Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 996

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 996

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 996

Chapter 996 I’d Still Dare To Hit On His Woman!

Jolina ignored Peter and continued looking at Kisa worriedly.

Kisa patted her hand. Then, she smiled and said reassuringly, “It’ll be fine. You can go back first; he won’t do anything to me.”

However, Jolina was still worried.

‘This man is vile and shameless; I witnessed it firsthand. He must’ve lost interest in me and has shifted his target onto Kisa,’ she thought.

When she thought of this, she felt even more panicked. She turned to Peter and warned him icily, “Kisa is one of Mr. Kooper’s people, so you better not mess around with her. Otherwise, Mr. Kooper won’t spare you!”

Peter felt jealousy swimming in his chest when he heard her describe Gilbert’s greatness.

He glared at Jolina and snorted icily, “You think I’m afraid of Gilbert Kooper? I’d still dare to hit on his woman even if he were around!”

“Then you can give it a try!”

Right after Peter spoke, a cold voice came from the door.

Kisa froze and quickly turned around. Then, she saw Gilbert walking toward them.

His dark, cold, and murderous eyes gazed at Peter icily.

However, Peter was not afraid. He merely snorted, “What’ll happen if I did?”

He reached out and lifted Kisa’s chin.

Just as Kisa was about to move away, a strong force promptly yanked her aside.

Before she realized what was happening, she saw Gilbert grip Peter’s arm.

“Recently, the Webb Family of Oceanville has formed a partnership with GK Films for quite a number of projects. You’d better consider if your impulsiveness is worth losing your family’s business over!”

Péter retracted his arm icily.

“So be it. I’ve never f*cking relied on the family business anyway!” he said arrogantly.

Gilbert narrowed his eyes dangerously.

The atmosphere grew more intense as if a war were about to break out.

Kisa quickly tugged on Gilbert’s arm, “Forget it. We’ll just ignore him.”

Seeing how the woman seemed as if she were defending him, Peter smiled mischievously.

He turned to Kisa with a smile, “Why are you afraid of him? If you’re interested in me, just say so.”

Kisa was irritated and amused at his words.

‘Why does he think I’m interested in him?’ she wondered.

Kisa tugged on Gilbert’s arm and prepared to walk out so that the two men would not

cause a scene on set.

Suddenly, Peter’s playful voice spoke behind them.

“Ms. Becker, may I have the honor of having a meal with you?”

Kisa ignored him. She held Gilbert’s hand and continued walking to the set’s exit.

‘Didn’t you like touching my pecs? I’ll let you touch them again if you have a meal with me!”

Behind them, the man snorted sardonically again.

However, Kisa subconsciously stopped walking this time.

His words instantly reminded her of the birthmark on his chest.

Kisa hesitated momentarily before turning to Gilbert. However, her eyes only met

with his icy gaze.

Kisa felt an inexplicable sense of panic.

She felt as if she actually done something to let him down.

Kisa quickly dismissed the odd feeling she felt within. Then, she flashed Gilbert an ingratiating smile, “There was something I wanted to ask him, so…”

“This is your excuse to go for a meal with him?” Gilbert snorted icily with suppressed anger in his tone. He glared at her with resentment.

Meanwhile, Peter smirked and stared at Kisa’s back in amusement.

‘Yesterday, that woman was so absorbed in touching my chest that she fell into a daze. Even though I said that on purpose, I didn’t expect her to be tempted by my offer. Is that woman really interested in my pecs?’ he wondered.

Kisa took a small step back and looked at Gilbert. Then, she smiled again flatteringly.

“You can go back first. Later, I’ll… Ah!”


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