Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 271 Hard To Grab Her Attention.

Chapter 271 Hard To Grab Her Attention.

Chapter 271 Hard To Grab Her Attention.

He muttered that out, and the moment the word flowed out of his mouth, he began following them from behind without their notice.

He was gonna do his very best for them not to notice him again...he has to do a perfect job.

It's been minutes of journeying now, and Aiden was still following them from behind...they hadn't noticed him, and that's how it would keep on going.

Right now, they were already leaving one by one, the normal stuff. They'd get to a certain intersection, and one of them would corner the intersection leaving their midst.

And so it kept on going, and as that was taking place and their numbers were reducing, the smile on Aiden's face was broadening.

Yes, a smile had already appeared on his face after he noticed they were already leaving one by one. As more were leaving, the smile was widening.

Why? Once they leave completely and it remains only Cara, he'd be able to shoot his shot.

"Bye". Cara uttered waving goodbye to the last person.

She waved at Cara as well and cornered the intersection that would lead her straight to her home. And now, it was remaining only Cara...pretty Cara.

"And the target has been left alone". Aiden muttered to himself with that broadened smile still plastered to his face.

..Yes, the target has been left alone, he'd shoot his shot soon.

He was still following her from behind, and he wanted to confirm something. He wanted to see what she'd do once she arrives at that merchant again.

Would she collect another package from him? Or would something else happen? He wasn't confused anymore, he was sure that wasn't her father as he's already seen her father.

He just wanted to see what she'd do once she arrives at the merchant. Well, she arrived at the merchant, and what they did was greet each other by bowing their heads...Aiden noticed it. josei

And Cara didn't have to stop at all to do it, the moment that was taking place, she was walking past him.

'I guess they are just familiar with each other'. Aiden thought to himself.

Now that he's confirmed this, it was about time to start thinking of how he'd shoot his shot. Would he do the same to her as he did to Lucia?

Like, trying to get her attention first before he'd even think of approaching her or starting a conversation with her. You know, he seduced Lucia to the extent she was the one that had to approach him.

He could also do the same to Cara, yes, that's a nice idea. But he was behind her currently, so the plan now was to walk past her without her noticing.

Other people were walking on the road as well, so she wouldn't notice him...not like she's seen him before.

'Hope she doesn't recognize me as Aiden Dankworth, that would ruin everything. Well, the system knew what she was doing when she gave me her as a quest'. Aiden thought to himself and immediately hastened his walking pace.

He walked past her in seconds, and she didn't notice him. But he hoped as he was coming back, she'd notice him, that was really important.

He was in front of her currently, he was walking, and he wasn't too close to her. And some thoughts were running through his mind at that moment...

'I think I'd have to make use of one of those seduction skills. All of them have been unlocked apart from fast-paced banging. I think I'd make use of the irresistible fragrance first, I have to activate it now'.

And immediately, he uttered in his mind, 'Activate irresistible fragrance'.

He got the system's notification immediately...

<Irresistible fragrance has been activated>

<5 Skill points have been deducted from your skill points>

And it's done, he started perceiving a nice fragrance at that moment. A different kind of scent, the one he hadn't perceived before since he started making use of this skill.

As known, the smell of the fragrance would always change whenever he activates the skill, and that's what was happening right now.

His robe was smelling really nice, the fragrance was so strong that he was perceiving it.

'With my handsome face in addition to the nice fragrance surrounding me, I have a high chance of grabbing her attention the moment I begin walking toward her or walk past her'. Aiden thought to himself.

..Yes, he was so confident, but would he truly grab her attention? Well, let's see.

He turned around and began walking toward her. The people he walked past while walking toward her glanced at him 'cause of the nice fragrance that entered their nostrils.

It was so nice, and some ladies among them also found him charming apart from the nice fragrance. He got many heads turning around to glance at him, but he didn't care about them.

He didn't care that they were noticing him, what he needed was for Cara to notice him...that was the most important. He was getting closer to Cara, and according to what he was seeing, seems like she hadn't noticed him.

In fact, she wasn't glancing at him at all, and Aiden was somehow surprised. This was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment,

'How come? Even with my handsome face? Maybe the nice fragrance would do the job, let me get really close to her or walk past her'.

He felt even if his handsome face wasn't doing the job at this moment, the nice fragrance would do the job. He got really close to her, but she didn't still notice him.

He walked past her, then glanced at her, and do you know what he noticed? She didn't turn her head around to glance at him, the fragrance didn't work, and Aiden was f**king surprised.

'What the f**k just happened?'. He thought to himself.

She didn't even turn her head around for a second to glance at him.

'Or is it that she didn't perceive the nice fragrance?'. He thought to himself once again, he was really surprised.

Most of the people he walked past turned their heads around to glance at him, but her own was different. He decided he was gonna try his luck again, he was very unsatisfied with what happened just now.

Just to be sure, he was gonna walk past her again. He began walking toward her, which means, he was heading toward her from behind. And he was doing so at a fast pace.

He had gotten really close to her by now, and it was about time to walk past her again.

'I mean, I am carrying a school bag, can't she notice that I am a student at least'. Aiden thought to himself.

..And after that thought ran through his mind, he walked past her again.

Getting close to her was enough for her to perceive the fragrance and notice him, but she didn't. She didn't glance at him, she didn't notice him...and Aiden was getting more and more disappointed.

He walked past her, and while doing so, she didn't still glance at him. If she had done so, Aiden would have noticed it.

'What the f**k is happening?'. Aiden thought to himself once again.

She was really different, I mean, it didn't take long for Lucia to notice him after he began the seduction...walking toward her was enough.

But for Cara, he's walked past her twice after activating the irresistible fragrance, and she hadn't noticed tough can she be?

He doesn't plan on activating the rod increase at this moment, he's tried, he aimed to end things now and begin heading home.

He doesn't plan on walking past her immediately, he'd walk forward a little, turn around, then walk past her without being close to her.

People were walking around, since she didn't notice him even when he was close to her, then she wouldn't notice him when he'd be far from her...that would be completely impossible.

He's inactivated the irresistible fragrance by now, and he's turned around as he was already heading home. As he was walking past Cara standing meters away from her, he glanced at her with these thoughts running through his mind...

'I can see you're a tough one, but I'd have to get you no matter what'.

And with that, he walked past her completely. Now, what was it with Cara, was it that she didn't notice him at all or she didn't perceive the nice fragrance?

Now, she perceived the nice fragrance, but truth be told, she didn't know where it was coming from. Why? She's got a lot on her mind, and she doesn't really care about boys at this moment.

She didn't notice him at all...she didn't. She perceived the nice fragrance but didn't know where it came from. She doesn't know him as Aiden Dankworth, she doesn't even know what Aiden Dankworth's face looks like.

..She wasn't really interested in boys now.

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