Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 136

Chapter 136: Seize (4)

Don't know her.


I don't know her.

Reili who I know is a proper lady. Not a dog lady like that.


A female voice yelled as I could hear it. I think... The auction is started huh...

I'm observing the MC as I'm eating the wagyu steak while chomping the truffle that given to me. 

In the same time, the server had given us the expensive wine that let me think it back... The day when I work with Handi, the man who had a vampire wife now... 

Not going to lie. I really want to help him as my buddy, this is why I created the girlfriend rental app. While I'm working as a game developer in a company as well.

But, my body could not be able to take the pressure. So yeah, I'm died. But at the last time before I died. I drank this wine. 

I took a sip in the wine. Thus, I licked the wine.

Yes... It is. It was the wine I had tasted before!

After that, I'm observing the auctioneer who says,


Hi Everyone. Hana here,

Us, from Seikara Empire will offer all of you guys for the opportunity to work together with us. 

First, you will get the benefit as the permanent resident with us.

Second, you will be offered by other projects.

And then at last. You might be ascended into the noble in our empire. 

Grab this chance while you had a lot of cash!

Thus, we start it now!

Building on Tender Project named "Seven Bridge"


Seven Bridge...

I remember what the ministry of finance told me. 

It was a bridge that we can use to bring our logistic in and out from the seven different bridge.

Been checking with it. Seikara Empire has a lot of resources for it. But they can't afford the money to open that.

I remember that the income source of Seikara Empire was from Laira Village. Thus, I looked at the opening price.

They start it from ten million Cigs.

As she stated so. Everyone complained for being expensive. Thus, Reili asked me.

"Is that the bridge you had said before?"

I nodded my head, replying at her,

"Yes, that's the one I'm aiming for by today."

Thus, I pulled the plate that the auctioneer staff had given onto me. And I yelled,


Thank you fellow readers, I had returned. But, I need to resolve many things later on. Rewriting will be on effect starting at June. Thus, I had returned to the roots. Third person party with dark comedic story!


"Cox Empire, Ten Billion Cigs!"

Everyone without exception were being silenced at once. 

Not to mention the one who was eating to the extent of hunger.

Not to mention either for those who had chattering to each other to see if they can get anything else to it.

It was a man in the VIP hall on the second floor yelled.

Thus, there were someone mysterious rose his auction board.

"Eleven Billion Cigs, Unnamed!"

"Who is that? I thought we were the wealthiest one?" Reili asked that man who observed onto the mysterious man in hood who had bespoken those by using his heavy breathed voice. 

But, Kuso knows that place much better than anyone. The project cost versus resources, the location and so on.

He had know all of them as he read those from his system.

'If I'm raising my price twice. I might unable to join another auction. But, that Taipan* is someone who I had to fight. He might do bid-and-run and causing an amok here. So, I had to raise it!'

"Cox Empire, Twenty Billion Cigs."

Everyone had gone dumbstruck with the Kuso's price-raising. Making all of the nobles in the first flow remained silent... rendered them to gave up to get the price. 

Kuso had know that he could do that. But in the same time, he knew that he had overspent the resources from the empire. Thus, he apologized to Reili,

"Sorry if I spent that lot of money. I had to win this project whatever it takes." 

Reili cleaned her mouth by using the handikrief that she always bringing it on, knowing that Kuso was not joking about that from his tone that suddenly changed from the merry-go-round tone to a grim one. Thus, she replied to him,

"It's fine, Kuso. You did a right thing. That's why I had prepared it."

As she stated so, a paper that she had bought had been put onto his right hand by her as she gripped his hand gently. 

'I remember how Handi had worked hard to get the girlfriend rental app project to be bid onto us. If I didn't wrongly remembered it...'

He reminisced himself in a scenic when he was wearing a suit. Observing a young orange-haired man in suit who yelled.


'Yes. Buy now is the final option to buy the project right away. But to think it back, buying it now means that I will spend eighty billion cigs. I think I had to discuss with Re...'

"Cox Empire, Seven Bridge project buy now!"

All of them were dumbstruck as the lady had yelled so. The lady who previously eating like a dog. Now stood as a real queen. Standing, staring all of them with disdained expression. 

"Seven Bridges project buy now by Cox Empire!" The referee of auction who was a woman in her red dress yelled as she pointed her left hand to the dog demi-human.josei

Everyone looked at her, wondering of how loaded she was. Thus, Reili looked at Kuso. Telling him,

"Bid as much as you can. We had three quadrillion Cigs that we can use. If you found something that was buy-now-able. Do it right away. We had no more time as we need to save Albedo from the heavenly realm later." 

Everyone silenced as Reili had announced that she was buying that project. Thus, she was walking down together with two men in suit. 

'Uncle. Remember what you told me before? We are fucking loaded! Dad is the hotel businessman. And I'm a CEO of a just-listed-to-public tech company. I know how to market things, and you know how to code. I believe, we can do it together!'

"Yes. Together!" Kuso clenched his fist with a strong will drawn in his face. Thus, he observed the next bid which led everyone to scream in dumbstruck.

'Here we go!'

"Cox Empire: Buy now!" He yelled right away. 

Another moment of silence again for those who had seen it. 

It was for the second time that Kuso had acquired another project. Which led the Cox empire to become the empire with the most bought project ever.

Thus, he walked down as the rule had suggested that each individual could only buy one project. And they headed towards the room where Reili had waited.

"You are getting one too, do you?" She asked him while taking a scroll that she put under her top dress. 

"Yes, And it is the most expensive one that you might know. And the one I longed most." He replied to her in a gland tone. Which led her to reply as her eyes widened,

"Did you just say..."

"Yes. Building Lira Richeolot Statue!" 

Both of them hugged each other in an enjoyment. A joy that they never thought before. The joy that led them to say it together.

"We can buy this empire right away without stealing their governance!"

"Yes! This is what my nephew had told me before! He told me that we had to dare to risk ourselves with those buy now stuff. Not to mention that I had spend ten trillion Cigs to acquire that project. Since it was having a gold mine included. In another means. We might earn thousand fold of the current money we had spent before!"

"What do you want to say about it? Do you want me to reporting in to the empire?" Reili asked him as her tail wagged around, giving a sign that she was very satisfied with the result!

However, in the darkness. Few people were lurking them who had doing the lovey-dovey session while waiting for the next document to be sent.


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Pirate this book and Corona will send a calamity to the earth, and then, you will lose your life for eternity.

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Privilege 1k In March = Mass release is as much as you can request, and I can do.

No 1 all-time trending for 1 year straight = manga adaptation


Author note:

Please support this novel through buying privilege or paid by using the paid coins. I need that money to improve this novel's readability. Thank you, and have fun reading.

*Taipan: Chinese-Indonesian term to says someone super rich.

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