward Kisa. “Ms. Becker is the reason why I’m here.”

Jolina furrowed her brows and grabbed him. “What are you going to do to Kisa again?

“It has nothing to do with you. Besides, Ms. Becker is so much more easy-going than you!” Peter scoffed, and he was already standing in front of Kisa.

Jolina felt nervous as she ran over. She took Kisa’s hand and said anxiously, “Kisa, ignore him. He’s a bad guy.”

Peter’s face immediately darkened after he heard what Jolina said about him.

“You’d always f*cking run away from me, right? I’ve stopped pestering you now. Would you get out of my face?!”

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