Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 269 Locating Her Home.

Chapter 269 Locating Her Home.

Some minutes had passed now, and he was still trailing them. We all know the main person he was trailing among all of them...Cara.

And for the time they've been walking on the road, for the minutes that have passed, they were still conversing amongst themselves.

..No doubt, they were really close friends.

They weren't just conversing amongst themselves, they were laughing and smiling from time to time. Now, it got to a point where they began leaving one after the other.

Yes, they'd get to a certain junction, one person would walk away after saying bye to them...the person had gotten close to her house. They'd get to another junction, and another person would leave among them.

And so it kept on going until it was Cara remaining, last girl standing.

'And she's been left alone, it's only her remaining'. Aiden thought to himself as he was still following her from behind.

This made him remember when he'd be going home with his friends, Oliver and Ava. The both of them would follow the different intersections that lead to their houses first, and he'd end up walking on the road alone until he arrives at his home.

That's exactly what had happened to Cara, all her friends had followed the different intersections that would lead them to their homes, while she was walking on the road alone.

..Well, Aiden was trailing his main target now, no one was around her, she'd been left alone.

Aiden kept following her from behind until she arrived at a certain spot in front of a merchant. She stopped immediately as she was conversing with the male merchant, an adult.

Aiden had to stop as well as he was glancing at her from where he was standing. And this was the thought running through his mind at that moment...

'Who is this man? Is this her father? According to the system, her father is an average merchant, so could this be him?'.

Aiden asked himself these questions but got no answer. What he didn't know was if this merchant was average or not. Was an average merchant not supposed to own a shop?

..Well, he could be an average merchant without owning a shop...Aiden was just confused.

The merchant handed a certain package to Cara, and she handed some copper coins over to him, Aiden saw all these. And he began wondering,

'If this was her father, would she have to pay him for the package he handed over to her? She bought this according to what I'm seeing...I don't think this is her father'.

Aiden concluded though he wasn't very sure...but his conclusion was right, that wasn't her father.

After the package had been handed over to her and she paid up, she began walking once again, and Aiden continued trailing her.

According to what the system said, her home was located in the Slakar Community, so that must be the community she was heading to right now.

She kept on walking and Aiden kept following her until she arrived at a certain intersection and cornered it. After she had walked some meters after cornering the intersection, Aiden cornered it as well.

Note, they weren't the only ones walking on the road, other people were walking on it as well. And according to what Aiden had discerned, seems like they had arrived at the Slakar Community.

..He wasn't just walking, he was studying the roads so he could come back here whenever he wanted to.

Right now, Cara was walking toward a certain building, and Aiden somehow discerned that that could be her home, and it was. They weren't the only ones living there, another group of family was living there as well.

So they weren't the only ones making use of the building...

The building was a little tall according to what Aiden was seeing, a two-storey building. So the other family was living on the first floor, while Cara and her father were living on the last floor.

Aiden stood there as he watched Cara walking toward the building...he was sure now, this was her home. Cara was walking when she suddenly stopped, seems like she was about to glance back.

..She suddenly had the feeling that someone was watching her.

She glanced back but didn't sight Aiden, she only saw a few people walking around as usual. Aiden had already hidden, he quickly discerned she was about to glance back, and he immediately hid.

Glancing back and not sighting anyone suspicious, she began walking toward the building once again. She reached the building, open a certain door, and stepped foot into it.I think you should take a look at

Aiden came out of his hiding place, he saw when she stepped foot into a certain room.

'That must be her house'. Aiden thought to himself.

The building wasn't fenced at all, so there was nothing like opening a certain gate before gaining access to the building.

'Now that I've known where her home is situated, what next?'. Aiden questioned himself in his thought.


And the moment that thought ran through his mind, a certain man dressed in blue robe walked past him, he didn't even know he was coming behind him 'cause his eyes were glued to the door of Cara's home.

..Now, the man that walked past him was Cara's father, he glanced at Aiden a little while walking past.

In his mind, he was like, 'Who's this boy staring directly at my house?'.

Aiden hadn't known that that was Cara's father until he reached the door, opened it, and stepped foot into the room. And this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment...

'Gosh! That was Cara's father, the average merchant, I had no idea. Did he suspect anything while walking past me? I hope he didn't'.

Well, he did it, he had seen Cara and had been able to locate her home, he was already working toward accomplishing the quest.

The plan to locate her academy first before locating her home worked out...he was so glad. Remember, he was asking himself what next, and truly, what next?

..Now that he's located her home and even seen her father, what would follow next?

Well, he's accomplished something for today, he'd have to go home now and begin thinking about how he'd start with the seduction. He has to start strategizing and all that.

He glanced up at the sky, it hadn't darkened that much, but it was already darkening little by little...very slightly. Before he knows it, evening would have arrived, time does move fast.

He glanced at the door of Cara's home once again, and he began wondering if her mother was still alive or not. Well, he has to start heading home right now, and so he began doing.


Aiden was at home currently, nighttime had arrived, the Dankworth family had eaten dinner, and he was in his room right now.

He was sitting on his bed, and he wasn't just sitting on it, his mind was filled up. He was thinking about his next target, Cara. Yes, he was thinking of how he'd begin with the seduction.

As known, he has 16 days remaining to seduce and conquer her. He remembered how he was able to seduce Lucia, it took days. He had to make use of some of the skills in his seduction skill panel.

Yes, that was the reason why they were there, for him to make use of them. He remembered making use of the irresistible fragrance first before moving to the rod increase.

..Yes, those two skills played an important role in seducing Lucia before he conquered her.

And he also made use of the eagle eyes to glance through her robe...he glanced at her pussy and thighs numerous times before he got to f**k her.

And now, he's banged her more than once. He has to make use of those skills on Cara as well, yes, he was sure they'd do a really good job.

And seems like he'd be visiting more of her academy to seduce her, going to her home wouldn't be constant. He wasn't even sure if he'd go there again.

There was a lot to do, he has to know some details about her. Her age, does she possess an ability, and so on. So the next time he'd set eyes on her, he'd try to check out her status.

Then he'd see if he can begin making a move on her. But those her many friends might be a hindrance...but no matter what, he has to begin with the seduction, he'd find a way.

Apart from unlocking the shop, there was a certain skill in his seduction skill panel he hadn't unlocked, and that was the 'fast-paced banging'.

Yes, a time would come when he'd unlock it. He hadn't unlocked it 'cause he didn't need it yet...

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