Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1402 – Finding Someone to Help

Chapter 1402 – Finding Someone to Help

Chapter 1402 – Finding Someone to Help

Don’t panic! Be calm.

Let’s find out what is going on first.

The woman in front of him was the one from the Shadow of the Sun and Moon. But it was also not her real self.

From the information they received, she was most likely a portion of the Ruler’s will. This also meant that Qin Yu’s guess was right.

The Ruler was not dead. She had faked her death in order to escape. She then took the chance to prepare this entire scene to give the West Desolate and that clan a surprise.

He did not know what this woman did to make the West Desolate and that clan believe it, but Bounded Zero Place undoubtedly existed and it was a real trap.

As for why he firmly believed that the ones being plotted against were the West Desolate and that clan, that was because she knew that cultivators from the Vast Brightness World would not be able to enter this place.

Other than someone like Qin Yu popping up, it was the truth.

But there was no point talking about this now. What was important was she was the Ruler’s avatar – she was the trap!

And the Inextinguishable Flame was the thing that triggered the trap. Once someone touched it, the Ruler’s avatar would begin her massacre and destroy everything.

This was not rubbish and Qin Yu had to find out what was going on. This was the only way he might be able to find a solution.

Now, things seemed to be at a dead end. If he took the Inextinguishable Flame, the Ruler’s avatar would kill everyone. If he did not take it…then wouldn’t all his effort go to waste? The meat was right before his mouth. He had to eat it.

Coughing lightly, Qin Yu bowed politely, “Senior, the Inextinguishable Flame is extremely crucial to me. Please give me some guidance.”

The woman pursed her lips, “Everything is as you said, there is no guidance to be given. As long as you think your head is hard enough, then take the Inextinguishable Flame.”

Qin Yu’s heart jolted. What she said was useless. If I were that able, I would not have bothered talking to you!

“Hehe! Let me warn you. Disrespecting a Ruler, even in your thoughts, is a huge crime!” The woman gave a dangerous look, “One more time and I will let you experience what a Poison Dragon Tornado is.”

This…although he did not know what it was, the name itself sounded extremely impressive!

Qin Yu coughed lightly, “Senior, is there really no way? Or maybe…hmmm…your current state…”

He stammered as he spoke yet the woman seemed to understand him. She rolled her eyes, “Are you trying to ask how much longer I can live? Sorry but as the Ruler’s will, I do not deplete. It is not an issue for me to live for another few million years.”

Disappointment filled him as Qin Yu suddenly had another idea. But this was too dangerous and he did not dare to say it.

The woman understood once more. She smiled brightly as her eyes lit up, “Little brat, you are quite quick with your mind. You can even think of ways like this. Now I understand why that woman likes you. Being thick-skinned is indeed beneficial for cultivators.”

Qin Yu looked awkward, “Hoo…I was just thinking. I did not mean to be disrespectful.”

The woman waved her hands, “You don’t understand. Strictly speaking, I empathize with this idea. Loneliness is one of the scariest things in this world. Especially to a woman who has lived for a very long time.

“So if it is possible to end this dry and boring time faster, I will really appreciate it. But it is a pity. That woman has already taken precautions regarding this. I am not able to just make myself disappear, so this will not work.”

Qin Yu was speechless for a while. He could feel that this woman was telling the truth when it came to this.

This meant that he could probably forget about trying the ‘unorthodox’ way.

If he wanted to get the Inextinguishable Flame, there was only one way left – going head on and resisting the Ruler’s avatar!

What a headache.

Qin Yu was quite hardy but definitely not as hardy as the Ruler’s avatar. Unless there was someone to help him. But where would he find someone to help…


A thought suddenly came into Qin Yu’s mind. His eyes flashed as he thought of a plan…this may work!

Taking a deep breath, he put his hands together respectfully, “Senior, was what you said just now the truth?” He was referring to her saying that she actually would like to disappear faster.

This was crucial. If she had only just casually said this and Qin Yu raised his suggestion, it would be equivalent to him putting himself in front of the gun. That would be miserable.

The woman threw him a glance, “Of course.” Her eyes lit up as she bent over. She looked down at him from a height and looked extremely oppressive, “Little brat, what have you thought of now? Tell me. If it works, I will help you.” josei

Qin Yu relaxed slightly. From her posture, it seemed like she was not joking. He could bravely say it.

Formulating his words to make sure there were no big mistakes, Qin Yu said, “I told you earlier that I collaborated with several ancient Saints to enter this place. Those people are very strong and all of them are peak True Saints…I am thinking of working together with them. With that, could I resist you for a moment?”

The woman raised her brows, “Peak True Saints?” She thought about it seriously, “How many did you say were here? Hmm, you said six right?”

If Soft Peach was counted, it would make seven!

But after thinking about it, Qin Yu removed her name from the list. Although it would be good to borrow this avatar’s power to kill her, no one could guarantee that Peachy would not be affected if Soft Peach was killed.

He could not take the risk!

“Yes, Senior. There are a total of six ancient Saints.” Qin Yu repeated what he knew about them.

“A Cultivator from the Ghost Path? Not bad. Those people are quite resilient.” The woman nodded in satisfaction. “As for the Xu brothers you mentioned and Wind, Cloud, Rain…hehe. They might be related to my history.

“Back then, during the huge battle, there were some opportunists that ran as soon as they saw things were not in their favor. Great. Let me take this chance to send them along to meet with those other people from back then.”

Whew, she spoke of killing so casually and easily. Was it a given? I really know nothing about the Ruler’s frame of mind.

This was not important. What was important was that the Ruler’s avatar seemed to have agreed to Qin Yu’s suggestion. He instantly smiled. But as he thought of how this woman in front of him was about to disappear, he felt bad for smiling and immediately stopped.

The woman snorted, “Hypocritical man. Just smile if you want to. There is no need to hold it in!”

He could not admit to this. Even if he knew it was fake, he had to continue pretending as he said seriously, “I am extremely thankful for your support. Do you have any wishes? If they are within my abilities, I will do whatever I can.”

He had to add a constraint. If not, it would be very troublesome if she said something difficult!

The woman thought about it before clapping suddenly, “There is one thing.” She reached out to pluck a strand of her hair, “If there is time, bring this out.”

Qin Yu was apprehensive, “Just like this?”

The woman snorted once more, “You are unsatisfied? Should I give you something of a higher difficulty?”

Qin Yu quickly grabbed the strand of hair. After storing it carefully, he greeted, “Don’t worry, I will definitely do it.”

As for what this strand of hair did and what its use was…hmm, it won’t be an issue right?!

The woman seemed to smile but did not, “Okay, time to be serious. So how are you planning to trick those people into coming here to become your shield?”

That’s right. That was Qin Yu’s plan.

Once he touched the Inextinguishable Flame, the Ruler’s avatar would begin a massacre. Qin Yu would not be able to resist it by himself. But if a group of peak True Saints collaborated, they may be able to.

Cough cough. Even if they ended up dying, they just needed to last long enough for Qin Yu to leave with the Inextinguishable Flame. It should be possible. Qin Yu could not care less if they really died.

Qin Yu greeted, “I have an idea but I would like for you to help me with something. It is the ‘real’ key used to enter this place…the Crystal Token I used earlier has been destroyed.”

The corners of the woman’s mouth curled slightly, “You are pretty confident. I shall not care anymore.” As she said this, she waved her hand and the light from her eyes wavered. Soon, ‘Ping pong ping pong’. The sound of things falling could be heard as numerous Crystal Tokens fell to the ground. “Is this enough?”

Qin Yu quickly nodded, “Yes, yes. Thank you very much for your help!”

The only gap in his plan had been solved so easily. It was a good omen.

The next part would test his acting. He just needed to make it real and they would fall for it.

Regarding this, Qin Yu was extremely confident.

More importantly, everyone was seeking the treasure. When they were faced with such strong attraction, their ability to judge would be severely reduced and this benefitted Qin Yu’s plot greatly.

More importantly, the treasure was moved. When it faced a strong attraction, its ability to judge severely reduces and this benefitted Qin Yu’s plot greatly.

The woman waved and yawned, “Since you are so sure then hurry and go…remember. If everything goes smoothly, you have to act quickly when taking the Inextinguishable Flame. You know the consequence if you do not.”

Qin Yu put his hands respectfully, “Thank you Senior for the warning. I will take my leave now!” He bowed solemnly before taking a few steps back and turning to leave.

This bow was necessary.

Although the Ruler’s avatar admitted that she was happy to vanish earlier, she was still paying a price of dying in order to help Qin Yu. These things were separate issues and he had to remember this favor she did for him.

Her hair…

Initially, Qin Yu was slightly worried that the Ruler’s avatar would try to create trouble. But now, he suppressed his worry.

Regardless of whether she had a scheme, he would help her fulfill her wish as a way to repay her.

If not, there would be a knot in his heart from not being able to repay a favor…after all, if nothing went wrong, he would never have a chance to meet the Ruler’s avatar ever again.

Hoo –

Letting out a deep breath, he squashed down the conflict he had internally. Qin Yu’s eyes glowed. Now was not the time to think about other things. He had to act out a big scene now. If he wanted to succeed, he had to play his part well.

He only hoped that those ancient Saints had not left yet!

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