Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 285 Drink Away Your Sorrow.

Chapter 285 Drink Away Your Sorrow.

And he kept hoping it was so, he kept hoping she wasn't angry at him anymore, he kept hoping Oliver had already spoken to her.

He really cherished his friendship with them, he doesn't want it to be ruined. It was getting ruined 'cause they weren't aware of the things going on in his life.

..As said, they didn't know a lot about him.

And he can't let them know about those things, they must never find out.

Well, it had gotten to break hour as usual, and this was the time when Aiden was gonna know if Ava was still angry at him or not...if Oliver had spoken to her.

Students were leaving the classroom, as for Aiden, he just stood up from his seat glancing at Ava and Oliver. The both of them hadn't gotten to see him since today 'cause of the numerous activities that have been taking place.

..Teachers had been entering and going out of their classroom, there was no time for the both of them to glance back.

But they were gonna notice him the next seconds. The both of them stood up from their seats and glanced back, and Aiden was glancing at the both of them.

A smile appeared on Oliver's face the moment he set eyes on Aiden, but that wasn't the case for Ava. And that made Aiden wonder...

'Is she still angry at me? Seems like she's still angry at me'.

The both of them began walking toward Aiden until they reached him. The moment they reached him, Oliver placed his right palm on Aiden's shoulder. But Aiden wasn't glancing at Oliver at all, his gaze was focused on Ava.

He was still wondering if she was still angry at him or not...he hadn't seen any sign to prove anything...

"Let's head over to the cafeteria". Oliver said to Aiden.

Aiden just nodded his head a little, then the three of them walked out of the classroom. While they were walking on the compound, Aiden was still wondering if Ava was still angry at him or not.

..She hadn't said anything, he was confused.

He would have loved to ask Oliver if he had spoken to her already, but he can't now...there are valid reasons for that. Until they reached the cafeteria and entered it, Ava didn't say anything, and Aiden was still confused.

Well, they balanced on seats around a certain table, they were served, then they began eating. They were walking out of the cafeteria now, and Aiden was still confused, his gaze was focused on Ava.

Ava noticed that he was glancing at her, but she didn't say anything or react at all. While they were walking on the compound heading toward their classroom, Ava hadn't still said anything.

..And at that moment, Aiden decided he was gonna speak, he wanted to end this confusion.

Just as he was about to speak, Ava spoke, "So, Aiden, I have something to say to you".

Aiden's eyes widened a little as he voiced out, "What is it?".

"I'm sorry". That was all Ava said.

..Now, hearing that made Aiden's heart glad, this one that she was apologizing, seems like she wasn't angry at him anymore.

"Sorry for what?". Aiden inquired.

"For being angry at you yesterday, Oliver has explained everything to me, we shouldn't have been angry at you. It's just that we weren't understanding you anymore, you're always in a hurry to leave, so we were confused, we didn't know what was going on with you,

But according to what I was told, you're going through a lot, and it's concerning family issues".

"Yes". Aiden stated.

"And according to what I was told again, you can't reveal the problem to that true?". Ava inquired.

"Yes, it's true".

"How are you holding on?".

"It isn't easy, if I say it is, then I'm lying. But I'm trying my best, this has been going on for some time now, so I'm learning to bear with it".

Ava nodded her head a little, walked toward Aiden, patted him on his right shoulder, and said,

"Everything is gonna be okay".

A smile appeared on Aiden's face the moment she made that utterance, she wasn't angry at him anymore, he was glad. As said, giving up on his second main quest was making him feel bad, them being angry at him was making it worse.

But now that they weren't angry at him anymore...a big load had been lifted off his shoulder.

"Thank you". Aiden uttered with that smile still plastered to his face.

Ava nodded again, then Aiden glanced at Oliver giving him the look of 'Thanks'. Thanks for what? For speaking to Ava and explaining things to her, she wasn't angry at him anymore.

Oliver understood immediately as a little smile appeared on his face, then he nodded his head a little.

"Let's get to class". Ava stated.

And with that, the three of them continued walking toward their classroom.


There were no extra lessons for today too...guess it would have to be announced most of the time when extra lessons were to take place on a certain day.

The bell had ranged to signify closing hour...and since there were no extra lessons today, both classrooms in the same level of learning would be leaving the academy without waiting at all.

Everything was already okay between Aiden and his friends, so they'd be leaving the academy together just as they'd been doing.

They were walking on the compound currently heading out of the academy. As usual, horses were riding in and out of the academy...parents that came to pick up their kids.

..As Aiden and friends were walking out of the academy, they were conversing.

Now, Ava and Oliver tried not to bring up that matter again, what matter? The stuff Aiden was going through. Yes, they didn't want to bring up that topic and spoil the current mood.

They were somehow happy while conversing...that topic could spoil the mood. Whereas they weren't aware of something, though Aiden was smiling, his heart was bitter.

The fact that he's given up on his second main quest was still haunting wasn't easy to just abandon it like that. But he hadn't still changed his mind, he doesn't plan on going back to it.josei

He was smiling with them, but they didn't know what was running through his head...

They didn't know, and he doesn't plan on telling them.

Right now, Ava had reached the intersection she was gonna corner that would lead her straight to her house. And things were different this time, she waved both Aiden and Oliver goodbye before cornering the intersection.

..Remember, she waved only Oliver goodbye before cornering the intersection yesterday 'cause she was angry at Aiden.

But she wasn't angry at him anymore, so the situation was different this time. They waved back at her then continued walking.

Now, something Oliver wasn't expecting to happen was gonna happen...something was gonna repeat itself. Both he and Aiden were still walking when Aiden said to him...

"Oliver, I'd love to come to your house today again".

"Again?". Oliver questioned with a kind of surprised facial expression.

"Yes, I'd love to spend some time with you again, I enjoyed yesterday's own, and I'd like for it to take place again". Uttered Aiden.

Oliver contemplated for a while before stating, "Well, it's very possible, you can come to my house again...and this time, I'd offer you something".

"You don't have to, I just want to spend some time with you, I just want to speak to a friend".

..And he was being completely sincere, he wasn't really interested in Oliver offering him something, he just wanted to converse with him.

But Oliver insisted though, "Even if that's the case, I'd still offer you something, there's nothing wrong with that".

Aiden nodded his head a little and said, "If you insist".

And with that, they continued walking, the destination was Oliver's house once again. They arrived at Oliver's house after minutes of journeying, and from the look of things, Oliver's mum wasn't around.

Well, even if that was the case, they didn't enter the main house to converse, they stayed at the compound. Oliver served Aiden some meats and a drink...alcoholic one.

Now, the meats weren't from Oliver's know, hunting down grass cutters and preparing their meats. Oliver's dad bought the meat which was prepared by Oliver's mum he just handed some to Aiden on a plate.

If Oliver's mum sees this, she wouldn't complain at all. Now, the alcoholic drink was in a cup, and the moment it was handed over to Aiden, he perceived it and confirmed that the drink was alcoholic.

He glanced at Oliver immediately and voiced out...

"Oliver, this drink is alcoholic".

"Yes, drink away your sorrow". Oliver stated.

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