Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 19 Bestowing Servants To Them.

Chapter 19 Bestowing Servants To Them.


"Ethan had been a huge asset to this kingdom, he's been helping this kingdom in so many ways. But due to this kingdom's customs, he's been a low-ranked chief for a long time now. But now that he has a son which he had had months ago, things are gonna be set right,

Ethan, starting today, you're gonna be made an average-ranked chief which you deserve. Congratulations".

At that moment, a smile appeared on Ethan's face. For a long time being a chief, there were many things he couldn't give his opinion on regarding this kingdom due to being a low-ranked chief. But now that he's being promoted, things would change.

The king was holding something in his hand that seemed like a crown, but it wasn't exactly a crown. It was huger and had the same shape as a crown. He urged Ethan to move closer to him, and Ethan did, then he wore the crown on his head. This was part of what signified that he had been promoted.

Then he handed Ethan the blue-colored robe which was nicely packaged. He was now an average-ranked chief, he wouldn't have to be wearing the purple-colored robe anymore whenever the king summons for a meeting, the blue-colored robe had taken over.

"Congratulations once again". The king voiced out with a smile on his face.

Ethan's promotion had taken place, he had finally been promoted. Emma just stood there with a smile on her face, she was happy for him, she knew the mocking they had received in the past. Hazel stood there glancing at her father, she was really happy for him.

Aiden was also glancing at his dad, every single day, he respects this man more and more. And here he was getting promoted, Aiden couldn't be happier.

But were all the chiefs and nobles happy for, Ethan? No. Most of the high-ranked and average-ranked chiefs and nobles were happy for him. Not all though, but many were happy for him.

But as for the low-ranked chiefs and nobles, many weren't happy for him. Many of them were still at that level 'cause they didn't have a son, but Ethan did, and he had been promoted now. They were just like, 'So he isn't in our league anymore?'.

And one of the people that weren't happy for Ethan and was even burning with hatred at that moment was, Asher, his older brother. He didn't like the fact that Ethan was getting promoted at all.

This was the reason why he sent assassins to capture his son in the past, to avoid this from happening...but he failed. And here was Ethan getting promoted, he couldn't be angrier, but what can he do apart from burn with hatred?

The noble that was to be promoted was receiving his promotion at that moment. Ethan just stood at the back of the noble with the robe in his hand and the crown on his head, he'll have to wait till the king was done promoting the noble before any other activities would take place.

The king finished promoting the noble, and other activities took place at that moment. The other chiefs and nobles congratulated both of them by shaking hands with them...both the ones that were happy for them and the ones that weren't happy for them…

..Even Asher shook hands with his brother, Ethan, and there was a smile on his face while doing that. And he even uttered these words to him, 'Congrats, younger brother', but deep inside, he was burning with anger and hatred.

The news of Ethan and the noble's promotion spread around the Tuvalon Kingdom, news like this does spread quickly. Not all the cities in the Tuvalon Kingdom got the news immediately, some had gotten it, and some would get it later.

The ones that were happy for them were happy for them, and the ones that weren't happy for them weren't happy for them...but what can they do? Nothing. The ones that weren't happy for them consisted of men that haven't given birth to a son yet...they were jealous.

..But the promotion has already taken place, nothing can be done about it.

Some people didn't care about the news, those that weren't interested in politics.


All of the average and high-ranked chiefs and nobles in this kingdom had servants and knights. Ethan had been promoted to an average-ranked chief, he'll have to be granted these privileges.

The king had bestowed to him about two servants, both in their teenage ages. But the king wouldn't bestow knights to him yet, that would come later.

The Dankworth family had already gotten to their house, and the servants the king bestowed to them had already been sent to their house also. The female servants were standing in front of the Dankworth family dressed in their servants' clothes.

As known, they were both teenagers, one was 18 years old, and the other was 19. They were both pretty, but one was prettier. One had the mana core in her meaning she possesses an ability. She was a D-rank bender meaning she possesses the wind power element.

As for the other one, she had no mana core, she had no ability. One was named, Emily, and one was named Alora. Emily was 19 years and the one with ability, while Alora was 18 years old and the one without an ability.

The both of them just stood in front of all the Dankworth family as the Dankworth family were glancing at them. Both of their belongings were already in one of the rooms as there were about four rooms in this house.

Aiden stood glancing at the two servants as Emma was holding his right hand. He was glancing at how pretty both girls were. Of course, he knew what pretty looked like, he was an adult that had lived in a modern world before. Not only were they pretty, they were also sexy.

Now, they weren't over-sexy, their sexiness was at an average rate. But he had come to notice that Alora was prettier and sexier, and she was a little busty too. They were looking so pretty in their servants' clothes.

If not that he was a baby and his dick was still so little, it would have started rising by now. He just stood there wishing he was a grown-up boy at least, he could have had the chance to bang one of them...especially that, Alora.

"So, what are your names?". Ethan inquired of both of them, the two girls.

"My name is, Emily". Emily responded.

"My name is, Alora". Alora responded.

Ethan nodded his head, then inquired once again,

"So, how old are you both?".

"I am nineteen years old". Emily responded.

"And I am eighteen years old". Alora responded.

Ethan nodded his head once again, then voiced out again,

"I was told that one of you possesses an affinity, and the other doesn't. Is that true?".

"Yes". They responded in unison.

"So who out of the both of you possesses an affinity, and who doesn't?".

"I possess an affinity", Emily uttered, then she pointed to, Alora, "And she doesn't".

Ethan nodded in understanding, then voiced out once again,

"So you guys know why you were brought here, you know your jobs".

They both nodded their heads…

"You are to assist my wife with the house chores reducing the number of work she'll have to do in a day. And see, we have an eleven months old baby, you'll have to assist with taking care of him. You know taking care of babies isn't much of an easy thing, are you guys ready for it?". Ethan inquired.

They both nodded their heads and voiced out,

"Yes sir".

A smile appeared on Ethan's face, then he said,

"Welcome to the Dankworth family".

Emma who had been keeping silent all this while voiced out,

"You guys should feel at home in this place. We are your masters, but I want to bond with you guys, it wouldn't always be about giving orders. Do your jobs well, and there wouldn't be problems".

The two girls nodded their heads once again. Ethan glanced at Emma, smiled at her, placed his right palm on her back, and began rubbing it. He was trying to say 'You spoke well' by doing that.

Hazel just stood there glancing at the two servants, did she like them? No one knows. As for Aiden, he just stood there glancing at their pretty faces and sexy bodies. And he kept on wishing he was at least a grown-up boy so he could have the chance to bang one of them.

But he wasn't a grown-up boy...he was still a baby, so he'll just have to keep wishing.

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