Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 24 Seven Years Later.

Chapter 24 Seven Years Later.

Seven years had passed after Hazel's awakening took place. Days after the awakening, she noticed that she could now make use of her power though she couldn't make use of it well.

She hadn't trained, she hadn't learned to wield mana. So to make use of her power properly, she'll have to train. But that was a decision she'll have to make, does she want to go to the academy for benders to train properly like her dad? Or does she want to keep it aside like her mum?

It all lies on her, she hadn't even decided yet, for the past seven years, she was still contemplating. She was referred to as a D-rank bender now 'cause she was past 13 years old already, she was now 15 years old.

Numerous times, she had bragged to Aiden about possessing a mana core and possessing an ability as well, but her bragging had never gotten to Aiden. After the awakening, she didn't get to possess any of the minor abilities, just the main one...but she was still happy with it.

She was still at the academy where she learns public speaking, writing, and so on. But she wasn't learning anymore, she had learned completely, one more year, and she'll be out of the academy. A child would have to spend years in the academy before coming out.

After she was out of the academy, that's when she would now have to make a final decision if she'll go to the academy for benders or not.

Ethan was in his late 'forties now, and Emma was in her early 'forties close to her mid 'forties. Aiden was 7 years old now, he was now a young boy, he could now speak and walk properly, he wasn't a baby anymore.

As for the two servants that were working for them, that's Emily and Alora, one of them had left, and that's Emily. But she was quickly replaced by another servant that goes by the name, Lydia. She was just like Emily 'cause she possesses an affinity also, she wasn't like, Alora.josei

The two servants were just like family to the Dankworth family. And both of them were in their 'twenties. As known, Alora was 18 years old when she started working for their family. But seven years had passed since then, so she was 25 now...but she was still looking so pretty and sexy.

And Aiden does still admire her body wishing he could bang her someday. But he was just a 7-year-old boy that she does underestimate a lot. The other servant named, Lydia, was 26 years old.

Ethan was still a warrior, a bender, and an average-ranked chief. It got to the time when the king wanted to bestow knights on him...but he rejected it saying he doesn't want them for now. The king was really surprised, like an average-ranked chief rejecting to get free knights for himself? Ethan was really different.

That was years ago. Right now, Ethan and the king agreed that Ethan could order knights whenever he needed some, he doesn't want them to live with him and his family. It was Ethan's suggestion, and the king agreed to it.

He was still a warrior, he was still helping this kingdom in many ways, so agreeing to that wasn't a problem for the king.

Aiden had still been completing daily quests, he's been doing so for seven good years now. He wasn't a baby anymore, so the daily quests he does receive from the system now weren't the same as before, they had changed.

As for main quests? He hasn't started taking part in them yet. He wasn't a baby anymore, he could now talk, walk, and even run, but it hadn't still gotten to the time for him to begin taking part in main quests yet...the time would come.

And within these seven years, he had gotten to learn some new things about the system...discoveries. Things that he had gotten to use already.

Currently, all the Dankworth family were sitting round the dining table having breakfast. It was morning currently, and after they were done eating, each of them would engage in different activities.

The ones that were to leave the house would do so, and the ones that were to stay would stay. There were times when the servants had joined them at the dining table to have either breakfast or dinner. But things were different today, they weren't to join them at the dining table to have breakfast.

While eating, Ethan triggered a conversation. He glanced at 15 years old Hazel and inquired,

"So, Hazel, have you made up your mind if you'll be going to the academy specialized to train benders after you're done with your current schooling? Or are you still contemplating?"

"I'm still contemplating". Hazel responded.

Ethan sighed a little, then voiced out, "When would the contemplation stop? When are you gonna decide?".

"I don't know, dad, I can't answer that". Hazel retorted once again.

Ethan sighed once again, focused his gaze on Aiden, and voiced out,

"Aiden, your schooling is definitely starting today. Most children started their schooling at the appropriate age, that's five years old. Your sister started her schooling at the age of five, she started attending her current academy at that age. We told you it was about time for you to start your schooling when you were five years old, but you rejected saying you don't want to,

We gave you time, waited for months, and asked again, you said you weren't still ready. We waited till when you were six years old, you said you weren't still ready. And now that you're seven years old, you're still telling me you aren't ready? Well, we've talked about it already, and you're going to start today. But you wouldn't be going to the same academy as, Hazel,

Don't you want to learn writing? How to read, and other things? Do you want to be illiterate?".

And the moment Ethan was done making that utterance, a certain kind of gloomy expression appeared on Aiden's face while he was still eating. Yes, all his dad said was true, from when he was five years old, they'd been telling him it was about time for him to start going to the academy meant for learning the basic things like reading, writing, and all that…

..But he's been rejecting the offers? Why? 'Cause he was an adult in a young boy's body, he was from modern world, he already knew these basic things. Reading, writing, and all that, he was aware of them all. Going there would just be like wasting his time learning what he already knew, and he'll have to keep going there for years.

And again, he was fully aware that the schools in this world would be very different from the ones in modern world...this was ancient time. And it might be of inconvenience to him. How they'll be taught, the classes, the pen they'll use, and the books.

But he can't tell his parents that he was from modern world and already knew these things? That he was reborn into this world? They'll be really confused. So he'll just have to go to whatever academy they had in mind of taking him to.

His dad had already talked to him about this, and they decided that he was gonna start today. The son of an average-ranked chief didn't attend any academy to learn the basics? It would be a big disgrace to, Ethan.

They had already prepared all the things Aiden would need when he gets to the academy and gets to class. His bag had been prepared, about two books were in it, as well as reed pens. Aiden was dressed in one of his favorite robes currently while eating, it was a wine-colored robe...he was gonna be wearing it to the academy.

Once they were done eating, Ethan would ride Hazel to her school first, then he'll ride Aiden to his own where the registration and all that would take place, then he'll ride to his destination.

As they were still eating, Alora sauntered to the living room where the dining table was situated with Aiden's bag in her hand. She was the one that prepared the bag and everything in it. She sauntered to where they were eating and voiced out,

"Sir, this is Aiden's bag, everything he'll need is in it. I'll just drop it on one of the chairs".

"Sure". Ethan voiced out while glancing at her chewing the food in his mouth.

She began strolling toward one of the chairs in the living room to drop the bag on it, and Aiden just kept glancing at her ass...he even licked his mouth a little while doing so.

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