Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 283 How Long Would This Continue?

Chapter 283 How Long Would This Continue?

'There'd be no extra lessons today according to the statement that was made yesterday'. Aiden thought to himself as students were standing up from their seats and walking out of the classroom.

He was still sitting in his seat, and by now, Oliver and Ava had already stood up from their seats as it was about time to head over to the cafeteria.

They glanced at Aiden, and he was waiting for the usual. You know, for them to walk over to him so they'd begin heading to the cafeteria together.

But that wasn't what happened, at all. The both of them glanced at each other and walked out of the classroom together leaving Aiden there.

He opened his mouth in awe immediately...what just happened? According to what he discerned, they were angry at him. Why wouldn't they be angry at him for what he's been doing? They didn't understand him that much anymore.

He stood up from his seat and began walking out of the classroom alone. In fact, by now, the classroom was already empty, he was the last person to step out of it.

He was walking in the compound currently heading toward the cafeteria along with other students. And this was the thought running through his mind at that moment,

'Should I sit with Oliver and Ava when I arrive at the cafeteria? Or should I sit somewhere else since they're angry at me?'.

He contemplated it for seconds, then he decided...we'd know what his decision is when he arrives at the cafeteria. He arrived at the cafeteria, dropped the needed coins, then began scanning around in search of Oliver and Ava.

He sighted them, and thank goodness, it was only them making use of a certain table, no one else had come to join them. He began walking toward them until he reached where they were, then he occupied a chair.

After sitting, he glanced at the both of them, but it doesn't seem like they were in the mood to converse with him...

'They're still angry at me, it's evident from their facial expressions'. Aiden thought to himself.

..Well, the plan was to eat now, he'd see if he can settle things with them later.

They don't know what he was going through, they don't know a lot about him. It wasn't his fault that they'd been noticing something off with him for some time now...he has to accomplish the quests given to him since that's the path he chose from the very beginning.

They were served a very delicious meal, even the aroma was enough for someone to know that it was a delicious meal. They were given their different food, and they didn't waste time to begin digging.

Throughout the time they were eating, Oliver and Ava didn't say anything to Aiden, there was no conversation...just pure silence. They didn't say anything to each other as well, they just kept eating their food.

Aiden was still eating when he decided to scan around a little. He did so, and the first person he set eyes on was Anne. She wasn't glancing at him though, she just focused on her food.

He sighted some other people as well. People like Miss Sandra, the teacher he wanted to f**k, their current maths teacher, and so on...they were all eating.

..Well, people were already leaving the cafeteria by now.

All the teachers had already left, the people leaving now were students. Aiden, Oliver, and Ava were already done eating, and Oliver and Ava just stood up from the chairs they were sitting on and began walking out of the cafeteria.

They didn't bother to wait for Aiden, they weren't interested in waiting for him...

Aiden immediately stood up from the chair he was sitting on and began following them from behind without saying anything to them.

They were walking on the compound currently, and Aiden was still following them from behind. And you know what? He was already tired of this silent treatment they were giving to him.

His voice resounded at that moment, "Are you guys angry at me?".

..He was asking an obvious question.

They heard his question, but they didn't reply, they just kept on walking. He ran and stood in front of them, then he threw the question again...

"Are you guys angry at me?".

"Yes, we are very angry at you". Ava responded.

"Why?". Aiden questioned once again.

"Something has been going on with you for some time now, we don't know what it is, and you don't want to tell us about it. Yesterday, you couldn't even wait for the extra lessons to take place...actually, you couldn't wait for the bell to ring to signify closing hour before you left the classroom,

You're always in a hurry now, always ready to leave the classroom. Seems like we aren't even that important to you anymore. What would it take you to wait for the extra lessons to begin and climax before leaving?

You do leave without us now, as I said, seems like we aren't that important to you anymore". Ava expressed.

Aiden just stood there glancing at the both of them...yes, everything she said was true, but they don't understand.

He didn't even know what to say, he just kept glancing at them.

"Seems like he's short of words". Oliver said to Ava glancing at her.

Ava only nodded her head, then Oliver said to her again, "Let's go".

And with that, the both of them turned around and began walking away. Aiden's voice resounded again,

"Wait, guys".

The both of them stopped walking and glanced at Aiden, then Oliver inquired,

"Have something to say now?".

..He was still short of words, Oliver asked that question, and he didn't still say anything.

"Seems like he's still short of words". Ava said to Oliver.

The both of them turned around and began walking away once again. Even if he calls them, they wouldn't answer this time. Aiden placed his right palm on his head and muttered to himself,

"Everything is falling apart. My friends are angry at me, and I have given up on my second main quest. How bad can things get?".

..He was going through a lot, and there was no one to save him.

He began walking toward the building where his classroom was situated...what can he do?

Time passed, more activities took place, teachers taught and left, and right now, the bell had just ranged to signify closing hour. No teacher stepped foot into Aiden's class, no teacher stepped foot into the other class that was in the same level of learning as Aiden's class.

..Students were standing up from their seats and walking out of the classroom, there were no extra lessons today.

Aiden was still sitting in his seat when he sighted Oliver and Ava stand up from their seats carrying their was about time for them to leave. They'd most likely leave without him, and that's exactly what happened.

The both of them walked out of the classroom without waiting for Aiden or walking toward him. Well, he quickly stood up from his seat, carried his bag, and walked out of the classroom.

He was gonna follow them from behind just as he did when they walked out of the cafeteria...

He had already caught up to them as they were walking on the compound currently. He was following them from behind, they had noticed it, but there was nothing they could do about it.

They had walked out of the academy by now, and he was still following them from behind. They don't plan on speaking to them, but they were gonna converse with each other.

..Aiden was still following them from behind when they began conversing with each other, and he felt so left out.

Wow! They were treating him really badly, they were angry at him. He didn't say anything, he just kept following them from behind as they were conversing with each other.josei

They had arrived at the intersection Ava would corner that would lead her straight to her home. She waved at only Oliver before cornering the intersection, and Aiden was just glancing at her.

After that had taken place, Oliver began walking again without even glancing at Aiden for a second. Aiden did the usual, he was following him from behind.

..And you know what? He was getting really tired of this.

His voice resounded, "Oliver". Oliver heard him call his name, but he kept on walking. And Aiden called out his name once again, this time, more audible.


Oliver stopped, glanced at him, and uttered, "What".

"How long would this continue?". Aiden inquired of him.

"Ummm...until you're ready to tell us what is going on with you, this would continue". Oliver responded.

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