Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 287 Resuming The Quest.

Chapter 287 Resuming The Quest.

But was he gonna begin today? No. He was gonna resume tomorrow, and he was gonna put in his all.

..Cara, he is coming back for you.

What does this mean? He'd resume the same thing, always in a hurry to leave the classroom. But he was sure of one thing, it wouldn't cause another issue between him and his friends.

He'd lied to them, so they'd just take it like the family issues he was going through were the cause of it.

As he was sitting in his seat and a teacher was in the classroom teaching them, his eyes were just focused on Oliver. He was happy to have a friend like him...'cause of what he said, he had picked up his quest once again.josei

Not like he wasn't listening to what the teacher was saying, he was. And not like he was gonna glance at Oliver throughout the teaching.

..After the passing of minutes, he took his gaze off Oliver and focused them on the teacher.


After that incident, Cara had thought of Aiden a few times. What incident are we talking about here? The day their little friendship ended.

Yes, she was the one that ended the friendship. And after that day, she had been thinking about Aiden and feeling guilty as well.

He was a handsome guy, had good charisma, and spoke well...maybe she was too harsh on him. Yes, that was her mindset.

And after that day, she hadn't set eyes on him again. What does that show? He's ended the friendship as well, he didn't try to fight for it at all. She still remembered the gloomy expression plastered to his face after she said she wanted the friendship to end.

Now, on that day, Cara wasn't in her best mood. As known, she and her friends had a little disagreement which led to a separation. Up till now, they hadn't reconciled.

Cara was right inside her house currently thinking about it. She thought about the fact that she and her friends hadn't reconciled yet after that day...but she wanted something, she wanted that little friendship with Aiden again.

'I shouldn't have let a handsome guy go like that. Yes, I'm not really interested in boys right now, but there's something different about that guy. I mean, look at how nice he was smelling that day. I messed up everything'. Cara thought to herself.

..Can you see the impact Aiden's little seduction had on her?

She was thinking about him, and she wanted the little friendship that began between the both of them to continue.

'But it's too late, I don't think he's going to come back. And I don't know how to locate him, I should just try my best to forget about him'. She thought to herself once again.

But there was no need for her to worry too much 'cause Aiden was planning to come back...this time, with his all. She wanted their friendship back, but Aiden wanted her to be thirsting for him, that was the plan.

And he needed to do this quickly 'cause there was no time...he needed to conquer her before the 7 days remaining goes by.

..In the next few minutes, she stopped thinking about Aiden.

On that very day, Aiden was thinking about what the next day would be like. He was gonna be continuing his seduction on Cara, and he was coming with his all.

What would it be like? Would he still find it hard to seduce her even after bringing in his all?...

It was nighttime currently, and he was sitting on his bed thinking about this. He was gonna make use of the seduction skills, that's for sure.

And making use of them means skill points would be taken out of his skill points. This was the thought that ran through his mind...

'I need to accomplish this quest and earn that skill points and Exp. I mean, my skill points can't reduce trying to accomplish a quest and end up not accomplishing it...they can't reduce for nothing'.

These were the thoughts that followed, 'Failing to accomplish this quest would mean my skill points would reduce a lot, they would reduce badly. They aren't even that many currently, nothing would be added to it, instead, a lot of skill points would be deducted from it,

They would reduce badly if that happens...thank goodness I've decided to pick up the quest once again, thank you, Oliver. And there are skills and items I need to purchase, I mustn't miss out on those skill points'.

..That gave him more determination to accomplish his current quest...he must put in his all.

Still sitting on his bed, he began strategizing 'cause of what he plans on doing tomorrow. After he was done strategizing, he lay on his bed without closing his eyes.

He knows how he was gonna go about seducing Cara tomorrow...he was just hoping it would work out though he'd be putting in his all.

..Minutes have passed since Aiden lay on his bed, and he hadn't dozed off...but he would do so in the next few minutes.


Aiden was heading toward Cara's academy currently, and his mind was a little filled up as he was walking.

Now, did he do the same thing? Leaving the classroom the moment it got to closing hour? Yes, he did the same thing. He left Oliver and Ava behind...he needed to arrive at Cara's academy on time since he's picked up the quest once again.

..But you know what? Oliver and Ava wouldn't judge him.

They wouldn't be angry at him at all...they'd just take it like it was due to the problems he was facing at home. His lie was gonna work out for a long time...maybe forever.

As Aiden was walking on the road looking so handsome and carrying his bag, he was thinking of his strategy...the strategy would be revealed soon.

He had arrived at the community where Cara's academy was situated, and in minutes, he had arrived at Cara's academy. They were already at their closing period as Aiden could see some students on the compound.

He walked into the compound, and his eyes began scanning around in search of Cara, but he didn't see her...she hadn't arrived at the compound yet.

He knew where her classroom was situated, so he focused his gaze on the door.

..Now, this was what Aiden strategized.

He has to make sure Cara doesn't sight him in this academy. Yes, he'd be glancing at her, but she mustn't see him. The plan was to follow her to her house from this academy without her noticing.

Arriving at her house...that's when he'd begin the deed.

'There she is'. Aiden thought to himself the moment he saw her come out of the door his eyes were focused on.

And she wasn't the only one that came out of the door, she did so with her friends. And according to what he was seeing, they hadn't increased to their normal number yet.

'Seems like they haven't reconciled yet, she'd most likely still not want our friendship to hold. I have to prepare myself, this might be really tough'. Aiden thought to himself once again.

..But he was completely wrong, she wanted their friendship to hold.

Cara and her friends had arrived at the compound by now, and they were there with other students. Some students were standing on the compound like them, while some were walking out of the academy.

Now, while standing on the compound, she and her friends didn't sight Aiden at all, but he was glancing at them currently.

'Cara is looking pretty as usual'. Aiden thought to himself while glancing at them.

In the next few minutes, she and her friends were already walking out of the academy, and Aiden was just like...

'Wow! They didn't waste time today, they're already heading home'.

..Well, he began following them from behind while giving them a nice distance, he was gonna make sure they don't notice him.

They'd been walking for minutes now, Aiden was following them from behind while giving them a nice distance, and they hadn't noticed him at all.

They weren't just walking, they were conversing as well...but weren't laughing or smiling at each other at all.

In the next minutes, they were already following different paths that would lead to their homes. And since they weren't many, Cara would soon be left alone.

It was only her walking on the road currently, all her friends had already left. Up till now, she hadn't noticed she was being followed, and Aiden was gonna make sure it remains that way.

..She was still walking, Aiden was still trailing her, and they were getting close to her house.

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