Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 284 It Helped Out A Lot.

Chapter 284 It Helped Out A Lot.

Aiden began walking toward Oliver. And the moment he reached where he was standing, he placed his palm on his right shoulder, and uttered,

"Oliver, I'm going through a lot".

Oliver stood there glancing at him without knowing what to say for seconds, and this was what he managed to say,

"You can tell me about it, I'm your friend, Aiden". josei

"Oliver, this is something I can't tell you and Ava".

..And he decided to lie at that moment.

"This is something concerning my family, it can't be revealed. I've known since back then that you and Ava must have been wondering what was going on with me numerous times,

As said, it is something I can't reveal to you guys. But I want you to know, I'm going through a lot".

Yes, he was going through a lot, but it wasn't connected with his family at all...

Oliver's heart melted immediately, and he started feeling guilty for what he and Ava were doing to Aiden today. His voice resounded,

"I'm sorry for today".

"Oh! It's no problem". Aiden said taking his palm off Oliver's shoulder.

"I hope the family problem isn't too big?". Oliver inquired of Aiden.

"It's big, but it isn't too enormous". Aiden responded.

"Since your dad is an average-ranked chief, I hope the problem isn't connected to politics". Oliver uttered once again.


Aiden had noticed that Oliver wasn't angry at him anymore, and he was glad...but he made sure it didn't show on his face. He was really sad that he had given up on accomplishing his second main quest, them being angry at him was making it worse.

"I hope you'd talk to Ava so she'd stop being angry at me". Aiden said to Oliver.

"Sure, I'd talk some sense into her". Oliver voiced out.

"Thanks. I have a favor to ask of you, Oliver".

"What is it?".

"Can I come to your house? I don't want to go home immediately, I want to spend some time with you".

He needed to speak to a friend. Yes, he'd never tell him what the real problem was, he just wanted to hear some consoling words from him.

"Yes, you can come to my house, I'd even like that". Oliver stated with a bit of elated facial expression.

Aiden nodded his head with a bit of smile on his face. He and Oliver continued walking, and their destination was one place, Oliver's house.

They had cornered the intersection that would lead to Oliver's house, and they were still walking.

As they were getting closer to his house, Oliver glanced at Aiden and said to him,

"We are getting close".

Has Aiden been to Oliver's house before? Yes, but very occasionally. If he doesn't have any reason to go there, then he doesn't need to.

They kept on walking, and right now, they had already arrived at Oliver's house. There weren't many changes to the house according to what Aiden was seeing...this was just how it was the last time he was here.

"And we are here". Oliver said to Aiden.

Aiden only nodded his head, then he inquired of Oliver,

"Would your parents be around?".

"My mum would most likely be around". Oliver responded.

Aiden knew there'd be no problem even if his mum was around, so he didn't say anything else.

The both of them met with his mum, they greeted her, and she responded to their greeting. Setting eyes on Aiden, she recognized him immediately, she knew he was the son of Ethan Dankworth, this wouldn't be the first time she'd be setting eyes on him.

..Well, Aiden and Oliver were on the compound conversing currently.

They weren't too far from the house, and their conversation consisted of different things. They had talked about many topics, and time was going.

Now, as Aiden was talking to Oliver, he was using it to cool himself. Yes, he needed to speak to a friend, and that's exactly what he was doing right now. And it was working, the conversation was helping him out.

As said, they had talked about a lot of things, and this was what their current conversation was like right now.

"So, you'd help me talk to Ava, right?".

..He was asking this same question, he just needed more confirmation.

"Sure, I promise, she shouldn't be angry at you, we shouldn't have been angry at you in the first place". Oliver uttered.

Aiden nodded his head a little, then he voiced out once again,


"It's nothing".

There was silence for a while, then Oliver uttered once again,

"So, wouldn't you try to at least tell me what the problem is? You know, the family issue you're speaking of".

"Are we going back to this? I told you it's something I can't tell you and Ava. Let's say I would have loved to tell you guys, but I can't. And again, it doesn't concern politics, you know, my dad being an average-ranked chief and all that". Aiden stated.

"Okay, I won't ask about it anymore, I understand that it isn't something to be talked about. But everything would be okay".


..Now, Oliver had no idea of what the main problem was at all.

As known, it wasn't concerning family issues, it was regarding his quest. The reason why he was always the first to leave his classroom whenever the bell rings to signify closing hour was his quest as well.

They conversed some more, time kept on going, it was evident from the was already getting dim. Right now, it was about time for Aiden to leave.

He enjoyed every single time he spent with Oliver, he enjoyed the helped out a lot.

"So, Oliver, I'd be leaving now, it's already getting late". Aiden said.

"Okay, safe journey to your home". Oliver stated.

"Thanks for letting me come to your house, it helped out a lot".

"Come on, that's nothing, you're my friend, Aiden".

Aiden nodded his head with a bit of smile on his face, then Oliver's voice resounded unexpectedly, and it was audible.

"Shit! How did I forget this?".

"Forget what?". Aiden inquired.

"To offer you something at least". Oliver responded.

Aiden laughed out loudly at that moment, then he stated, "That's nothing, I wasn't even in the mood to drink or eat something, I just wanted to converse and spend some time with you. Is that why you were shouting?".

Oliver nodded his head in response to Aiden's question, then Aiden's voice resounded again...

"Don't bother about that, it's nothing".

Oliver nodded his head, then Aiden said to him again, "I'd be going now, we'd meet at school tomorrow".


And with that, Aiden began walking off. Oliver would have loved to escort him, but there were things he needed to handle right now.

As Aiden was walking on the road heading toward his home, a lot was running through his mind. People that were seeing him didn't know his head was filled up.


The next day arrived, and Aiden had 8 days remaining to seduce and conquer Cara. Has he changed his mind about the quest? Does he plan on picking up the quest once again?

As of now, no, he hadn't changed his mind. To him, he had given up on the quest, and he doesn't plan on going back to it anymore.

He woke up this morning and thought about the quest, but he quickly pushed it aside, he stopped thinking about it immediately. The aim now was to get Ava to forgive him, to stop being angry at him which he knew was very possible.

He got up from his bed and began preparing for school. He had arrived at his academy by now, and he was already walking toward his classroom.

In the next few minutes, he had already arrived at his classroom and sat in his seat. The moment he balanced on his seat, he glanced at Oliver and Ava's seats, and they were already present sitting comfortably on them.

..And at that moment, Aiden began wondering if Oliver had already spoken to Ava about the anger she was feeling toward him.

'Have he calmed her already?'. He thought to himself.

Well, he'd find out soon, he just needed to wait...

Time passed, the usual took place, what was the usual? Teachers entering their classroom and teaching them. And according to what they were seeing, seems like there'd be no extra lessons today.

Different teachers have entered their classroom and taught them, and none of them made any announcement about extra lessons taking place today...not even the mathematics teacher.

..But maybe they wanted to take them by surprise, who knows?

They didn't make any announcements about extra lessons, but they might take place today. Well, even if there was an arrangement for them, Aiden wasn't gonna escape or any stuff like that.

He was gonna partake in them...remember, to him, he doesn't have any quest to accomplish anymore. All he was bothered about now was if Ava had forgiven him.

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