Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 18 Returning Safely.

Chapter 18 Returning Safely.

But though they encountered all these challenges, they arrived at the Mepaidian Kingdom safely along with all the goods. The Mepaidian Kingdom received the goods from them, and they declared once again that peace would reign between the two of them...that was a declaration made by the king.

That declaration was always made whenever they pay tributes to them. Done with the Mepaidian Kingdom, they began journeying to the Chuvulan Kingdom, it was no easy thing. On their way to the kingdom, they passed through wildernesses once again, they came across magical beasts, and they had to battle them.

No one died, none of the carriages were destroyed, all the goods were intact. They had to spend some nights on the hills and wildernesses to rest, they had to make camps to do so. They finally got to the Chuvulan Kingdom, and they paid tribute to them, they transferred every single good to them.

The king of the Chuvulan Kingdom did the same as the king of the Mepaidian Kingdom, he declared peace...peace would reign between the two kingdoms. And it's been done, they've paid tributes to the two kingdoms, they've done what they were supposed to do as usual.

They began journeying back to their kingdom, that's the Tuvalon Kingdom. Ethan couldn't wait to get home, he couldn't wait to see his wife and children, especially his growing baby...Aiden.


Throughout the time Ethan wasn't around, the knights kept on coming to his house to protect his wife and children. Aiden kept on completing daily quests and earning his rewards. He wished he had grown to the extent to start taking part in main quests…

..He wished he could start conquering girls and getting stronger. But he was still a baby, he was growing but was still a baby. He'll have to wait till the right time. Ethan and the rest of the other knights and warriors arrived at the Tuvalon Kingdom in the evening, and the first place they began heading to was the king's palace to make a report.

They were gonna report everything that took place at the Mepaidian and the Chuvulan Kingdom.

They got to the king's palace, and he was so happy to see them. Nothing could give him more joy than to see that all of them went and came back safely, none of them died. They reported everything that took place in the two kingdoms to the king.

How they were able to deliver the goods to the two kingdoms successfully, and how the kings of both kingdoms declared peace between their kingdom and the Tuvalon Kingdom. The king just nodded his head as they reported these things to him.

After these things had been done, the king told Ethan that he's been sending knights to his house everyday to protect his family just as he promised, and the knights were even at his house currently, and Ethan kept thanking him.

The warriors went back to their families and homes, and the knights followed the king's instructions. It was always good news to the people of the Tuvalon Kingdom whenever they hear that they were able to pay tributes to the Chuvulan and Mepaidian Kingdom successfully, it always gives them joy.

They were aware that this would prevent war between their kingdom and both kingdoms. And now that they've successfully paid tributes to both kingdoms again, the news spread like wildfire in minutes, and they were so happy to hear the news.

The chiefs and nobles heard the news, and they were happy to hear it. In the coming days, a meeting would take place between them and the king regarding the successful paying of tributes.

Ethan was heading toward his house currently, he rode the horse in the City Square as the horse kept neighing and people kept glancing at him knowing that he was always part of the warriors that do go to pay tributes to the two kingdoms.

He got to the front of his house and rode the horse straight into the compound. Riding the horse to where the other horses were, he came down from it, and he sighted the knights in front of his house just as the king told him.

"Emma, I'm back". Ethan voiced out not too long after coming down from the horse.

He didn't even need to say that for Emma to come out of the house, she heard the horse' neighing, she had the feeling it was him, so before he made that utterance, she had already started sauntering out of the house. But hearing his voice was more confirmation.

Coming out of the house, she sighted him, ran toward him, and embraced him while uttering,

"My beloved, you're back".

Done embracing each other, Ethan inquired of her,

"What of my two kids? Hazel and Aiden".

"They are inside". Emma responded.

At that moment, Hazel ran out of the house running toward her dad while shouting at the top of her voice,


She reached where he was and embraced his waist, she wasn't tall enough to embrace him properly. Ethan hugged her, caressed her hair, then voiced out,

"My little girl".

He walked toward the knights and thanked them for protecting his family for the past few days, and they just nodded and walked away. There was no need for them to stay here anymore since he was back now.

He wanted to see his boy, he wanted to see, Aiden, so he walked straight into the house to see Aiden standing in the living room. He wasn't in his crib, he wasn't sitting on the ground, he wasn't crawling, he was standing.

This made Ethan a little proud, he loved the way his son stood like a warrior. Did Aiden do that on purpose just to impress his dad? No. Ethan walked toward him and carried him up with speed while voicing out,

"My son".

Aiden was happy to see that his dad was back, as known, he had come to love the man for many reasons...the main one, 'cause of how powerful he was.

Ethan held Aiden in his hands for minutes cuddling him, and Emma asked Ethan how the journey was. Ethan didn't just say the words, 'It was fine', no, he explained to Emma some of the things that took place during the journey, the dangers they encountered on their way which they've always been encountering.

Battling magical beasts and all that, and the moment Aiden heard that, he remembered what the harem god told him about magical beasts existing in this world. Since he was born into this world, he hadn't heard much about them.

At that moment, he came to respect his dad some more. He battled more than one magical beast on his way to the two kingdoms along with the other knights and warriors, and here he was sound and healthy? Once again, Aiden came to realize how powerful he was.josei

Time passed, Emma prepared dinner, and the Dankworth family had dinner.


A month had passed since tributes were paid to the Mepaidian and the Chuvulan Kingdom, since Ethan and the rest of the other knights and warriors returned from the journey safely.

It had gotten to the time when Ethan was gonna be promoted to an average-ranked chief, the time he had been wishing for, the time he had long been waiting for.

It took months, but now, the promotion was finally coming. He had a son now, he had been helping this kingdom in so many ways, he was a warrior, and so the king had many bases to promote him.

All the chiefs and nobles occupied the long chairs in the king's palace dressed in their different colors of robes. It was a custom, whenever a chief or noble was to be promoted, all the chiefs and nobles must be present...both high-ranked, average-ranked, and low-ranked.

And the family of the chief or noble that was to be promoted must be present at the king's palace. So Emma was present at the king's palace holding Hazel's right hand and carrying Aiden in her hand.

And it wasn't only Ethan that was gonna be promoted today, a noble that had been a low-ranked noble for a long time now was gonna be promoted to an average-ranked one today. His family was also present at the king's palace.

Ethan was overjoyed at this moment, he knew the number of mocks he had received in the past...he was mocked many times for not having a son. But now, he has a son and was about to be promoted as chief...he couldn't be happier.

At that moment, the king told Ethan to move closer to him which he did, then the king began speaking...Ethan's promotion was gonna take place first.

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