Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 22 To Take Part In The Awakening.(2)

Chapter 22 To Take Part In The Awakening.(2)

He couldn't even talk as much as Hazel, but the fact remains, adults could hear what he was saying if they listen closely. After about a year and some months, he came to notice these changes in him. He was watching himself grow, his family was watching him grow.

Ethan had descended from the horse as he was walking alongside his family. Aiden strolled as he glanced at the compound and the people on it. He understood why they were here, for their kids' awakening. And he also understood that Hazel was gonna be partaking in the awakening also...that's why they journeyed to this place.

At this rate, they could see knights around, those were knights of the high-ranked and medium-ranked chiefs and nobles. The ones that were here were the ones that had 8 years old kids, they needed their kids to partake in the awakening as well, they needed to know if they had the mana core in them at all…

..If they were gonna awaken a single affinity.

As known, 'cause they had political powers doesn't mean the temple would come meet them, they have to go meet the temple. That's why they were here, and most of them brought some of their knights along.

Ethan was familiar with every single one of them, so he greeted the ones he needed to greet, the ones that needed his greeting. The awakening was already taking place, so the Dankworth family was strolling toward the queue.

Not everyone can join the queue though. The rule was, the kid that wants to take part in the awakening would stay with one parent or guardian in the queue, and the rest would move aside and watch. The compound was large enough to contain all of them, it was really vast.josei

So while the Dankworth family was strolling toward the queue, Emma had already noticed anxiety on Hazel's face. Once they get to the queue, Hazel would stay there with her mum, while Ethan would take Aiden and move aside.

Emma noticed the anxiety on her daughter's face, and she didn't waste time notifying her husband about it through her facial expression...she didn't say anything.

Ethan understood immediately, glanced at Hazel's face, and noticed the anxiety on it. This must be anxiety about if she'll awaken a power element or not, if she has the mana core in her at all. Both of her parents possess abilities, but that wasn't a sure thing that she'll get to awaken an ability was based on probability.

Ethan had to stop their movement at that moment, bent so he could be at the same level with his daughter, then he uttered to her,

"Are you anxious as to if you'll awaken an affinity or not?".

Hazel nodded her head and retorted, "Yes, dad".

"Don't be anxious, alright? Both of your parents possess an affinity, I even possess two for that matter. And the people that don't get to awaken an ability at all are few, so there's a very high chance that you'll awaken an ability. But even if you don't, life would still go on, we wouldn't be disappointed in you my daughter". Ethan said to Hazel.

A smile appeared on Hazel's face at that moment, and she nodded her head in understanding. The Dankworth family continued strolling, and before they could even get to the queue, Ethan had already taken Aiden aside as it was only Emma and Hazel that got to the queue.

Ethan and Aiden stood at the spot where other men and women were standing, some chiefs and nobles were also there, including some knights. And at that moment, they watched as different activities took place.

The awakening had started already, and from where Aiden and Ethan were standing, Ethan could see kids coming out of the temple, but Aiden couldn't see them properly 'cause he was short.

From the expressions on their faces when coming out of the temple, Ethan could tell who got to awaken a power element and who didn't get to awaken one. An elated expression would be plastered to the face of the child that got to awaken a power element, that elated expression would also be plastered to the face of the parent on the queue.

But when a child didn't get to awaken a single affinity, when coming out of the temple, a gloomy expression would be plastered to his or her face. And that same expression would be plastered to the face of the parent waiting in the queue.

Lots of kids were coming out of the temple with that elated expression plastered to their faces, while few were coming out with that gloomy expression plastered to their faces.

Ethan just stood there watching and waiting for when it would get to the turn of his daughter, Hazel...and he was anxious. He told Hazel not to be anxious, but here he was being anxious, it wasn't easy for a parent not to be anxious when it gets to their child's awakening.

This was the event taking place before a child could enter the temple for the awakening. There was an elder at the front of the temple with a book and a reed pen in his hand. Now, when it gets to the turn of a child to enter the temple, the elder would interrogate the person with the child and the child as well.

He'll get the name of the child and some other details about the child. Then the child would stroll into the temple. And on getting into the temple, there are two elders in the temple as well to make sure things go in order and the awakening takes place smoothly.

All the elders were dressed in purple-colored robes, the color of the external part of the temple.

And this was how the awakening takes place. After the elder outside of the temple had gotten some details about the child, the child would stroll into the temple. Now, there was a chair in the middle of the temple that seemed like chair of the king's chair.

Now, at the side of the chair, at the top side of it, there was iron with six colors on it. These were the six colors on it, Blue, Red, Black, White, Green, and Yellow. Now, the iron was connected to the chair.

Once a child sits on the chair, he'll start feeling a certain aura circulating him, it would seem like extreme power was transferring into his or her body. That would take place for about a minute and some seconds.

Now, after that has taken place, one of the colors on the iron would have to shine brightly. If the blue color shines brightly, that means the child has awakened the water affinity.

If the red color shines brightly, that means the child has awakened the fire affinity. If the black color shines brightly, that means the child has awakened the earth affinity. If the white color shines brightly, that means the child has awakened the wind affinity.

Now, if one of the colors shines brightly along with the green color, that means the child has more than one affinity to awaken. That means the kid is gifted, everyone would have to wait for some minutes for another color to shine brightly.

For instance, a child sits on the chair, and the red color shines along with the green color. That means the child has awakened the fire power element but still needs to wait for he has another element to awaken. Let's say the blue color shines next, that means the kid awakened the fire and water affinity...he or she is talented.

But when a kid sits on the chair, and the yellow color shines brightly, that means the kid has no affinity to awaken, he or she has no mana core...disappointment.

After the awakening has taken place, and one of the colors shows that you got to awaken an ability, days later, you'll start noticing the powers in you. Let's say you awakened the fire element, you can bring out fire from your hand suddenly. So at that stage, a person needs to be careful.

And no matter what element the kid gets to awaken, he or she wouldn't be referred to as another rank of bender apart from the A-rank bender until the person reaches 13 years old.

And after the awakening, that's when they might start seeing signs of the smaller abilities they possess if they possess one at all. Minor abilities like speed, healing ability, and so on. At one point in your life, in your mid to late teens, you can now decide if you want to go to the academy for training benders.

If you want to learn to make use of your power element well, if you want to learn to wield mana...if you want to become a warrior.

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