Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1468 – Struck a Metal Wall

Chapter 1468 – Struck a Metal Wall

Chapter 1468 – Struck a Metal Wall

At this moment, the carriage driver should have turned around and warned him. After all, even the City Governor needed to respect True Saints. However, he did not want to incur the hatred of his lord.

For some unknown reason, he merely fell silent for a while before stepping towards the room, the iciness in his eyes even more intense.

Under the black robe, Qin Yu frowned. He knew that they had sensed the warning he gave through throwing his cup.

But even so, they did not intend to back off. This made Qin Yu start to suspect what Hundred Saint had said…were True Saints really important in the West Desolate? If so, why did they not show him face.

Thinking of what he had overheard earlier, Qin Yu frowned even more as he realized something was not right…could it be that this act of jealousy was not as simple as it seemed?

Boom –

The room’s door was broken down and an intense energy surged through, wrapping up countless fragments of different sizes. It spread outwards at an astounding speed.

This was his way of testing but it also showed what he was hiding…that man was hiding his cultivation level!

Above Half-Saints were True Saints. Moreover, this explosive power showed that he was probably someone who was good at fighting at close range.

Under the black robe, Qin Yu’s eyes were cold. He was sure that there was something hidden in today’s events!

A True Saint was hiding his aura and involved himself into the brothel’s petty affairs. It was comical. Not to mention, the sudden overflowing aura meant that he intended to be brutal.

Were they targeting Hundred Saint?

This was Qin Yu’s first thought. After all, Hundred Saint had a certain status in the West Desolate. Those of high status could enjoy the benefits of it but would inevitably provoke strong enemies from everywhere due to the clashing of interests.

Qin Yu had just entered the West Desolate. Other than the commotion that was happening right now, he had yet to interact with people and would naturally not have made anyone angry…since there was something hidden in this, it could only be because of Hundred Saint.

This made Qin Yu feel depressed. Although he had obtained some information from Hundred Saint, it was basic information and not worth today’s price.

But no matter whether it was worth it, the opponent was already in front of him. He could only take action. He would ask for a reward from Hundred Saint later on. It was not like he was going to be a shield for no reason!

Lifting his hand, he slammed down on the table. With a ‘bam’, a horrifying energy exploded, shattering the table in an instant and the fragments flew out of the door.

The table did not shatter into too many pieces yet it gave a feeling as if it was a mighty raging river!

The carriage driver had just barged into the room and his sinister expression shifted slightly. He felt his entire aura being targetted and he could not dodge at all. He had wanted to hide his aura and near Qin Yu before attacking him at close range. But now, he did not even have the chance.

With a loud snort, his bones and flesh crackled, and his entire body suddenly swelled. He raised his hand and punched hard.

With a single punch, the feeling it gave to all beings was as if they would not be able to avoid it. The punch could cut through mountains and rivers.

The intense energy was like a mad tiger that had gone out of control. Since it had entered the table fragments it had to tear its way out. He was going to kill Qin Yu, who had his back towards him.

This person had clearly underestimated the power that had come out of Qin Yu’s hand when he slammed the table. The table had shattered under the force but did not reduce the crazy power. There was still power that entered the countless pieces of broken wood that had surged towards the carriage driver.

The carriage driver screamed in fright but his face was calm and there was an even deeper sense of calmness in his eyes. He had no emotions.

The sound he made did not match his expression. This was because he had other methods. He had been instructed to kill all the cultivators in the room. Even though he knew his opponent was powerful and was a True Saint, he still had to take action.

So the real attack began now…but actually, the nearer he was, the higher the probability of success. The carriage driver hesitated before gritting his teeth. Aiming in the direction of the shattered table that was flying at him, he boldly stepped forwards.

Sss –

Sss –

It was like fast moving paper, tearing numerous scars over the carriage driver’s face. There was even a sharp piece of wood that penetrated the defensive force around his face and pierced directly into one of his eyes. Blood spurted out.

With the price of a single eye, the carriage driver managed to get one step closer. Now, he was only about ten feet away from Qin Yu.

This was close enough!

With a ‘pa’, the carriage driver’s left index finger exploded and formed a blood mist.

Woosh –

In the next moment, it disappeared and with an astounding speed, it covered Qin Yu.


The carriage driver did not know who he was killing but he was confident in the people that were backing him. Since his opponent was now engulfed in the blood mist, even if they were powerful they would be sure to die.

Delight flooded him and he started to smile. However, his smile froze in the next moment.

It was not because his smile had hurt his injuries. Instead, the blood mist seemed to be empty.

It was as if…it had nothing but air within it.

He had fallen for a trick. His opponent had been prepared!

The carriage driver stepped hard, ready to jump back and retreat. Knowing that his opponent was powerful, his best choice was to retreat immediately.

But just as he shifted and had yet to move from where he was standing, endless darkness descended upon him like night.

His opponent was clearly very in control of his incredible power. The darkness stopped right at the door and did not leak out at all. But even so, Chen Shanglue could feel the iciness from it as well as the frightening aura that made his heart froze.

It was as if eternal night had fallen yet it was also like an abyss that would swallow anything and everything. It represented endless killings and destruction.

He had struck a metal wall!

Chen Shanglue’s face turned ashen. The only comforting thing was that the opponent had taken the City Governor’s status into consideration and did not want to create too much trouble. Hence, he had controlled his power and did not drag Chen Shanglue into it.

Previously, Chen Shanglue had said that if the opponent’s status was above him, then he would let whatever happened today go…and in the Desolate Area, power was everything!

It was obvious that this person had enough power to make Chen Shanglue change his earlier thoughts. He was extremely angry but it was just one woman. It was not worth it to make an enemy out of such a powerful person.

Although the City Governor was not afraid, he was not going to just do it because he was unafraid.

Moreover, such a strong person would not be alone. He would definitely have support.

A careless move might create huge trouble!

Although Chen Shanglue was the number one hedonist in Seascape City, he was limited to Seascape City. The Desolate Area was still extremely vast and people with similar status to him were plentiful.

Chen Shanglue had been taught this from a young age and knew this very well. So even though he had done numerous cold and preposterous things, he had never created real trouble.

And today, Chen Shanglue was prepared to stop. He might be embarrassed and this might be hard to accept, but compared to vital interests, this was nothing.

Perhaps he could even take the chance to form a relationship with the person in the room!

He thought very quickly and this showed how smart Chen Shanglue was. But this did not guarantee that things would turn out as he wished.

Woosh –

Woosh –

The sound of something flying through the air could be heard and two black figures flew out shouting, “Protect the lord!” Although they said this, the two people did not see Chen Shanglue, whose expression had turned dark.

Chen Shanglue’s expression changed as he did not know when two True Saint level bodyguards appeared by his side.

Since they were not his men, there was only one explanation…someone wished to make these two people look like they were from the City Governor. They were trying to get him into trouble!

He was being used. By whom? And who was the person in the room? Could anyone tell him what was going on?!

The darkness suddenly surged violently. A low roar resembling thunder could be heard from it. The lake beside it boiled violently as waves started to roll. Shrieks emanated from the front courtyard.

It was obvious that the massacre had begun and his carriage driver was within it. He had already been implicated and even with eighteen mouths, he would not be able to explain it properly.

Chen Shanglue’s expression turned ashen as he growled, “Where are the city guards!” His eyes turned sinister as he stared at the darkness that had fallen in the room. No matter who it was inside, he had to control the situation and would not let any of them go. josei

It was not so easy to drag the City Governor underwater!

Following his growl, the sound of things flying through air could be heard as a huge army of city guards arrived at Moon Brothel.


The chief guard saluted solemnly.

Chen Shanglue made his decision. Since the city guards had arrived, it would not be easy for his opponent to escape. After a while more, the City Governor would also respond and send strong cultivators to help.

At that time, none of them would be able to escape!

“Surround the place, don’t let even a fly escape!” Chen Shanglue sneered. On the surface it looked like he had things under control, but somehow, he felt uneasy.

Although he did not know who his opponent was or what their motive was, since they dared to scheme against the City Governor, they must be confident.

This meant that the ending was not set.

As he thought of this, Chen Shanglue felt unhappy and he glanced at Yun Qing, who looked pale.

Although there were no gaps in her expression, women in this scene were always good at acting. Whether this had anything to do with her, he would find out by interrogating her after this.

Even if she was innocent, it was still because of her that he had been dragged into this and implicated the City Governor…hehe, he would not just let it go!

Yun Qing looked up and saw Chen Shanglue looking at her. She froze and paled even more. She had always known that this lord from the City Governor Mansion was not kind. Now that their relationship had been ruined, with his personality, he would never let her go!

It was like there were knives and she was a fish. However, so what if she realized that she was in danger? As she thought of this, Yun Qing felt depressed and she hugged Yun Die even tighter. She did not know if Yun Die would be able to survive and tears started to fall.

Seascape City had always been peaceful. The first reason was because the City Governor had a strong style of governing. They punished offenders very severely at the beginning and no one dared to challenge them thereafter.

The second was that West Desolate was currently managed by the emperor and was in a peaceful state. But this did not mean that they did not have the ability to deal with emergencies.

The City Governor was currently attending to guests. When the news arrived, he quickly made a decision with two generals. One would stay at the residence to watch the overall situation while the other would take strong cultivators to the scene.

In the living room, Hundred Saint frowned slightly as he looked out.

In the main seat, Chen Yuanshen, the Governor of Seascape City, smiled and remained at ease as he said, “It seems like an incident has happened. After all, the city is big and sometimes there may be gaps in managing. Nephew, please don’t complain about me.”

He was calm and full of self-confidence.

Chen Yuanshen had risen to this position from nothing and eventually became the City Governor. He had gone through numerous challenges and would not take trivial matters like this too seriously.

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