Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 21 To Take Part In The Awakening.

Chapter 21 To Take Part In The Awakening.


A total of a year and months had passed since Aiden was born into this world. Aiden had clocked one year old and going, and Hazel had clocked eight years old and going.

And it had gotten to the time for the awakening of power elements, the awakening of abilities. And today was a special day for the Dankworth family 'cause Hazel was gonna be taking part in the awakening as well, she was eight years old.

Her parents were happy and anxious at the same time. They were happy 'cause she could awaken an ability, she could awaken one of the power elements. But there was a possibility that she might not awaken an ability, that was what was making them anxious.

Maybe she doesn't even have the mana core in her at all. This was what always makes every parent anxious whenever it gets to the time of awakening.

A child was supposed to go awaken whenever he or she gets to 8 years old, that's when the mana core in the child's body would be fully developed for awakening if the child has the mana core at all.

Only a few people don't get to awaken an ability at all, but parents were still always very anxious 'cause their child could fall into that category. And when you don't get to awaken a single affinity, you'll be looked down on for some time.

This was how it was being done in the Tuvalon Kingdom, and this was how it was being done in other kingdoms with benders in them. There was a temple in a certain village in the Tuvalon Kingdom where all kids go to awaken, they call it the Xeterra Temple.

A date was always fixed for the awakening, it isn't when a child gets to 8 years old, and immediately, he or she wants to go awaken in the, it doesn't work that way. The child and the parents would have to wait till it gets to the date fixed for the awakening.

It was always done under a month, so every child wouldn't be able to awaken on the same day if at all the child has the mana core. People that were living close to the village or in the village are very lucky 'cause they wouldn't have to start journeying whenever it gets to the time for their child to awaken.

But as for people that weren't living in the village or close to it, they'll have to start journeying to the village. And they'll have to start the journey on time 'cause there are always long queues at the temple whenever it gets to the time of awakening...there are always lots of children that want to awaken on the same day.

This applies to both the chiefs and nobles, it doesn't matter if you're a high-ranked one or not, once it gets to the time of the awakening, and you have a child that had gotten to the age of awakening, you have to start journeying to the temple if your house isn't close to it...the temple wouldn't come to you.

This temple had been in existence for years now, that's where people of old got to awaken their power elements, people that were adults now. That's where Ethan and Emma awakened their power elements.

Very early in the morning, when everywhere was still a little dark, Ethan had woken up and woken all his family. That includes the two maids, Emily and Alora, they were still working for the Dankworth family.

Hazel was gonna be part of the kids awakening today, their house wasn't that far from the village where the temple was situated, but it wasn't that near either, so they needed to start the journey on time so Hazel would be able to awaken today if at all she has the mana core.

All the Dankworth family would be going, this was a special day for them. Both Ethan, Emma, and Aiden, were all going. As for the two servants, they'll have to stay at home and watch over the house.

They were all prepared currently, Hazel was all dressed up along with the rest of the Dankworth family. Ethan carried some essential stuff in a certain bag, then they strolled out of the house along with the two servants. And at that moment, Ethan focused his gaze on the both of them and uttered,

"As you know, we are going for the awakening of my daughter here, Hazel. You guys should watch over the house, we'll be back".

The both of them just nodded their heads with their heads bowed a little. Then the four of them began sauntering to one of the horses in the compound that had a carriage attached to its back, this was the horse they were gonna use to embark on the journey…

..Ethan was gonna stay on top of the horse riding it, while the rest of them would stay in the carriage.

And that's exactly what happened, Emma and her two kids entered the carriage, while Ethan mounted the horse. The two servants waved at them, and Ethan put the horse in motion immediately.

​ He rode the horse out of the compound riding it straight into the village square as it moved on the road. As they rode, they saw very few people walking on the road, it was still very early in the morning, everywhere hadn't brightened completely yet.

But this must have to be done in order for them to get there on time. And there was a very huge possibility that they'll still meet a queue once they get there, but at least, it wouldn't be too long that Hazel wouldn't be able to awaken today.

Some people living far away from the Xeterra Temple started embarking on the journey much earlier...earlier than the Dankworth family could think of, so they'll get there before the Dankworth family could think of reaching there.

As they journeyed, the sky brightened more, everywhere brightened, it got to complete morning. Now, more people were walking around, they even saw other horses moving around with people riding them.

Ethan kept riding the horse as it kept neighing, and his family stayed safe in the carriage. It was a journey of hours before they arrived at the village where the Xeterra Temple was situated. Their house wasn't that far from the village, but it still took them hours to get there…

..Now, imagine if their house was really far from the village.

Getting to the village, they could see lots of people heading in a certain direction. They were in two categories, some were riding horses, while some were trekking on foot. The direction they were heading to was where the Xeterra Temple was located.

The people heading in that direction consisted of adults and kids, so they were heading toward the temple for the awakening. Now, they started embarking on the journey on time, their house wasn't too far from the temple. But on getting there, see the number of people that were heading toward the direction of the temple.

..Once again, imagine if their house was really far from the temple.

There were lots of people heading toward the temple, but they weren't extra many. Without wasting time, Ethan began riding the horse toward the direction of the temple also. They arrived at the compound of the temple, and it was really large.

But it wasn't a new thing to Ethan and Emma 'cause they'd been here before. But as for Hazel and Aiden, they were wowed, this was their first time being here. The compound was huge, and it was filled with people...look at the queue.

They came on time, but still, look at the queue! It wasn't that long, but it wasn't that short either. And there was the purple-colored temple at the far end of the compound.

Ethan parked the horse at the side of the compound, and Emma came out of the carriage bringing her two children out of it, that's Aiden and Hazel. Coming out of the carriage, they could now take a proper view of the compound and the temple.

Aiden was from modern world, so seeing these things one after the other was like new thing to him. He was wowed when he saw the king's palace and some other places he's been to. These weren't how edifices were built in the world he came from, so they were like new things to him.

He could now walk properly, he was a year and months old baby, so his mum didn't have to carry him at all after they came out of the carriage. She just held his hand along with his sister's hand as they strolled.

Apart from being able to walk properly, he could now talk. Now, his talking wasn't as loud as the adults' own, but at least, he was trying his best to talk little by little. An adult could even hear what he was saying if he or she listens well.

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