Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1467 – Red Lantern

Chapter 1467 – Red Lantern

Chapter 1467 – Red Lantern

The door breaking and the wall falling startled everyone in the courtyard.

Qin Yu could hear the commotion from outside but he remained calm under his robe.

He had never been one to get jealous of the attention not being on him. Hence, he did not intend to go out and join.

So when Lady Yun paled slightly and requested for him to wait a while, he nodded without saying much.

Seeing his response, she felt slightly grateful that he had been calm and seemed self-sufficient for the entire time.

She vaguely wondered if she had assumed wrongly. Which blunt and coarse man could be so calm and composed?

Although she had yet to go out, she was able to guess who had arrived. She could not help but worry.

That lord from the City Governor’s Mansion may seem easygoing but he was actually extremely possessive and ruthless.

It was because she had noticed this point that Lady Yun did not dare to go along with him despite him chasing her for so long. She could only keep him at a distance.

Today, it was because she had no choice that she asked Yun Die to request help. Initially, she just wanted to use his position from the City Governor Mansion to get through today’s obstacle. However, she did not expect him to be so angry.

Bringing some people along with her, she headed out quickly. She was worried and wondering what she should do to deal with the situation today.

It was not that she had a particular impression of Qin Yu but that if the two sides were to clash, she was just a brothel woman and would not be able to deal with it.

Passing the round gate, she appeared from the shadow behind the wall. She saw how the courtyard was destroyed and the leader of the guards was now kneeling and getting slapped continuously. His face was already swollen and bruised, with blood flowing out of his nose.

Her heart froze as she lamented internally. This guy had torn down all pretenses of being nice. He was really angry.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself and she bowed, “Greetings Lord Chen. What made you so angry today?”

Chen Sanglue looked over coldly as he appeared slightly disgusted. He snorted without saying anything. Beside him, Yun Die was pale and her voice trembled, “Lady…there was a….red….red lantern…hanging by the door earlier on.”

Lady Yun’s face turned white as well, as she understood why this lord from the City Governor Mansion was looking so cold and expressionless.

She knew the rules of the brothel well. These small residences around the lake were each occupied by an extremely beautiful woman. Although they entertained many honorable guests, they never stayed. But once there was an exception, they would hang a red lantern on the door. This meant that there was something joyous happening in the small residence and the beautiful woman in the residence now belonged to someone.

Did the brothel make the decision by themselves? But how could they hang a red lantern up without her permission? No wonder Chen Sanglue was so angry. The warmth and kindness he showed her normally was completely gone!

Lady Yun knew that she was in an extremely disadvantageous position today. No matter what the reason was, her reputation had been ruined the moment the red lantern was hung.

After tonight, she may no longer be able to stay at this small residence by the lake. Moreover, everyone would know that she offended the lord from the City Governor Mansion. Would she be able to survive in Seascape City?

Taking a deep breath, Lady Yun bowed, “Although I do not know why a red lantern has been hung outside my residence, this is a misunderstanding. I am currently serving an important guest with my maids. I did not do anything overboard.”

The peace around the lake had been disrupted and several other residence doors opened. Servants were all standing on their tippy toes to see what was happening. At this moment, there was a loud exclamation in the front yard, followed by a burst of suppressed laughter.

Although it was suppressed, it was clearly mocking.

All the ladies in the brothels by the lake were all extremely beautiful and seeing one was already extremely rare. Nobody expected that a red lantern would be hung on a quiet day like this.

Moreover, the residence with the red lantern belonged to Lady Yun Qing!

This shocking news caused many nosy onlookers to exclaim in surprise. There were many that looked sorrowful as well. But more of them, after a brief shock, couldn't help but chuckle.

Especially after they learned that the lord from the City Governor Mansion was the one ‘catching adultery’. It was too comical and they could not help but laugh.

In Seascape City, everyone knew that Lord Chen liked Lady Yun Qing and had been a frequent guest all these years. Although they had yet to enter a room together, everyone thought that it was a matter of time.

But now, someone had gone first. They could understand why the lord was so furious and could not be bothered to maintain his usual casualness.

The City Governor Mansion was the most powerful faction in Seascape City, but they were not the only power.

In such a big city, power radiated far and wide. There were numerous interests and entanglements that caused factions to arise.

On the surface, no one would dare to directly challenge the City Governor. After all, Governor Chen was His Majesty’s relative.

But through what happened today, they did not mind laughing at this lord, who was always accompanied by money and power, and damage his reputation slightly.

Moon Brothel was very expensive and only rich businessmen or wealthy households dared to enter. So there were many people here today who harbored some form of anger towards the City Governor but did not dare to express it. Under the influence of alcohol, they became more bold as no one could blame them for just looking.

Hence the mocking laughs!

As the sound of laughter floated over, Chen Sanglue who was already solemn-looking, tightened his fist even more as a sinister look appeared on his face.

Although he was a smart young man, he hardly experienced any setbacks or challenges. Hence, it was hard for him to control his emotions and his anger showed.

The boisterous laughter from the front and the scrutiny by the lakeside was like swallowing a red-hot iron, burning him physically and mentally. His anger grew even more.

Of course, the reason why he dared to have these brutal thoughts was because he believed that even if chaos befell Moon Brothel today, it would not cause any major issues. Although he had to be respectful to this business, he had been embarrassed and hence acted out. He believed that they would not be too picky on this and could not act due to how his father might react.

He stared solemnly at Lady Yun. The severe look he gave her made her go pale and feel as if she had been pushed into icy cold water.

“Yun Qing, where is the person that you chose? I want to see exactly what kind of person he is…or is he hiding behind your back and does not dare to come out?”

Lady Yun could sense the violence in his tone and her voice trembled, “Lord Chen, I assure you that nothing happened. Everything is a misunderstanding.”

Gritting her teeth, she lowered her voice, “If you do not believe, I am willing to let the nanny check my body…to prove my innocence.”“Lady!” Yun Die naturally knew the humiliation her lady had been through. She fell to a kneel as she grabbed Lord Chen’s expensively clad leg.

“Lord, my lady will not lie to you. Since she said it was a misunderstanding, there must be another reason. Please believe her.”

Chen Sanglue seemed to hesitate as he looked at how pale Yun Qing was. He knew what the nanny was able to do. Since she said this, could it really have been a misunderstanding?

But very soon, his eyes fell once more. Now, the truth was no longer important.

Even if he summoned the nanny to check Yun Qing, so what?

Everyone was looking at him. This was an excuse that Chen Shanglue deliberately gave in order to save his face. People would just laugh even more!

If he had not come to the lake today, perhaps there would have been some leeway. But since he was already here, he had already been embarrassed!

They might even use this issue today to try and attack the City Governor’s reliability…hmm. But how about those in the front court? If they dared to behave this way, they must have a plan. josei

He had to save his own reputation and prevent things from worsening. He could not implicate his father.

After all, this was a critical moment. His father had just submitted a confidential debate to the emperor. There could not be any disturbances!

As he thought of this, the annoyance in his eyes grew. If not for this little bitch, he would be dining with the honorable guests in his house and wouldn’t have been humiliated like this!

“Get lost!”

With a kick, Yun Die spat out blood and fell to the ground. Although he did not hit as hard as he could, his kick was not something a brothel maid with weak cultivation could handle.

Yun Qing cried out, “Yun Die!”

She rushed over to hug her as she looked up at Chen Sanglue. Though she continued to suppress and hide her emotions, there was a hint of resentment in her grief.

Although Yun Qing was not very important in Chen Sanglue’s eyes, he had chased her for many years and her expression moved him slightly.

If not, he would not have been so angry when he saw the red lanterns and disregard his usual pretense.

Now that he saw her expression, he felt slightly guilty. His guilt then turned to nonchalance. He would no longer be able to win her over.

But this did not matter. Even if he could not win her heart, he could still get her. Moreover, there were many beautiful women in this world. One fewer did not matter.

As he made up his mind, his eyes turned cold and he sneered, “It seems like you cherish this person a lot Lady Yun? You would rather your maid suffer than for him to come out!”

He waved his hand, “Ask the person in there to come out. I will let him have a chance to identify himself. If he is more powerful than the City Governor I will personally apologize to him and walk off. I will pretend nothing happened. But if not…then I will kill him. I will let the whole world know that not every woman can be easily touched!”

Qin Yu was annoyed to find out that he could not stay out of this scene of jealousy even if he wanted to.

Even though the person had yet to get near to him, the tyranny was locked in from a distance and the pressure was making him feel stuffy.


Under the black robe, Qin Yu’s mouth twitched. If he had not personally experienced this, who would have expected that even Saints would be involved in this kind of scene? Even though this was the West Desolate, this was incredulous!

The only explanation was that the other party’s status was not ordinary. This meant that even just peacefully eating a meal had brought trouble to Qin Yu.

He was not afraid. After all, even the most powerful person in this city would not be able to do anything to him.

But this was the West Desolate. Qin Yu had just arrived and did not want to get involved. Hence, he frowned as he lifted his wine glass and threw it.

The wine glass flew through the door and with a ‘pop’ it fell onto the ground in the front yard, leaving an extremely deep round hole. In the surrounding area, countless tiny cracks appeared, spreading out densely, and each one released a chilly aura.

A low and calm voice could be heard from the room, “This is a misunderstanding. Let’s end it here.”

The carriage driver stared at the hole and frowned; his eyes became obscured.

The cracks by the side of the hole made it seem as if he was not able to control his power and caused the stray energy to spread. But in actuality, the carriage driver knew that this had been done intentionally to release aura as a warning.

Chen Sanglue frowned slightly as he sneered, “It is just a cup. Are you scared?”

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