Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1378 – Got it

Chapter 1378 – Got it

Chapter 1378 – Got it

He had gotten the first key and the whole process went a lot smoother than he imagined. Qin Yu smiled. He had to really thank the three ancient Saints that were chasing after him.

If they had not attacked and cornered Li Zhouyi, it would not have been so easy for Qin Yu to get the key.

Of course, although Qin Yu was grateful, he was in no mood to waste time with these three ancient Saints.

There was a commotion happening where the Mysterious Clan was at. Alas, there were other ancient Saints attacking. This was absolutely great for Qin Yu. Perhaps he could do the same thing and easily get the other key. He could not miss this opportunity!

“Three Saints, I have to go first, please pardon me!” Laughing, Qin Yu increased his speed exponentially.

“Trying to run? It is not so easy!”

“You better stay!”


A moment later, the three Saints stopped and their faces were ashen. In front of them was the battle between the West Desolate and the other clan. But no matter how much they tried, they were not able to detect ‘Border Cliff Saint’s’ aura. It was as if he was a shadow and had completely disappeared.

Damn it!

The three of them had worked together yet he could still escape. If they could not get the West Desolate’s key, their efforts would be wasted.

Ignoring the panicking and angry ancient Saints, let’s talk about Qin Yu. After he escaped, he was already on his way back.

Very soon, Number 327 appeared in his vision.

The air around the perimeter was continually being torn. A horrifying black hole that looked like an open mouth was trying to tear apart the seal around Number 327 and swallow him.

The ancient Saints attacking that group were causing a lot of damage to the Mysterious Clan. The cultivators that were protecting Number 327 were getting injured; most of their bodies were covered with wounds and their faces were pale.


If Number 327 was perfectly safe, Qin Yu would not have a chance to act. What was even better was that he could not find Number 418 anywhere.

That’s right. Qin Yu was most familiar with him. Moreover, Number 418 was close to Number 327 and was a great choice.

This opportunity may not last long so he had to act.

Qin Yu moved!

In a flash, he turned into Number 418 and flew over. In a low voice, he spoke, “Rogue cultivators, if you hurt my clan’s lord, you will pay a heavy price!”

Number 327 frowned, “Why are you here?”

Qin Yu was slightly startled as he looked at Number 327. Not sensing anything off, he relaxed slightly, “Nothing can happen to you so I have to follow you.”

Number 327 said, “Don’t worry, I am fine.”

He said it in a confident manner, could it be that this group still had a secret card?

But since he had already acted, there was no reason to stop, Qin Yu took a deep breath and put his hands together respectfully, “Lord, the rogue cultivators had planned for this and will not give up easily. You are in huge danger. Please pass the key to me! Lord, don’t worry. As long as I do not die, the key will be safe!”

Across from him, Number 327 frowned, “You want to take the key away? Are you trying to lure the ancient Saints away like what Border Cliff Saint did for the West Desolate?”

Qin Yu nodded, “That’s right.” As soon as he said this, his heart jumped. Without thinking, Qin Yu jumped backwards.

In the next moment, the place where he had been standing shook violently as if a huge invisible hand was holding it and molding it.

Oh no, he had been found out!

Qin Yu took a deep breath and tried once more. He looked frantic and slightly angry, “Lord, what do you mean by this?”

The cultivators from that clan were also stunned. They never thought that Number 327 would attack Number 418. After all, Number 418 had always been Number 327’s loyal supporter and the two were very close.

Number 327 did not bother to explain, his eyes were icy as they locked onto Qin Yu. He pointed, “He is not Number 418. Catch him!”

As soon as he said this and before the cultivators could react, Qin Yu jumped forward and attacked.

Since he could not do the same thing as he did with the West Desolate, he could only use force.

Qin Yu had to get the other key!

Number 327 reached out to retaliate. Sparks flew when their fists clashed. His expression changed as he spat out fresh blood. His eyes locked onto Qin Yu, “It is you!”

The moment they hit, he could clearly sense the massive power that had been massacring his clan members.

A cold blade seemed to cut through his flesh and into his bones. The pain was so great it caused his soul to vibrate. Not only because of the pain, but fear and an urge to destroy shot through him.

There was no reason but a thought suddenly filled Number 327 – this person had to die, if not, his clan would suffer!

The reason why Number 327 was not afraid of the ancient Saints and even wanted to borrow their power to go against the West Desolate was because he still had a card that he had yet to take out.

At this moment, when he found out that Qin Yu was the one who massacred his clanmates, Number 327 did not hesitate to activate it.

“Elders, kill him!”

He had thought of capturing Qin Yu alive to find out how he was able to inflict such great damage on his clan.

But he squashed down this thought. Instinct told Number 327 that killing Qin Yu was the best choice.

Boom –

Boom –

A huge power appeared and exploded from within Number 327. Two light rays shot out and turned into silhouettes. Although they were hazy, the aura emitted from these two light illusions was extremely scary and created fear in people’s hearts.

That was the true power of peak Saints without any restriction from Bounded Zero Place. It was even stronger than the ancient Saints from the fragmented area.

Qin Yu gasped internally. He knew that his chance of forcefully getting the key was minimal. Although they were just two illusions, the power emitted was incredible. There was no point in him staying here. He might even fall into danger.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yu turned to leave. He enhanced his speed and dashed into the chaotic battlefield.

Number 327 shouted, “Elders, we cannot let this person go!”

Woosh –

Woosh –

The light illusions chased after him!

But to Qin Yu, who had mastered the art of changing his appearance and aura, escaping through this mess of a battlefield was extremely easy.

The two illusions were now suspended in mid-air. Although their faces were not clear, their anger and frustration could be clearly felt. He had actually managed to escape from under their noses.

As Qin Yu moved through the battlefield, his eyes were conflicted and his mind spun.

His first question was how did Number 327 know that he was not Number 418?

Qin Yu felt that it was impossible for him to see through the aura.

His transformation ability was done with the innate spirit’s energy and was almost perfect. Even True Saints were unable to sense anything amiss. Unless, Number 327 was carrying some kind of treasure that could sense the gap in Qin Yu’s imitated aura.

But that was not right either. If he really had something like this, he would have found out the moment Qin Yu appeared. Why did he wait?

If not this, then Qin Yu must have exposed himself while talking. He recalled the interaction he had with Number 327 and when he attacked. It was when he confirmed that he wanted to take the key away…

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up – Number 418. The other half of the key to activate the ship was already with him!

No wonder when Qin Yu asked for the key, Number 327 immediately reacted…everything could be explained now!

Woosh –

Qin Yu flew up into the sky as his eyes swept across the battlefield. Now, it was critical that he found Number 418’s position.

When Qin Yu flew up to find Number 418, the two illusions of the elders were impatiently returning back to within Number 327’s body. There was a limit to the time they could be out for and they had already used almost half of it. They could not stay out any longer.

What was more annoying was that they used up such precious energy and got absolutely nothing. They watched as Qin Yu escaped.

Number 327’s face was a mix of shock and anger. Because of Qin Yu’s slip up, he realized that things were strange.

In the message from their clan, they clearly said that this was the doing of the West Desolate. But now, Li Zhouyi was panicking because of the ancient Saints from the fragmented area. How could he still be in the mood to plot against them?

Piak –

He suddenly slapped his own forehead. “Where is Number 418? Hurry and bring him to me!”

Back then, when Qin Yu brought Soft Peach, Soaring Sky and the rest to propose their ‘collaboration’ not long ago, Number 327 had personally handed the key over to Number 418. This was a secret that only the two of them knew.

So Qin Yu’s guess was right; it was because of this that Number 327 could tell that he was a fake.

The two elders did not manage to kill Qin Yu. There was a possibility that he would realize this complication.

That means Number 418 was in danger!

The West Desolate, that clan, and the ancient Saints were all fighting and numerous strong powers clashed.

Within the area, all methods of sending messages were broken. Even if they managed to force out a message, it would be incomprehensible.

Number 327 had tried a few times to use their clan’s communication tools to contact Number 418. However, there had been no reply. His complexion darkened.

“Find Number 418. We must find him!”

Boom –

On the opposite side, cultivators from the West Desolate were extremely indignant. Their chests had been torn open and there were huge holes in their bodies. They fell weakly.

Number 418 was panting heavily as fear settled into his face. His opponent had hidden his true powers.

While they were fighting, if his opponent did not hesitate at the critical moment and expressed a moment of fear, the one that was lying on the ground now could have been him.

His eyes swept across the area. Having had numerous fights, he was now a distance away from the main battlefield and reached the perimeter.

There was not much danger.

After confirming this point, Number 418 took out his communication tool from the clan. It was vibrating earlier as if someone was looking for him.

Integrating his sense into it, Number 418 was shocked. There were numerous broken pieces of messages. They were all extremely disconnected. He skimmed over it once more and briefly understood what happened. There was a mysterious cultivator that had pretended to be him and attacked Number 327…

Pretended to be him to deal with Number 327!

Number 418’s face fell. He did not think as he turned and dashed back into the battlefield.

Although this had nothing to do with him, he wanted to explain clearly. Moreover, the message was very disjointed and he was worried about Number 327.

“So you are here!” A voice entered his ears. Number 418 stopped as his eyes looked across. He was alarmed. “Number 327…what are you doing here?”

The aura was right, this was Number 327. But something felt off.

Number 327 took a deep breath and said coldly, “There was a cultivator that pretended to be you and tried to attack me. He is very good at imitating your aura. If my sense was not sharp enough, I would have been fooled! Where is the key? You must keep it well. The ancient Saints have attacked and their goal is to steal the key!”

This was something only he and Number 327 knew. Number 418 relaxed and nodded, “Don’t worry, I will keep it properly…”

Boom –

As soon as he spoke, Number 327 suddenly attacked. He chose the right moment when Number 418 had lowered his guard.

A huge energy surged and engulfed Number 418. His eyes widened as blood gushed out from his mouth and nose.

“You are not Number 327!”

Qin Yu punched without hesitating. He kicked off the floor and charged up to him. He lifted his hand and grabbed.


A furious bellow could be heard from behind him. The real Number 327 was here. His eyes were wide with fury and all he could think of was cutting Qin Yu into a million pieces.

Crack –

Number 418’s neck was crushed and the energy in his eyes dissipated.

In the next moment, his body exploded and the blood flowing to the ground gathered.

The other key appeared. Qin Yu grabbed onto it as he turned and looked at Number 327 coldly. He dashed off into the distance.

Behind him, after Number 418 died, his blood formed a ball. With a ‘pop’, it exploded and a red mist appeared. It formed Number 418’s pained and twisted face.

“Him, it is him!”

Number 418 complained frantically.

The ball of blood gathered, exploded, and repeated this three more times until only thirty percent was left before it disappeared into the air.

As Number 327 watched the space where the blood disappeared, sorrow filled his eyes. He knew that he had lost his friend forever.

Number 418 would not die and would be reborn through the Life Spring. But the Number 418 that would be born would only be similar in name.

“Don’t worry, I know it is him. I will remember his aura. My friend, Number 418, I swear to you that I will find and kill him. No matter how much it takes or what price I have to pay.”

Number 327 growled. His face was filled with sorrow and pain. Soon, an icy and murderous aura covered it. He lifted his head to look at the two small world fragments above and the ship that was silently sitting there. josei

No matter who it was, after they got the keys, they would go to the ship. As long as he waited, he would be able to find that person.

The illusions of the two elders could come out once more. Along with his clan’s secret Origin Assembling Technique, that person would not be able to escape.

Kill him…I have to kill him!

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