Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1404 – A Generous Man

Chapter 1404 – A Generous Man

Chapter 1404 – A Generous Man

Close Saint, Ghost Path!

Everyone’s expressions changed as their pupils shrunk. Fear filled their eyes.

Taking note of everyone’s reactions, Close Saint looked at Qin Yu and smiled victoriously, “It seems like Virtuous Nine has told all of you about my identity. I guess that saves me the trouble of introducing myself.”

He paused before smiling and saying, “I want one of the three Crystal Tokens.”

He was straight to the point and spoke matter of factly, giving the impression that he ought to have one.

It was as if he could take it since he asked for it. The air was silent and no one stepped out to object.

Qin Yu looked at him uglily. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, “Fine, but the rules are the same. You have to give me something that I am satisfied with.”

Actually, what Qin Yu really wanted to do was rush over to hug Close Saint. However, as the situation was not appropriate, he restrained himself.

This secretive Ghost Path cultivator was one of the most important ones amongst the True Saints he had in mind to go against the Ruler’s avatar.

Initially, Qin Yu was having a headache thinking about how he would be able to find him and not make him suspicious. He had several ideas in mind and had been about to try them after tricking the two Xu brothers and Wind, Cloud and Rain Saints.

But reality was always a surprise. It was as if Close Saint was able to understand other people’s intentions perfectly and appeared in front of Qin Yu. He would gain full marks for his performance in appearing calm and domineering as he asked for a Crystal Token.

Great, absolutely great!

Qin Yu felt as if a lot of people misunderstood these mysterious ancient Saints. From the short time that he interacted with them, the impression Qin Yu had of them was warm – they were good people! josei

First, there was Gentle Spread Saint who gave him the key. Then, there was Close Saint who automatically added himself to the list. The other Saints were also cooperating extremely well.

He was so touched!!!

Hooo…it was just that Close Saint’s aura was slightly strange. It was different from before.

Qin Yu sampled it and felt his tooth shake. He was in slight disbelief – initially Li Quanji had merged with the vengeful spirit, now…mmhm, the three of them were combined?

Could this be like the rumors, the combination of three? He learned something new today. Even though he did not understand how it happened, he felt as if it was very powerful.

But isn’t this combination of three kind of disgusting? Thankfully, this was not important. In Qin Yu’s opinion, the stronger Close Saint was, the better. As for how he became so strong, Qin Yu decided not to try and decipher it. It was slightly revolting to think about.

Close Saint never expected that this person in front of him, who was looking at him uglily and impatiently, was actually the same person whose image he had memorized deep inside his head.

He smiled brilliantly, “Of course, Virtuous Nine. Don’t worry. I will abide by the rules and give you compensation.”

Flipping his hand, his palm flashed and a Blood Jade Coffin appeared.

“I have carried this item with me for many years. It was very important when I started my cultivation in the Ghost Path. It was able to suppress and smelt the ghost puppets and is one of the most precious things I have. Of course, we might have had some misunderstandings before and as a result, I lost all my ghost puppets. Today, I am giving this Blood Red Coffin to you to resolve this misunderstanding.”

Was the Blood Red Coffin a precious treasure? Of course! It has been stored by a Ghost Path cultivator for such a long time. Anyone would know that this was extremely precious and was definitely sufficient compensation.

But what was important was that Qin Yu was not a Ghost Path cultivator. No matter how precious this thing was, it was useless if he could not use it.

Everyone looked over and Qin Yu was frowning and looking hesitant. Close Saint spoke slowly, “I have already done as you asked. If you do not agree, it means that you do not keep to your word…we will not be able to trust you and trade with you.”

His voice was calm but filled with threat. It was as if he was trying to dare Qin Yu to test him.

Qin Yu internally snorted as he thought that this ‘combination of three’ seemed to have increased Close Saint’s power exponentially. Close Saint was extremely confident.

It was a good thing!

The stronger Close Saint was, the more time he would be able to get for Qin Yu. For Qin Yu, Close Saint was putting aside his beliefs and making a sacrifice. So what was the big deal about a little threat? If Qin Yu was offended by this small threat, how could he be considered generous?

Qin Yu could not be.

Qin Yu took a deep breath as he nodded, “Okay!”

I am a generous man. To those that genuinely want to help me, I am extremely generous and tolerant.

Please praise me!

He took the Blood Red Coffin and passed the Crystal Token over. The first one on the list of people to die.

Close Saint lowered his eyes to look at the Crystal Token in his hands as if verifying its authenticity before turning to go.

Qin Yu said, “I think you should wait.”

Close Saint’s eyes flashed as he looked at Qin Yu. The corners of his mouth turned up, “Oh? Since you said it, I shall wait.”

Qin Yu bet that Close Saint believed Qin Yu had another scheme. But unfortunately, there was none. The main point was that he was worried they would not be able to successfully activate the Crystal Token.

The longer one took, the higher the chance of things changing. He should hurry on with his plan…when it came to such a complicated thing like activating this Crystal Token, Qin Yu was happy to help.

Lifting his hand, Qin Yu said, “Everyone, there are only two left!”

Gentle Spread Saint stepped forward, “I want one!” He lifted his head and his eyes were filled with iciness and intense pressure as he looked at everyone, “I think the three of you will not want to anger me and force us to fight.”

He was domineering and seemed to be saying that he was going to get one no matter what.

Tsk tsk, he did seem imposing. But where were you when Close Saint was talking? Did you turn into a mute?

This was a typical scenario of bullying those weaker than you!

Were Wind, Cloud and Rain Saints weak? No. When the three of them joined hands, their powers were astounding.

Looking at all of them, the three Saints really did not lose out to anyone. Even when Close Saint appeared, they were just slightly more frightened.

But just because they were not weak, did not mean that they had to butt heads till the end. Gentle Spread Saint would definitely do as he threatened. The keys were in front of them and would open the illusion door to find the Ruler’s inheritance with unlimited possibilities.

It would be stupid to fight now as no matter whether they won or lost in the end, it would be a net loss!

As they looked at each other, the three Saints seemed to have some way of communicating. After a few moments, Cloud Saint said, “Give us the last piece!”

When it came down to it, each side had a piece and was somewhat fair.

So much for what they said earlier about how they should have all three since there were three of them…everyone knew it would not have worked.

Gentle Spread Saint was expressionless. “Fine.”

He flipped his hand and a piece of silver white metal appeared. What was strange was that when one looked at it, it seemed to be fluid.

Yet, it maintained its overall shape as if it had some kind of special visual effect.

“This was something I got when I was traveling around the Vast Brightness World. I had to accumulate a lot of energy at one of the places where the power of space was concentrated. This contains an almost perfect space rule. After using it, you will be able to have the power of space.”

When it came to time and space abilities, they were very important to a cultivator’s future. Even some Saints in the Sea of Bitterness were not able to completely realize it.

But just by using this stone, one would be able to have the power of space…wasn’t this precious? However, Qin Yu had already obtained the power of space. Although he could not be compared to the Xu brothers, it was not something extremely significant to him.

This meant that this silver white metal was like the Blood Red Coffin that Close Saint gave. It was so precious it could not be denied, but it was useless to Qin Yu.

This bunch of old bastards. They must have done this intentionally!

Alright, this was just a side hustle that he added to increase the reliability of his story.

Moreover, he said that he would be a generous man. Compared to the price the Saints were paying, this little thing was nothing!

They exchanged the goods. The second name on the list of death.

Gentle Spread Saint backed off as he carefully looked at the Crystal Token in his hands. The good news was that there was nothing wrong with it. It was exactly the same as the one he had previously.

He looked at Close Saint and chose to stay to observe.

Next, things went better than expected. The three Saints chose the oldest one amongst them to get the last key.

Tsk tsk, at this point, we have to recognize the loyalty and trust amongst them.

The Xu brothers were related but these three were not. Moreover, splitting by three was always more difficult than splitting between two.

So it was not easy to be able to decide so quickly and not bicker.

However, it was not like Qin Yu was going to help them – cough, cough. There was no need for them to be anxious. There were a lot of spaces on the name list. Even if they called their friends over, they would all be able to fit. I could always extend the name list.

Just as Qin Yu was thinking about this, Wind Saint coughed lightly and stepped forward. As he was about to reach for the last Crystal Token, Soft Peach appeared.

Her entrance was even more mysterious than Close Saint’s. The flames collapsed inwards silently as if getting swallowed by a black hole. Then, there was a blank area and Soft Peach appeared.

All eyes fell on her. Especially Close Saint, who gave a ‘complicated’ look. Soft Peach looked at the item in Qin Yu’s hand, “I want this Crystal Token.”

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