Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Mutant black beetle-

Chapter 13: Mutant black beetle-

[Agility +0.1]

[Agility +0.1]

[Agility +0.1]

[Agility +0.1]

After consuming the elven blood from different sources, Ben could feel the surge of energy coursing through his veins. His body tingled with anticipation as his agility increased by 0.5 points, bringing him closer to his goal of evolution. The elven blood not only heightened his agility but also restored his health, rejuvenating his body.

Eager to assess his progress, Ben called upon the system, requesting his status. Hovering in one corner of the wagon, he awaited the display.



Name: Ben Franklin

Race: Dreadwing Mosquito

Evolution: Evo 1 Level: 6

Exp: 38/50 HP: 5.0

Strength: 3.5

Agility: 4.5

Stamina: 3.5

[Free stats: +0.5]

Active skills:

1. Mosquito's Buzz (confuse enemies with an annoying buzz)

2. Blood Needle (attack with small needles of blood; -0.5 HP)

3. Soul Drain (steal life essence from enemies)

Passive skills:

1. Blood Tracker (enhanced ability to detect blood sources)

2. Mutatic Regeneration (heals body through blood consumption)


A satisfied grin spread across Ben's face as he saw his improved stats. His agility had received a substantial boost, making him even swifter and more elusive. With this progress, he was now ready to embark on his plan to both rescue the captured girls and strengthen himself through hunting.

Ben contemplated the best course of action. It was crucial to time his movements correctly, ensuring he didn't lose track of the wagon while maximizing his opportunities to level up. After considering his options, he decided to bide his time, remaining hidden within the wagon until nightfall when the humans would likely take a break and set up camp.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the humans veered off-track and started assembling a campfire. This was the perfect moment for Ben to put his plan into action. He couldn't contain his excitement as he activated his blood tracer passive skill, honing his senses to detect any nearby sources of blood.

Focusing intently, Ben tapped into his instincts as a Dreadwing Mosquito. Gradually, he sensed a faint presence of blood nearby, indicating the presence of a low-tier beast. With renewed determination, he stealthily maneuvered away from the campfire, ensuring he wouldn't attract any unwanted attention.

Following the trail indicated by his blood tracer, Ben ventured into a dense thicket. There, amidst the undergrowth, he discovered a wounded rabbit. Its blood was still fresh, presenting a prime opportunity for Ben to engage in a battle and gain valuable experience points.

Approaching the injured rabbit with caution, Ben's agile wings carried him closer. He examined the deep cut mark on the rabbit's neck, pinpointing the vulnerable spot. Confidence surged within him as he prepared to strike.

With a focused chant, Ben unleashed a blood needle attack, sending a crimson aura needle hurtling toward the rabbit. It struck the mark with precision, causing the rabbit to emit a startled sound of pain. Despite its feeble attempts to escape, the rabbit's weakened state prevented it from fleeing its predator.

"Almost there," Ben muttered, his determination unwavering. He launched three more blood needles, each hitting the same target with unwavering accuracy. The successive strikes severed deeper into the rabbit's neck until Ben's HP reached a critical level.

An internal curse escaped Ben's lips as he realized the significant HP cost of using his blood needle skill. However, he swiftly seized the opportunity presented by the immobilized rabbit and made use of its vulnerability to

drink its blood, replenishing his own HP.

[Beast blood consumed.]

[EXP: +5 Strength: +0.1]

A triumphant exclamation escaped Ben's lips as his HP fully recovered. He resumed his assault on the rabbit, meticulously launching blood needles until his HP dwindled to half. Once again, he utilized the rabbit's blood to restore himself to full health. This back-and-forth continued for approximately fifteen minutes until a notification appeared on his screen.

[Wild Rabbit, low-tier beast, has been killed. Use Soul Drain to obtain beast soul.]

With anticipation, Ben chanted the words of the Soul Drain skill. The life force of the defeated rabbit surged into him, granting him an additional 50 experience points.

[Soul Drain skill used: +50 EXP gained] josei

[Exp: 50/50; level up available]

[No soul weapon obtained]

[Congratulations! You have successfully leveled up to level 7. All stats +0.5] [Free stats:+0.5]

[Exp: 29/70]

A sense of satisfaction washed over Ben as he absorbed the newfound power bestowed upon him by his level increase. The path to evolution seemed closer than ever, and he resolved to continue his progress one step at a time. A determined expression settled on his face as he activated his blood tracker passive skill, searching for potential targets in the vicinity.

However, luck seemed to be testing him. The immediate area proved to be scarce in low-tier beasts, forcing Ben to venture farther from the wagon in his pursuit. Undeterred, he decided to explore a nearby forested area, hoping to encounter a wider variety of prey.

With his enhanced agility and heightened senses, Ben gracefully maneuvered through the trees, his anticipation building with each passing moment. He searched diligently, seeking any signs of potential targets.

After some time, his perseverance bore fruit. Ben detected the presence of a small group of beetles, each measuring about three inches in size. Their backs were adorned with a midnight black shell as they scurried about, gathering food for the upcoming winter. While the beetles were not particularly formidable opponents, their sturdy shells presented a challenge.

A focused expression settled on Ben's face as he singled out one beetle from the group. Utilizing his agility, he dove down toward his chosen target, deftly outmaneuvering the nimble creature. Closing in swiftly, he unleashed a precise blood needle attack, strategically aiming for the joints where the shell seemed weaker.

The blood needle found its mark, piercing through the beetle's black back and pinning it to the ground. The beetle emitted a series of angered chirps, retaliating with small fire sparks that caught Ben off guard.

"Ah, how could I forget?" Ben cursed himself inwardly as he braced for the impact. To his surprise, the spark of fire hit his blue ant armour, resulting in a small explosion that left deep scratches and a burning sensation behind.

"Damn you!" Ben cursed the beetle, launching three blood needle attacks successively, his anger fuelled by the burning sensation he was feeling through the armour with a constant decrease in HP.


[HP: 2.1/5.0]

The constant blood needles hit their mark, one by one, until finally a last attack served through the beetle's neck, ending its life for good.


[Mutant black beetle have been killed...soul weapon obtained]


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