Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 279  Risky.

Chapter 279  Risky.

279  Risky.

Did Cara ever think of Aiden that day after they conversed a little and she got to know some things about him? Yes, she did.

While she was lying on her bed and holding a certain book in her hands which she was reading, she began thinking about him. Her attention wasn't on the book anymore 'cause she was thinking about him.

She hadn't fallen for him, but he was a cool guy according to her mindset. The nice fragrance that was coming out of his body, the way he spoke, his handsomeness, and all that.

..Yes, he was a really cool guy.

She was thinking about him, but in minutes, he was already out of her mind as she continued reading the book in her hands.

If she'd fallen for him, then she'd think about him for a long time. But she thought about him for just a few minutes...

..Aiden would try harder if he wants to really seduce and conquer her.


Today was another day of school, and right now, Ethan and Aiden were on top of a horse as Ethan was riding Aiden to school. Once he drops him at his academy, he'd then ride straight to his animal field.

They had been riding in silence for minutes now, but Ethan broke that silence by saying to Aiden,

"So, when would be the time when you'd ride yourself to school, there'd be no single help from me".

"When I would have learned to ride a horse properly, when I'm perfect at it. You know, you and I don't want a situation where I'd be riding myself to school and end up having an accident on the way". Aiden said.

Ethan nodded his head a little and stated, "Sure, I don't want that. But from the look of things, you're close to learning to ride a horse on your own properly".

"Yes, with just a little more practice, I'd get there".

There was silence again as Ethan kept riding the horse, then his voice resounded again,

"You're close to graduating, in the next few months, you'd be out of school, you'd be done getting the basic knowledge".

..And at that moment, Aiden was wondering why he decided to bring this up.

He uttered anyway, "Yes, in the next few months, I'd be out of school".

"So after that, you'd still be going to one of the academies specialized in training benders, right?". Ethan inquired.

"Sure, I want to learn to make use of my affinity properly, I want to become a warrior like you. So definitely, after my graduation, I'd go to one of the academies specialized in training benders".

A smile appeared on Ethan's face as he voiced out, "That's good".

..Yes, he'd miss Aiden when he goes to an academy specialized in training benders, but it was for the best.

He wanted him to become a warrior like him. At least, one of his family members should become a warrior.

Ethan didn't say anything else as he kept riding Aiden to school until they arrived at his academy. Arriving there, he dropped Aiden, gave him some copper coins, and rode off.

Aiden was standing on the school compound currently as students were strolling toward their classrooms. Glancing at the buildings, he voiced out,

"Another day of school".

And with that, he began walking toward his classroom.

It's been hours since Aiden arrived at his classroom. As usual, activities had taken place, teachers had taught them and left. And right now, a certain teacher was in their classroom teaching them.

And who was the teacher? The food and nutrition teacher, that female teacher. After she was done teaching them, no teacher would step into their classroom anymore until it gets to break hour.

As she was teaching, Aiden was glancing at her, and this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment,

'One of the teachers that ruined my plans of going to Cara's academy last week...plan spoilers'.

..Well, in the end, they weren't to blame, the head teacher was to blame.

Everything they did was her instruction. After the food and nutrition teacher was done teaching, she glanced at them all and uttered,

"Those extra lessons are gonna be taking place today again, but it wouldn't hold tomorrow".

Hearing that, some of the students' facial expressions converted to that of gloomy ones. They were like, 'Again?', yes, though it wouldn't be holding tomorrow, they were still sad.

This was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind the moment the food and nutrition teacher made that utterance,

'Plan guys wouldn't be able to ruin my plans this time, I wouldn't let it happen'.

He already had a nice plan in mind which he was gonna use in escaping before the extra lessons take place.

..Remember, he determined he wouldn't let them ruin his plans anymore, and he was gonna try his very best to keep to it. josei

It was already break hour, students and teachers were heading toward the cafeteria as usual. Aiden and his friends Oliver and Ava strolled toward the cafeteria together as usual.

And while they were heading toward it, they never talked about it. Talk about what? The gloomy expression plastered to Aiden's face last week while they were heading home together.

..They've learned not to ask him about these things.

They never asked him about it, they never talked about it until they entered the cafeteria and occupied chairs around a certain table.

Remember, they asked him that day, they tried to get an answer from him, but he didn't respond. Instead, he just left them there by walking away.

Time passed, students and teachers had already left the cafeteria hours ago. More activities and teachings had taken place, and right now, it was already getting close to closing hour.

..Aiden was sitting in his seat currently, he was waiting for the time when he'd depart from the classroom.

Yes, that was the plan, he was gonna leave the classroom before the bell even rings to signify closing hour. As he was sitting there, he was calculating.

He knows once the bell rings, before any student would be able to leave the classroom, a certain teacher would have already stepped foot into it.

So he was calculating, the bell wouldn't ring before he steps out of the classroom. And again, he must make sure no teacher was around when he'd be stepping out of the classroom.

So he'd have to do this minutes before the bell rings to signify closing hour. And again, while walking in the compound, no teacher must sight him. If that happens, all his plans would be ruined.

..Yes, these are the things he needs to be careful of.

As said, he was determined not to fail, and he was gonna try his very best to keep to it. As of now, it had gotten to the time for Aiden to leave the classroom, he was sure of it.

In the next minutes, the bell would ring to signify closing hour. He picked up his school bag, glanced around the classroom, stood up from his seat, glanced at Oliver and Ava, then began walking out of the classroom.

Students didn't notice he was walking out of the classroom 'cause they were immersed in something...most of them were conversing with each other.

..Even Oliver and Ava didn't notice he was walking out of the classroom as well, they were immersed in something.

Until he walked out of the classroom completely, no one noticed. Standing in the corridor, he glanced left and right to make sure no teacher was around or no one was glancing at him.

He didn't notice anyone, so he began walking in the corridor. He must make sure no teacher sights him 'cause once one sets eyes on him, he or she would know he was leaving the academy 'cause he was carrying his bag.

..And that would be problem for him...and nothing must ruin his plans.

He was descending the staircases currently, and something was about to happen. He was still descending the staircases when he began hearing sounds of footsteps...yes, someone was coming.

He glanced at the next staircase he was gonna reach in seconds, and he sighted one of the subject teachers coming.

..The teacher mustn't sight him, if he does, all his plans would be ruined.

By the time the teacher got to the staircase Aiden was standing on, he had already hidden. The place he hid in wasn't that secure, but he was sure the teacher wouldn't be able to sight him there.

And truly, he walked past without sighting Aiden. And the moment that had taken place, Aiden came out of his hiding place and sighed a little.

..For sure, what he was doing was risky.


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