Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 270 Repeating Itself.

Chapter 270 Repeating Itself.

Chapter 270 Repeating Itself.

Apart from unlocking it, there were skills in his defense skill panel he hadn't unlocked yet, and there were also items he hadn't unlocked...not to talk of the shops.

He'd have to take things slowly, one after the other, a time would come when he'd unlock them. There were insufficient skill points for that now.

Well, what was the aim tomorrow, to check out her status and see if he can make any move on her.

He decided to go to sleep now so he can wake up on time tomorrow. He lay on his bed, and in minutes, he had dozed off.


Dawn had arrived, and Aiden had woken up from sleep. He truly did wake on time, he needed to get to school on time, he needed to arrive at Cara's academy on time today.

..Everything has to be done on time.

He had already prepared by now as he was already putting on the robe he'd wear to school today, he was also carrying his bag. As of now, he has 15 days remaining to seduce and conquer Cara.

He even said it in his thought while heading toward the living room...

'15 days remaining'.

The Dankworth family was about to eat breakfast before everyone would engage in their different activities...the ones that were supposed to depart would do so.

As they were eating, Aiden said to Ethan, "Dad, you'd ride me to school today".

..Yes, he didn't want to trek to school today, he wanted his dad to ride him there, everything has to be done on time.

"Okay, if that's what you want". Ethan stated glancing at Aiden.

And after he was done making that utterance, he focused on his food once again.

They finished eating, the table was cleared, Hazel was the first person to leave the house. And as of now, Aiden and Ethan were already sitting on a certain horse.

Ethan was in front while Aiden was behind him. Fully balanced on the horse, Ethan put it in motion riding it out of the compound.

Aiden arrived at school earlier since he was ridden by his father. And to his very surprise, he arrived at his classroom and didn't meet Oliver and Ava there...he arrived before them today, he was super early.

Then a certain thought ran through his mind...

'Or is it that they are not coming today?'.

Well, they were coming, it's just that he arrived before them. When they arrived, they were surprised that Aiden came before them.

They didn't even say anything about the stuff that happened yesterday, him leaving without their notice. As said, they don't talk about it with Aiden whenever it happens.

Maybe they do converse about it amongst one knows. And he was gonna do that same thing today again, he was gonna leave without their notice 'cause he needed to go to Cara's academy again.

Everyone was already seated in their seats by now as activities were taking place...teachers were teaching them and leaving.

Activities took place, break hour reached, everyone went to the cafeteria, ate, and departed from it. Time passed, and right now, the bell had just rung to signify closing hour.

In a matter of seconds, Aiden had already departed from his classroom. He was walking in the corridor currently, and he had already arrived at the compound by now.

..Once again, the first student to arrive at the compound.

He strolled on the compound until he departed from the academy completely. Now, he wouldn't have to ask for directions to get to Cara's academy since he already knew the way to that place.

Yes, asking for directions once was enough for him. Now, he could go there on his own without any directions. He was journeying toward the community where her academy was situated.

As he was journeying, he began remembering how he does journey to Lucia's academy back then. Yes, he'd be journeying to the Bupia Community where the Trailes Academy was situated.

Now, he was doing the same to that Cara of a girl. Yes, he was doing these things just to accomplish the quest given to him.

on the compound as well.

He strolled into the compound, the aim was to see Cara right now, 'Checking out her status is the first aim'. Aiden thought to himself while still journeying toward her academy.

Right now, he had arrived at the community where her academy was situated, in the next few minutes, he'd arrive at her academy.

..And as of now, he had already arrived at her academy as he was standing in front of it.

They'd closed, the bell had already ranged to signify closing hour, he could see students walking on the compound and a few horses on the compound as well.

He strolled into the compound, the aim was to see Cara right now, nothing else. He began glancing around to see if he'd sight her among the students on the compound, but he didn't.

Once he set eyes on her, he'd recognize her immediately 'cause the image of her face was still fresh in his memory...seeing her once was enough for him.

'Guess she hasn't arrived at the compound yet'. He thought to himself.

Another thought ran through his mind that instant, 'She'd most likely be with her friends again...well, I must find a way no matter what'.

After the passing of some minutes, she finally arrived at the compound. He's sighted her already, but he didn't see the class she came out from 'cause his mind was somewhere else.

She was dressed in a different robe, and she was looking so pretty...prettier than yesterday. And you know what? It was just as Aiden thought, she was with her friends again...the exact amount as yesterday.

Seems like this was a norm, they do go home together, they were trek partners, so he'd have to be expecting more of this a lot. And they weren't just together, they were conversing while smiling.

And Aiden was just like, 'Wow! They must be really close friends, it's been confirmed again'.

..Well, the aim now was to check out her status.

He has to know some details about her. After that has been done, then he'd see if he can approach would be really hard. It would have been easier if her friends weren't around her.

And again, he doesn't want any of them to recognize him as Aiden Dankworth...that would be another problem on its own.

Well, the first aim was to check out her status, and that's what he was about to do right now. He called out on his system from the mind...


<Yes, host>

'Display Cara's status in front of me right now'.

<Cara's status would be displayed in front of host right now>

..And with that, an interface appeared in front of Aiden.



<Name: Cara Woodbead>

<Age: 17 years>

<HP: 10/10>

<Rank: F>

<Strength: 7>

<Agility: 6>

<Physical DMG: 5>

<Endurance: 3>

<Speed: 4>

<Charm: 15>

<Sex energy: 13/20>

<Mana: 1/10>


Done glancing at it, it disappeared. And at this moment, Aiden had known the things he wanted to know about her.

First of all, they were both age mates, she was 17 years old, the same as him. Her rank was reading F, which means she possessed the earth affinity just like Oliver.

Her strength and other stats points were just okay for a girl that hadn't gotten to train that much. And lastly, her sex energy was reading 13/20, Lucia and Anne's sex energy was higher than hers.

That means...Lucia and Anne were better than her in bed. Well, he's known these things about her, he's accomplished the aim of checking out her status.

Now, he wanted to see if he'd be able to approach her, would that be possible? She and her friends were still conversing, and they were so immersed in the conversation.

'I can't approach her now, this isn't the right time. But I'd try to follow them from behind when they'd start heading home'. Aiden thought to himself.

..Yes, that was the current plan, and he was sure to implement it.

Since they'd all leave her on the way and she'd end up being alone, he can then use that chance to approach her. That was the plan, let's see if it would work out.

Minutes had passed, and they were still standing on one spot conversing...the same thing repeating itself. Yes, this same thing happened yesterday, they stood in one spot for minutes conversing while Aiden was waiting for them to finish conversing.

..Now, the same thing was repeating itself.

Aiden couldn't help but think to himself, 'Is this a routine?'.

According to what he was seeing, seems like it was a routine. Well, no matter how long they stand there conversing, he has to wait for them.

They'd finished conversing by now as they were already walking out of the academy, and Aiden was just like...


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