Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 286 Another Decision.

Chapter 286 Another Decision.

"Drink away my sorrow?". Aiden inquired.

"Yes, drink this and try to forget about your problems, even if it is for a while. Try to put aside the things troubling you. This content isn't enough to make you drunk". Oliver uttered.

"Thanks". Aiden voiced out with a smile on his face.

"No prob, enjoy".

Aiden put about two pieces of meat into his mouth and began chewing, then he sipped some drink. The meats were delicious, the drink tasted nice...both combined were just awesome.

He gulped, then he put another meat into his mouth and began chewing. Oliver was just glancing at him as he ate, he didn't bring anything for himself...he just wanted to serve his guest. He wasn't really interested in eating something.

After Aiden had taken another sip of his drink, he glanced at Oliver and uttered,

"Aren't you gonna take some?".

"No, just enjoy yourself". Oliver stated.

..Well, Aiden continued eating and drinking, and after the passing of minutes, the drink had reduced a lot so as the meats as well.

"These are delicious". Aiden said to Oliver.

"Yeah", Oliver stated, then inquired, "You don't feel drunk, right?".

"Not at all".

And from there, a conversation sparked up between the both of them. They began conversing about a certain topic that wasn't connected with what Aiden was passing through.

Oliver's mum hadn't still arrived home, so the both of them still had the house and compound to themselves...not like they were doing anything wrong though.

They were still conversing, and by now, they had already moved to another topic. They talked about that topic for minutes before landing on what Aiden was going through...yes, that was the current conversation.

"So, according to what you told Ava, you're holding on well, right?". Oliver uttered to Aiden.

"Yes, pretty well, but just as I said, it isn't easy at all". Aiden stated.

Oliver nodded his head a little then voiced out once again, "I feel the stuff you're passing through would eventually end though it might just take time".

Aiden nodded his head as well, and a thought ran through his mind...

'Would it end? It would only end when I pick up my current main quest once again, and I don't plan on picking it up again'.

..As known, he lied to them, so they didn't know what he was truly passing through.

They thought it was family issues which wasn't.

"I hope so". Aiden said glancing at Oliver.

"It will".

Aiden put another meat into his mouth and began chewing, and right now, it was remaining one more meat on the plate. He gulped the remaining content of drink down his throat.

He then glanced at Oliver and voiced out, "Giving up on some things does hurt".

"Yes, definitely, especially if that thing is special or important". Oliver uttered.

We all know what Aiden was talking about...he was talking about the quest he gave up on. Saying that made Oliver realize something, seems like Aiden gave up on something.

After Aiden made that statement, he noticed his facial expression became a little gloomy.

"But giving up on something or someone isn't always the answer or option to solve a problem. Sometimes, we just have to keep going. Even when the urge to give up comes, we have to keep going,

Unless things become too tough, I mean, really tough, whereby your mental health is being affected, then you can give up. Or maybe, take a break instead of giving up completely". Oliver said.

Even when Oliver had finished talking, Aiden was still glancing at him. His words definitely hit him, he wasn't expecting Oliver to make that utterance.

Now, Oliver noticed his words affected Aiden, it was evident from his facial expression. He noticed the gloomy expression disappeared from his face completely and was replaced with a bit of surprised one.

And do you know what Oliver was hoping for at that moment? He was hoping his statement was gonna make an impact on Aiden, hoping he'd be able to apply them in whatever was troubling him.

..Would Aiden apply them? Well, let's see.

This was the utterance that flowed out of Aiden's mouth after he'd glanced at Oliver for seconds...

"Ummm, thanks for those words, I really appreciate them".

A smile appeared on Oliver's face as he nodded his head a little, then he uttered, "No prob".

Aiden ate the last piece of meat on the plate, and he was done. He had emptied the cup of drink as well as the plate of meats. Oliver took them into the house and then came out once again.

The sky was already darkening little by little, but Oliver's mum hadn't still returned. She wouldn't arrive home until it gets to complete nighttime.

Oliver and Aiden conversed for some minutes more...and now, it was about time for Aiden to leave. A smile was plastered to Aiden's face as he stood up from the chair he was sitting on.

..He really enjoyed his stay with Oliver...he enjoyed it a lot.

Oliver was truly a good friend to him...I mean, look at those encouraging words.

"I enjoyed my stay with you, I enjoyed yesterday's own, but I enjoyed today's own more". Aiden said to Oliver with that smile still plastered to his face.

"I'm glad you did". Oliver voiced out with a smile plastered to his face as well.

"I need to head home now, we'd meet at school tomorrow".

"Sure, I'd escort you to an extent, then I'd leave you from there".

Aiden only nodded his head, then the two of them began walking. Yes, Oliver did as he said, he escorted Aiden until they got to a certain place, then he began heading home.

As Aiden was walking on the road heading toward his home, he kept thinking about what Oliver said to kept ringing in his head.

..With what Oliver said, though he didn't know exactly what Aiden was passing through concerning that matter, it just seemed like he was telling Aiden not to give up on his current main quest.

As he was walking, he kept thinking about it, he couldn't stop himself.

'Seems like I'd have to pick up the quest once again, I shouldn't give up on it just like that'. Aiden thought to himself.

Immediately after that, another thought ran through his mind...

'Or should I just leave it, I've wasted some time, days have passed, and I didn't work on seducing Cara at all. According to what I remember, I have 8 days remaining to seduce and conquer her, and she's a tough one. Isn't the days I have remaining to seduce and conquer her too small?'.

..He was confused, he had two options and didn't know which one he was gonna pick.

He contemplated and contemplated but still didn't know which one he was gonna go with. This was a quest he decided he wasn't gonna go back to, he had given up on it...but here he was contemplating if he was gonna go back to it or not 'cause of what Oliver said.

His head was filled up, he kept walking, and he didn't choose any of the options before reaching his house.


By the 7th day Aiden had remaining to seduce and conquer Cara, this was the decision he made...he wasn't gonna go back to the quest.

Reaching home that evening, he was still contemplating. While he was at the dining table with his family eating dinner, he was contemplating. While he was in his bed, he was contemplating.

He couldn't even sleep 'cause he was contemplating. And right on that bed, he decided he wasn't gonna pick up the quest. After minutes of making that decision, he dozed off.

The next day, that's the 7th day, he hadn't changed his mind, he wasn't picking up the quest.

..Was he gonna change his mind? Well, let's see.

Still on that 7th day, while Aiden was at school, he began contemplating once again...can you believe that? Someone that had decided he wasn't gonna pick up the quest was contemplating once again.

That question kept running through his mind again...

'Should I pick up the quest again? Or should I leave it for real?'.

He became confused once again...what the f**k was happening? After break hour and all that, Aiden made another decision...he was gonna pick up the quest once again.josei

..Yes, he had 7 days remaining to seduce and conquer Cara, it was small, but he was gonna use it wisely.

He was gonna come with his all, the seduction was gonna continue. This was his new decision, and he doesn't plan on going back on it.

Did Oliver's words have any impact on him? Yes, a lot. As we can see, he had picked up the quest once again...

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