Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1377 – Ancient True Saints

Chapter 1377 – Ancient True Saints

Chapter 1377 – Ancient True Saints

What should he do in this situation? As per Qin Yu’s personality, he would react directly. If they dared to extend their hand, he would cut it off. If they extended their leg, then he would cut their leg.

But these kinds of brutal methods were not required now. However, Qin Yu would definitely not lose out.

As he stared at this group that had suddenly appeared and was about to steal his rewards, Qin Yu’s eyes turned and he had an idea.

Perhaps he could make use of these people who were trying to pluck peaches.

Li Zhouyi felt his heart jump. It was like something scary was about to happen to him. He turned and looked at the two West Desolate True Saints that were beside him. He still did not feel assured.

What was going on?

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the panic he felt. He looked at the battleground. Although the West Desolate was facing both the Mysterious Clan and the rogue cultivators, they did not seem to be losing. They appeared to be winning, so where did this feeling of danger come from?

Suddenly, Li Zhouyi’s expression changed. A few rogue cultivators appeared in his vision. They seemed irresistible and extremely powerful. The West Desolate cultivators in front of them did not seem to be their match.

Damn it. Since when did these strangers appear amongst the rogue cultivators? Moreover, they all seemed extremely powerful.

Hmm? That’s not right, they are heading for me!

As he had this thought, Li Zhouyi’s hair stood as he finally realized why he was feeling nervous. His eyes widened with surprise and fear. He pointed, “Stop them!”

The West Desolate cultivators obeyed his order and immediately dashed out. They came from all directions like a huge wave, blocking the rogue cultivators.

Li Zhouyi felt slightly calmer as he quickly backed off. He looked up at the sky and suddenly changed his mind – the rogue cultivators were so strong and they were obviously aiming for him. The strong cultivators from the West Desolate better hurry and appear. If not, he would lose control of the situation soon.

Boom –

Boom –

A loud sound like thunder could be heard and an immense power flooded the area. The West Desolate cultivators who had gone up started bleeding from their noses and mouths. They were thrown out as if they were ragged old cloths.

The three rogue cultivators were filled with energy as they dashed out like rocks rolling down a mountain. They flew like arrows straight at Li Zhouyi. After realizing that they had been detected, they did not hesitate as they chose to attack directly.

Suppress Li Zhouyi and get the key from him!

“Saints, please save me!” Li Zhouyi shrieked as he rapidly retreated. As he faced the three rogue cultivators and their explosive aura, he realized they were all of True Saint level.

The scariest thing was that they did not seem to fear the pressure on them from Bounded Zero Place and emitted their full powers.

Strong and…ancient!

That’s right. It was the kind of power that had a bit of everything and was massive. The aura emitted felt as if it had been cultivated over many many years.

It was them…the ancient Saints that had withdrawn into the fragmented area!

These people did not care about what happened in the world and had never left their respective abodes even after tens of thousands of years. They only cared about cultivating and transcending their own realm to enter the Ruler realm…so why were they attacking today?

No. They were not suddenly attacking. It seemed like these old monsters were waiting for a chance and chose today to attack.

As for why they did not hide, it was because they realized that the Inextinguishable Flame was probably hiding the thing left behind by the Ruler.

So they had never given up!

Li Zhouyi was shocked and furious. He never thought that the ancient Saints would attack and put him in such a perilous situation.

He shouted as he backed off, “Our strong cultivators are about to enter Bounded Zero Place. If you dare to attack me, it will be an unforgivable crime!”

This was meaningless.

To people who had lived for an uncountable number of years, time had lost its meaning. They lived on for only one reason: to become stronger.

As long as there was a chance, they would not give it up…moreover, Li Zhouyi’s guess was right. Although they never came out of their abodes, they had continued to monitor certain areas of interest.

For example, Bounded Zero Place!

The place where a Ruler died. It was rumored to contain something left behind by the Ruler. This thing would be able to help them in their cultivation hurdle and perhaps enable them to become Rulers.

They would never pass on an opportunity like this. As they were older, they had much better patience. Hence, these ancient Saints had managed to perfectly hide their presence for a long long time and neither the West Desolate nor the Mysterious Clan had been able to sense them.

In these long years, the ancient Saints were not doing nothing. On the contrary, they found out about many things, for example, the Mountain of Flames in front of them and this huge boat that could cut through the chaos in space.

It was just that they were never sure until today, when the West Desolate and that clan had started to take action. These ancient Saints finally decided to act. No matter how strong the West Desolate or Mysterious Clan seemed, it was not enough to deter them.

If they could not break through into the Ruler realm, then what was the point of living?

The two True Saints that had been called out, stiffened. Everyone was looking at them now and it was not possible for them to back off.

Where was that bastard, Border Cliff Saint! How lucky he was. Every time there was trouble, he was missing.

Gritting their teeth, the both of them stepped out. They activated their powers with a growl.


Expressionless, one of the ancient Saints spoke as he lifted his hands and pressed down. The space seemed to be collapsing inwards like a huge mouth about to swallow the two True Saints.

Although it was one against two, it was a piece of cake for him.

“Let’s go. Suppress Li Zhouyi!”

“Don’t let him escape. Seal the space!”

The other two ancient Saints seemed to be in perfect coordination. josei

An enormous power appeared and sealed the space. Li Zhouyi felt as if he had sunk into a swamp as his face was filled with fear.

This bunch of people were too strong. Moreover, their methods were definitive, not giving him any chance.

Seeing how he was about to get taken away, the boundary around the swamp was suddenly torn apart by an incredible power. A low bellow rang out like thunder. “I am here. Who dares to hurt His Highness!”

A powerful and resonating voice!

Li Zhouyi was about to cry as he hid behind and said quickly, “I knew it, I knew it. I knew that you would not ignore me!”

‘Border Cliff Saint’ spoke righteously, “Your Highness, you must have been startled. I have been hiding by the side to protect you from any sneak attacks. Who knew that it would be three powerful ancient Saints.”

At the same time, a soft voice sounded in Li Zhouyi’s ears, “Your Highness, the ancient Saints from the fragmented area are colluding with that group to try and get the item from the Inextinguishable Flame. It is why they are attacking you to try and get the key to the West Desolate’s ship! If you trust me, hand the key over to me. I promise to protect it with my life. These people will eventually stop chasing you. If the three ancient Saints collude and attack, I am not confident that I will be able to protect you.”

Hot tears filled Li Zhouyi’s eyes. He wanted to hug Qin Yu and cry to express how grateful he was, but did not do so because the situation was inappropriate.

‘Border Cliff Saint’ was the most loyal. At this moment, he is willing to risk his own life to protect me. I swear that if I survive this, I will repay him with ten times more than this!

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhouyi took something out and spoke softly, “Border Cliff Saint, this key can open the treasure on the ship. I am handing it over to you. You must not lose it!”

‘Border Cliff Saint’ bowed, “I will not let you down!” He took the key with both hands and turned to leave, and he then laughed out loud, “Ancient Saints, if you want the key, then come after me!”

There were some things that could not be faked. For example, the key to open the ship. The moment Li Zhouyi took it out, the three ancient Saints knew that it was genuine.

Since the key was the reason they attacked Li Zhouyi, they could not let it disappear before their very eyes.

“You can’t escape!”

“Hand over the key!”

As they growled, two of the ancient Saints chased after him.

Number 327 finally understood why the rogue cultivators from the fragmented area chose to collaborate and sensed the plot from the West Desolate.

So these were the Saints left from the failed battle all those years ago. They did not die and had always been monitoring this place. They knew many things.


With the ancient Saints attacking, it was enough to keep Li Zhouyi occupied. This was good for the Mysterious Clan and they could turn things around.


Something was not right!

Even if they caught Li Zhouyi and got the half key belonging to the West Desolate, they would not be able to activate the ship.

Unless, these ancient Saints were confident of getting the other half of the key…

Number 327’s heart clenched as he kicked the floor and flew backwards.

As he was leaving, the place where he had been standing suddenly caved inwards, turning into a black hole.

They were in Bounded Zero Place yet the attacker could create something as scary as this. The attacker was powerful and Number 327’s heart clenched.

A low voice could be heard from the black hole, “No wonder you were selected as a lord by your clan. You are very sharp. But you can’t escape. Hand the key over and I will spare you.”

Number 327’s eyes darkened as he grew fearful. If he was not carrying his clan’s treasure that was able to heighten his senses, he really might not have dodged that.

“Rogue cultivators!”

Gritting his teeth, he growled and his face turned ashen. It was not because the person dared to attack him, but more importantly, they had tricked him from the start.

They talked about collaboration but all they wanted to do was to destroy both groups. They wanted to steal the key while the West Desolate and Mysterious Clan were fighting.

It was a good plot!

Should they temporarily stop the battle with the West Desolate and join hands to get rid of the rogue cultivators? As soon as he had this thought, he quickly erased it.

Although the rogue cultivators had tricked them, the West Desolate plotting against them was true as well. With the rogue cultivators messing up the entire situation, it may be a good thing for their clan.

Of course, Number 327 only thought like this because he was confident that nothing would happen to him.

They could take the chance created by the ancient Saints to reduce the West Desolate’s advantage!

From the black hole, a hoarse voice could be heard, “Don’t waste time talking to him, just attack.”


Boom –

The black hole exploded and a black web expanded rapidly from it in all directions. As the black hole disappeared, so did the aura of the two ancient Saints.

Number 327’s expression changed as he suddenly punched out. An incredible power surged outwards like a gigantic river.

Bom –

It was as if it hit a leather bag; a low sound could be heard as vibrations filled the space.

Number 327 took the chance to back off. As the space ruptured, his body also seemed to tear open.

Red wounds appeared like small mouths. They were vibrating and looked incredibly scary.

“Protect the lord!”

As the angry shout resounded, cultivators from that clan surged forwards.

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