Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 25 Going To An Academy To Get The Basic Knowledge.

Chapter 25 Going To An Academy To Get The Basic Knowledge.

Why was he licking his mouth? The same case, he wished he could bang her. Not only does she have a big ass, she was sexy, and also busty. As time was passing, her assets were getting bigger. They weren't as big as this when she was still a teenager.

And worst of all, she wasn't dressed in those robes that could conceal her assets. She was dressed in her servant's clothing, it was a little tight, so all her packages were being revealed. In addition to her natural beauty.

You must be wondering, wasn't Ethan drooling over her body? No, her body was like nothing to him, and he loves his wife too much. But as for, Aiden, he wanted to have a taste of it.

But what can he do? He can't have a taste of it now. He kept glancing at her until she got to one of the chairs and dropped the bag on it, then he took his gaze off her and focused on his food as she strolled into her room.

At that moment, Ethan's voice resounded again,

"Once I'm done taking you guys to your different academies, I'll head straight to the king's palace before heading to my animal field. We have some issues to discuss at the king's palace".

Ethan had been an average-ranked chief for years now, so he had started giving his opinion on matters concerning this kingdom...he wasn't a low-ranked chief anymore. Things had even changed now, low-ranked chiefs and nobles could even give their little opinions when it comes to matters concerning this kingdom…

..But not as much as the high-ranked and medium-ranked ones.

So right now, Ethan was dressed in the blue-colored robe, robe he was meant to wear whenever a meeting was to take place at the king's palace.

Within some minutes more, they were done eating as Emma cleared the table of plates. Then Ethan glanced at Aiden and Hazel and said,

"We have to leave immediately, there's no time to waste".

Aiden strolled over to where Alora dropped the bag and grabbed it with a kind of expression on his face. The expression screams, 'So I'm truly gonna go to the academy? Learning what I already know?'.

He opened the bag and saw what was inside, books and reed pens, and he didn't waste time closing it. The bag was just like a backpack, but the material used in making it was softer. He wore the bag as he began strolling toward where Ethan was standing.

And as the three of them were sauntering out of the house, Emma said while waving at them,


Hazel and Aiden were the only ones that waved back, Ethan didn't. Reaching outside, they strolled toward one of the horses on the compound, the one that didn't have a carriage attached to it. Then Ethan loosened the rope attached to the horse that was stopping it from moving.

After loosening it, he helped Hazel and Aiden mount the horse as they were sitting on top of it right now. Then Ethan mounted the horse also sitting in front...that's where he was supposed to sit since he was the one that was gonna put the horse in motion.

He put the horse in motion riding it out of the compound and into the village square. They rode until they arrived in front of Hazel's academy, then they rode into the compound.

This was the first time Aiden was setting eyes on Hazel's academy ever since he was born into this world. He wasn't interested in going to school to learn the basic things since he knew them already, so he never had an interest in seeing Hazel's academy.

But he was seeing it right now, and he was amused. Yeah, there was a lot of difference compared to the schools in modern world, but he was still a little amused. The compound was huge, the structures were okay, students were on the compound, both males and females.

Hazel descended from the horse with the help of her father, then Ethan handed some copper coins to her...what she was gonna use in feeding and doing other things. Ethan then glanced at Aiden and voiced out,

"This is the first time you're seeing Hazel's academy, right?".

Aiden nodded his head while uttering, "Yes, dad".

"You didn't even want to attend any academy to learn the basic things, so why would you even bother to come check out what Hazel's academy looks like?". Ethan voiced out once again.

Yes, he was correct, Aiden couldn't deny it. Ethan uttered once again,

"If not for the little things we've been teaching you since when you were a baby, you wouldn't even be able to spell your name now, not to talk of the fact that you're managing to read and write little by little".

'No, you're wrong, dad, I already have knowledge of those things from the world I came from'. Aiden thought to himself.

For the past years, Aiden had been pretending that he couldn't read and write well. That he was managing to read and write due to the little things they'd been teaching him. He didn't want them to be confused and surprised at the same time.

By now, Hazel had already sauntered away, then Ethan's voice resounded again,

"Now, let's head over to your academy so you could be registered".

And after making that utterance, he rode the horse out of the compound. As they rode, they sighted other horses run past them with people on them...they were heading to their different destinations.

Ethan rode the horse until they arrived in front of the academy, then he rode straight into the compound. And at that moment, Aiden began glancing around the compound. It was similar to Hazel's, the compound was vast with little flowers in it. And he could see students in robes around, both males and females.

He glanced at the edifices, they were just like the ones in Hazel's academy. They were nice buildings, but very different from the school buildings in modern world. They needed improvement to get to the same level as the ones in modern world.

"This is the academy I'll be registering you in, and you'll start today". Ethan said to Aiden glancing at him.josei

He came down from the horse, then helped Aiden come down from it as well.

"All we have to do now is find the head office. We've done our inquiries, and this is a good school to start in. I'm sure the class you'll be starting in, you'll see lots of kids younger than you". Ethan said glancing directly into Aiden's eyes.

But Ethan's statement wasn't of much concern to, Aiden. Whether they were younger or older than him, what he knows was that he'll be smarter than all of them once it comes to that basic knowledge. Reading, writing, spelling, and all that.

But as for others, he wasn't sure. Who knows? They could be teaching a subject here he wasn't aware of at all. He kept on glancing around the compound, and at that moment, he was wondering why these students roaming about on the compound weren't in their classrooms.

In the world he came from, everyone should be in their different classrooms by now.

"Let's find the head office so I could register you, pay the necessary fees, and leave right away". Ethan uttered to Aiden again as they began sauntering.

These schools were established by the previous and current king, but they weren't free. After registering your child, you'll still have to pay some necessary fees. And every single day your child comes to school, you have to give him or her copper coins for feeding and all that.

Now, not everyone in the Tuvalon Kingdom could afford this, all hands are not equal. Some people aren't rich, in fact, they aren't average, they are struggling to make ends meet. So for people like that with kids, other schools were established for them by the previous and current king.

They wouldn't have to pay anything after registering their kids in these academies...they'll be taught the basic things for free. And as for feeding, they wouldn't need to pay anything, they'll be fed everyday at the academies for free.

But those academies weren't as nice looking as the ones you'll have to pay for. Both the past and current king arranged these so every kid would get the basic knowledge. So no one would say, 'My kid is illiterate 'cause we are too poor to send him or her to school'.

And apart from the schools established for those poor ones, they were being helped in other ways by the king. The kids who get to attend these kinds of academies where the necessary fees have to be paid were the ones whose parents were rich or average financially.

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