Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1403 – I Want Some Compensation

Chapter 1403 – I Want Some Compensation

Chapter 1403 – I Want Some Compensation

Leave? He he, that was not possible!

Five inheritance Divine Ways had vanished without any explanation. Although both sides had fought for a long time and they were filled with bewilderment and disbelief, there was one thing they were sure of – the inheritance Divine Ways were not in the hands of either group.

But before they could come to terms with this cruel reality, the Crystal Token had gone missing. When both parties first saw this item, they could feel the strong aura coming from it.

It was the Ruler’s will!

The real Ruler’s residence was not here and they were all aware of this. Initially, they thought that it had been destroyed in the battle back then. However, as soon as they saw the Crystal Token, they knew that the Ruler’s residence was still around.

And the Crystal Token was the key to finding it!

When the intense fight broke out, the Xu brothers utilized their advantage of space to first get their hands on the Crystal Token.

So when Gentle Smoke Saint said that they were the ones who found the Crystal Token first, Wind, Cloud and Rain Saints all expressed their rejection. They clearly found it together and it was just that they moved faster.

And that was what led to the fight.

What was more miserable was that while this was happening, the extremely foolish Gentle Spread Saint actually handed the key over to Virtuous Nine, who then took the key and left.

That’s right. He just left. Without any trouble or resistance, he successfully left right under the noses of the five ancient Saints.


And what was even more depressing was that when they chased after him, they missed him by just that little bit and could only watch Virtuous Nine disappear through the illusion door.

Without any words, everyone knew where he had gone…they could only wait for him to come out.

When will he come out? Will he reappear here? When did they have to wait until? All five ancient Saints did not know.

There was one thing that they were sure of. If the heavens gave them another chance and Virtuous Nine appeared in front of them, the Xu brothers and Wind, Cloud and Rain Saints swore that they would tear him to pieces as soon as they saw him!

They were filled with murderous intent yet they looked lost. The five ancient Saints were waiting but they did not know if they would have any results.

Time passed quietly. Gentle Spread Saint’s breathing became even and his face was stupefied. However, his eyes remained red and it was enough to sense the explosive emotions that he kept under his cool exterior.

Virtuous Nine…Virtuous Nine…Virtuous Nine…you will definitely come out. You will!

It was a desire but also a kind of strong instinct.

All of a sudden, Gentle Spread Saint’s heart pounded intensely as his head shot up and he stared into the distance. The air shifted in front of him and a door appeared.

Gentle Spread Saint’s breathing paused and he did not dare to move. He stared at the door as he hid his aura.

He was coming out! He was coming out!

Sincerity moves the heavens…tsk, this was not suitable here but I hope you all understand.

Basically, Gentle Spread Saint was extremely agitated. But what was more impressive was that he managed to control and hide his emotions even though they were flooding through him.

Nonsense. Of course he had to hide his aura. If he scared Virtuous Nine away, he would have nowhere to cry to.

Finally, a figure appeared and the illusion quickly became real…that’s right. It was Virtuous Nine! Even if this figure turned to ashes, he would still recognize it.


Bellowing, Gentle Spread Saint allowed his fury to burst through and there was no holding it back. josei

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!

At this moment, this was the only thought that filled Gentle Spread Saint’s head.

Qin Yu shouted, “Kill me and none of you will get the Ruler’s inheritance!”

Hoo –

The fists, which had caused immense waves in the air, stopped within centimeters of his face. Gentle Spread Saint was panting heavily. In his reddened eyes, he seemed to be struggling.

Across from him, Qin Yu was pale as he panted, looking as if he had suffered great injuries. He rushed to shout, “Don’t be hasty. Listen to me first. The illusion door leads to the real Ruler’s residence. This is the biggest opportunity in Bounded Zero Place!”

Gentle Smoke Saint pulled on his brother, “Let’s listen to him first. If anything is off, it won’t be too late to kill him!”

The other three Saints nodded, “That’s right. We don’t have to rush to kill him now.”

Gentle Spread Saint took a deep breath and growled sinisterly, “Speak!”

Qin Yu wiped the beads of sweat that had covered his forehead, seeming to look weak and slightly afraid. His finger trembled a bit. He scored himself full marks for this performance. Especially the trembling, this was a stroke of genius.

Taking a deep breath, he said, “Previously, I activated the Crystal Token and opened the illusion door. When I entered, I found the main body of the Inextinguishable Flame. The whole place was burning hot and the power was horrifying.”

“Main point!” Gentle Spread Saint cut him off.

Qin Yu looked annoyed but could only bear with it. He gritted his teeth, “The main point is that after I entered the Inextinguishable Flame, I found a vibrantly colored palace!”

Cloud Saint’s eyes lit up, “Vibrantly colored?”

Qin Yu glanced at him, “That’s right. I was surprised as to what the palace was made of. Not only is it able to survive and be completely fine within the Inextinguishable Flame, it also seems to be able to absorb the power from the flame.”

Cloud Saint took a step forward, “Continue. What did you find in the palace?”

Qin Yu laughed bitterly, “If I said I did not take anything, would you believe me?” He took a deep breath as he looked even more bitter, “That palace emitted an astounding pressure. Just the sight of it caused breathing difficulties.

“But this was only the beginning. The closer I went to it, the greater the pressure. It is almost unbearable. I tried my best but could only reach outside of the main door. Just as I prepared to open the door, there was a voice…”

He then paused and his face looked strange, horrified, and filled with complicated emotions, “She said this place did not welcome me.”

This tone and expression was truly what he felt. Because this was truly what the woman had said.

Because the truth has the strongest persuasion. Across from him, all six Saints believed him in that instant.

At this moment, the hairs on their backs stood. Their wide eyes were filled with shock, fear and disbelief.

Qin Yu licked the corners of his lips and his voice was filled with hardship, “It was a woman’s voice. She sounded young and her voice was nice to listen to. Do you all believe it? The Ruler was actually a woman! Initially, I did not want to believe it. I struggled so hard to get in and did not want to come out without anything.

“But the Ruler is the Ruler. Even if it was just a shadow, I was not able to withstand her power. She merely waved her hand and I flew out. If not for my life-saving item, I would have been killed on the spot.”

Gentle Spread Saint spoke, “Shadow? How do you know it was a shadow?”

Qin Yu replied, “When I was thrown back, I managed to see through one of the palace’s windows. I saw an illusion…it was very blurry. It must be a shadow. She then said that I was not the fated one she was looking for. If I went any closer, I would die.”

When he said this, Qin Yu could not help but praise himself internally.

His expression now was too appropriate. He brilliantly portrayed the struggle, impatience, pain and regret that a person would feel coming out of a treasure mountain empty-handed.

Hoo…strictly speaking, these were his true feelings.

Because when he saw the palace, Qin Yu was extremely hopeful and expectant of getting a huge reward.

In the end? He got nothing and walked out empty-handed.

There was silence after he finished his story. None of the five Saints spoke. But through their expressions, Qin Yu knew that they at least half-believed him.

He did not need much more. Fifty percent was good enough!

Gentle Spread Saint suddenly sneered, “Nonsense, the Ruler is a man. I am from here, how can an outsider like you know better than me?”

He stepped forward and murderous intent burst forth, “Everyone, let’s not waste time listening to him. Let’s kill him!”

Qin Yu’s expression changed as he quickly shuffled backwards. “A man? That’s not possible! The one I met was clearly a woman!”

Hehe, trying to trick me? With your standard, it is not enough.

Of course, a trick was still a trick and if he was really lying, he would be extremely horrified when met with such a murderous reaction.

Woosh –

The three Wind, Cloud and Rain Saints stood in front of Gentle Spread Saint, “Gentle Spread Saint and Gentle Smoke Saint, this is not the time to deal with our personal grievances. I think there must be a deeper meaning behind Virtuous Nine’s words.”

As he spoke, Wind Saint turned and smiled slightly, “Don’t worry Virtuous Nine. As long as you tell us useful information, we promise not to hurt you.”


Gentle Spread Saint was bursting with anger. He was just testing Qin Yu earlier and the three Saints should know that. They knew yet they pretended to be benevolent. They were clearly trying to get into Virtuous Nine’s good books.

Gentle Smoke Saint sneered, “My elder brother is just being cautious and purposely tested you. Since what Virtuous Nine said has been proven to be true, we will not act recklessly.”

He greeted, “If I did not hear wrongly, you meant that we have a way to get through the illusion door and get the Ruler’s inheritance?”

Qin Yu nodded, “That’s right.” He showed his palm and a light appeared on it. A Crystal Token appeared.

Everyone looked over and the temperature in the air increased sharply.

“All of you probably recognize this so I won’t explain much. Once you activate this, you will be able to open the illusion door and enter a deeper layer of the True Land to continue to search for the Ruler’s residence.

“The Ruler’s shadow said that I am not the fated one she is waiting for…” Qin Yu’s face dimmed as he paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “But you all still have a chance. If you are the chosen one, I believe I don’t have to say more.”

Hoo –

The breathing sounds intensified!

They had clearly seen Qin Yu break the Crystal Token and open the illusion door. Yet, he had another one in his hands.

More importantly, they had a chance to obtain the Ruler’s inheritance!

“Wait!” Gentle Spread Saint suddenly said with piercing eyes. He stared at Qin Yu and said coldly, “You only have one Crystal Token. Are you saying that it can bring us all in?”

Qin Yu shook his head, “I already tried. One Crystal Token can send at most one person in.”

Gentle Spread Saint sneered, “What a good plot! You only have one Crystal Token. How can we split it? I bet you are thinking of a way to get us to fight amongst each other! Your appearance here might be a plot in itself. Maybe you are plotting against us!”

Qin Yu wanted to applaud him for being so smart at a time like this. But this remained a thought. He could not ruin it at this moment!

He looked at Gentle Spread Saint and shook his head, “Saint, you are thinking too much. I have no such intentions…” He paused before opening his hands. Another two Crystal Tokens appeared. “I have three Crystal Tokens and can let three Saints in. So if you want to, please give me your offers now.”


There were actually three Crystal Tokens…what did he mean by offers?

Gentle Spread Saint frowned, “What do you mean?”

Qin Yu shrugged, “I would like to remind you all that you may not know the attributes of the Crystal Token, but I have already activated one and have some experience. I can easily crush them. So if you want to enter the Ruler’s residence, you had better follow my rules. If not, I will crush the Crystal Tokens and you will return empty-handed.”

Although Qin Yu wished to be able to give them the Crystal Tokens now and send them to their deaths, these ancient Saints were no fools. Hence, he could not do so.

No one would fall for a trap presented to them. They had to pay a price. The heavier the price, the more likely they would fall for it!

Human emotions were like this.

Gentle Spread Saint looked irritated but he could only suppress the emotions within.

It was difficult to tell if Virtuous Nine was telling the truth but he could not take the risk. If he really broke the Crystal Tokens…he would go crazy!

As they all fell silent, Qin Yu smiled, “Very good. You are all smart people. Then let’s begin. I did not get anything helpful from within…hmm, maybe you all will not believe me. I swear that I did not get anything that would help with my cultivation from beyond the illusion door. If not, my Great Dao will forever be restricted and I will never be able to reach the level of a Ruler!”

This pledge was sufficiently harsh and everyone believed him.

“So let’s continue.” Taking a deep breath, Qin Yu said, “I was the one who brought the Crystal Tokens out. On one hand, after I hand these over to you, our previous debt will be canceled. On another hand, I need some compensation. After all, what I am giving you is a rare and unbelievable opportunity. This is why I need your guarantee to write off the debt so that after you enter, you will not try to get back at me in the future…after all, it will be easy to kill me then.”

Wind, Cloud and Rain Saints agreed and spoke sincerely as they told him that it was reasonable. They would erase whatever bad blood they had and no one would ever mention it. They agreed that his other request was reasonable. They would offer him a great price, so please hand the keys over to them.

There were three keys for the three of them. It was perfect!

Unfortunately, Gentle Spread Saint would never agree to such a perfect scenario. He snorted as he said, “Dream on!”

Staring at Qin Yu, Gentle Spread Saint took a deep breath, “We will cancel out whatever happened before. I swear to never pursue you for it!”

Didn’t he say that he had to kill Qin Yu? What happened to his bone-deep hatred? Tsk tsk, everything that cultivators said were lies. Not a single word could be trusted!

All of a sudden, laughter could be heard, “How exciting. I was wondering why I could not find anyone. So you are all gathered here.”

The flames split open and Close Saint walked into the main hall. He looked calm as his mouth slowly curved up into a slight smile.

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