Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Seize (3)

Thus, the food itself.

A pair of Wagyu Beef A5 cooked with the medium rare level with generous amount of truffle and the caviar next to it. 

Thus, in the middle of that table, it has a lobster that...


She didn't behave like a lady at all. I'm seeing her chomping that lobster so annoyingly that led me to comment,

"Behave like a lady please!"

"No! I can't! My dog desire had made me wanted to eat this even more!" 

She looked at me with many strains remaining in her face. 

I wish that I will go to wipe her face right away. But, There is a custom that renders me for unable to do that. So, I decided to do another detour by saying. 

"Wipe your face first. Let's eat properly. Don't eat like a dog. I mean, you are a demihuman. But you are a human as well. So, Don't eat like that."


She wagged her tail when she said so. With her golden retriver tail wagging around as she chomping the lobster. She continued to talk with the mouth full of the white meats,

"Anyways, Kuso. Are you sure that you will take all of the assets in this week's auction?

"Yes, Reili. 

Look at them, those hungry bastards who wants this empire's strategical place.

They wants to build the whale oil farm,

Build the gold mining site,

Build the gemstone site,

Build the Lira gold statue,

And even they will build the longass horse asphalt. 

If we can get at least those what I mentioned, Then we will basically pressurized them. Not to mention that we had a lot of human resources who capable with it. And I heard from Kiana that if we managed to detour ten times of the value of the bid. We will had the right to enforce our own empire countrymen to there. In which, that's the political game we can start."

"Political game?" Reili asked me as her mouth were full of the foods. I can tell how nasty that was. But, I can't help since she liked it anyway!

Then, I continued to explain to her,

"Alright, Reili.

I heard a reference in my word from a country called VOC. They spread three things into Nusantara,

Gold, Gospel, Glory.

You know what it means?" 

She shook her head. Well... I can't help since she's a new queen. No surprises. Thus, I explained to her,

"Alright, This is how it works.

Gold means, we are giving our resources to them in return of theirs.

Gospel means, we are sharing our culture, belief to them.

And then, Glory.

We will win against them politically with that slow but sure term of seize. In other means,

Cox Empire will merge with Seikara Empire indirectly. But we will be the one who lead them."

She was amazed with my explaination. Well, another reason why the council should not let her to become the empress anyway. So, I continued to explain to her again.

"In my world,

That three terms were bought by european sailor. One of them was the VOC who conquered Nusantara for Thirty Hundred Fifty Years of span. 

Imagine how much culture we had forced them to include with that long span of years? 

You may be dead, I may be dead after this.

But, our inheritor will continues the legacy.

If VOC can do thirty fifty zero years, Then we had to do it for three thousand and fifty hundred years. In other means, tenfold better than them.

And those conqueror were started from this way first since at that place, Nusantara was the place with the most resources exists in the world. Same with Seikara Empire. Now, you understand right why Kiana warned us not to do any weird dirty tricks?"

She nodded in understanding. Well, as expected an educated girl atho that I hate for her tightness. I guess, human won't be suitable with demihuman huh... The tightness is too unreal!

Thus, I decided to observed the view while sitting in the desk. Leaving Reili who eating like a dog over something that she really liked it.

I took the fork and the knife. Thus, I sliced the right side of the wagyu beef that ridiculously juicy, pulling some pills of the caviar that was too much to the level that I would say,


Not going to lie.

Caviar costs almost ten thousand dollar in my world, after that. It was pretty hard to find the things as well.

While I'm here, getting the bunch of the wagyu beef and caviar that could shock everyone in seconds!

Not to mention that they put two pills of huge chunk truffle on it. It tastes both in an asset worth of my house and then... I tuck it in to my mouth that led me to yell.


Yes, Not going to lie!

It sounds like that I just ate an MSG dry aged wagyu beef!

This tastes fucking heavenly!

And then, I'm biting the caviar which led it to had a popping voice. It doubled the tastes of the earthiness. Holyshit! I believe the author is gonna be like hungry to write this crap out.

Joke aside, I'm eating it calmly while in my right side. 

Don't know her.


I don't know her.

Reili who I know is a proper lady. Not a dog lady like that.


A female voice yelled as I could hear it. I think... The auction is started huh...

I'm observing the MC as I'm eating the wagyu steak while chomping the truffle that given to me. 

In the same time, the server had given us the expensive wine that let me think it back... The day when I work with Handi, the man who had a vampire wife now... 

Not going to lie. I really want to help him as my buddy, this is why I created the girlfriend rental app. While I'm working as a game developer in a company as well.

But, my body could not be able to take the pressure. So yeah, I'm died. But at the last time before I died. I drank this wine. 

I took a sip in the wine. Thus, I licked the wine.

Yes... It is. It was the wine I had tasted before!

After that, I'm observing the auctioneer who says,


Hi Everyone. Hana here,

Us, from Seikara Empire will offer all of you guys for the opportunity to work together with us. 

First, you will get the benefit as the permanent resident with us.

Second, you will be offered by other projects.

And then at last. You might be ascended into the noble in our empire. 

Grab this chance while you had a lot of cash!

Thus, we start it now!

Building on Tender Project named "Seven Bridge"


Seven Bridge...

I remember what the ministry of finance told me. 

It was a bridge that we can use to bring our logistic in and out from the seven different bridge.

Been checking with it. Seikara Empire has a lot of resources for it. But they can't afford the money to open that.

I remember that the income source of Seikara Empire was from Laira Village. Thus, I looked at the opening price.

They start it from ten million Cigs.

As she stated so. Everyone complained for being expensive. Thus, Reili asked me.

"Is that the bridge you had said before?"

I nodded my head, replying at her,

"Yes, that's the one I'm aiming for by today."

Thus, I pulled the plate that the auctioneer staff had given onto me. And I yelled,

"Cox Empire, Ten Billiion Cigs!"


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Pirate this book and Corona will send a calamity to the earth, and then, you will lose your life for eternity.

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Privilege 1k In March = Mass release is as much as you can request, and I can do.

No 1 all-time trending for 1 year straight = manga adaptation


Author note:

Please support this novel through buying privilege or paid by using the paid coins. I need that money to improve this novel's readability. Thank you, and have fun reading.

And also, Fuck me! I'm hungry now as I'm writing this. Apologizes reader for unable to release [Vengeance of the Fallen Magus] in time As I was undergoing the healthcare checking. 

You know mate, I'm fully healthy! I thought that I was getting COVID-19 :(.

Anyways, new author's book named,

[Vengeance of the Fallen Magus] is released under account Sach_Official. And the content editor of that was shared the same content editor with this book!

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