Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 294 He Confirmed It.

Chapter 294 He Confirmed It.

Chapter 294 He Confirmed It.

He didn't just want to stand on the compound without engaging in anything. He began thinking at that moment,

'What would I engage in?'. josei

He would have loved to activate the speed dash and high jump skills and begin making use of know, it would be fun.

Running really fast to and fro and jumping super high. But what would happen when the people inside set eyes on him making use of the skills, they'd be so surprised.

So with that in mind, he knew he wouldn't be able to engage in that activity. He began thinking about what he would engage in again while glancing around the compound...and his eyes landed on the horses on the compound.

"I could do some horse practicing, it's been some time now". Aiden muttered to himself.

..And that's what he was gonna do.

He began walking toward the horses on the compound. He was already good at horse riding, yes, he's learned a lot concerning it, but he wasn't perfect yet.

Until he was perfect, he wouldn't take the risk of riding himself to a certain destination. He reached the horses and began touching their faces, he was thinking which one he was gonna make use of for the horse practice.

Well, he chose one, and he didn't waste time mounting the horse, this was after he had untied it. After that had taken place, he rode the horse forward...he can easily put a horse in motion now.

..That was a piece of cake for him.

The horse practice began, and for minutes, Aiden practiced and practiced nonstop. He was enjoying what he was doing...he was close to becoming perfect when it came to horse riding.

All the things he had learned to do concerning horse riding, he practiced them again...and now, he can say he was extra perfect in doing them.

The things he hadn't learned to do properly, he practiced them as well...and he can say he was close to being perfect in doing them.

..After minutes of practicing, Aiden glanced at the house once again and uttered to himself,

"Aren't they done with the discussion? How long would it take? Seems like he would stay here until my dad comes back home, maybe he wants to see him before leaving,

That means he'd stay here until nighttime, shit!".

If that happens to be the case, then Aiden might later end up joining in their conversation if his mum instructs him to do so, or he might end up staying in his room for the rest of the day after he was done with the horse practice.

He'd prefer the second one, but whatever comes though...

He spent some more minutes practicing horse riding, and he was super close to becoming perfect in it. Just a little more practice, and he can start riding himself to his destinations whenever he wants.

After he had parked the horse, tied it, and come down from it, he glanced at the house once again...there was no sign of him coming out of it.

He glanced at the sky, and it was already getting dim little by little. What can he do? He's engaged in something, he can't stay outside here forever. So he began walking toward the house until he entered it.

..Entering it, they were all still in the living room, and no one said anything to him as he walked straight into his room.

This was exactly what he wanted, no questioning from his mum and all that, he did what he wanted to do. Well, time passed, and what Aiden was thinking would happen wasn't what happened.

Hazel's fiancee didn't wait for Ethan to arrive home, he left after it got to complete evening heading toward dusk. Aiden didn't even tell him bye or anything like that.

Before leaving, he dropped some goodies though. And when Ethan arrived home, they told him about his coming. Yes, he didn't see him with his eyes, but he heard about it.

And he also saw the stuff he brought...Ethan was happy to hear that he came.


The 3rd day had arrived, yes, Aiden had 3 days remaining to seduce and conquer Cara. And he was supposed to go to her house today according to their agreement.

As we all know, he had already seduced her, what remained was to conquer her...

The moment he sat up on his bed after waking up, the thought crashed right straight into his head.

'I'm heading to Cara's home today'.

..With this in mind, he got up from his bed and began preparing immediately.

It wouldn't be bad to reach her house in the morning...according to what Cara told him, he was free to do so. And it was even for the best 'cause if he was to f**k her, he'd do so on time.

Doing so late wouldn't be that great 'cause her dad could arrive at any time...and if that happens, it would be really bad.

He had already prepared and dressed up in one of his nicest robes as he was looking so handsome. He ate breakfast with his family, and the first set of people to leave the house was Ethan and Hazel.

When it was about time for him to leave the house, his mum questioned him...and he was expecting it.

"Where are you heading to? I thought no students were to go to school today".

He told his mum it wasn't school he was heading to, then he found one lie to tell her which she believed. And after that, he was free to leave the house.

He walked out of the house, and by now, he was already walking in the village square heading toward Cara's house...

'I must make use of the rod increase today if the need arises, I have just 3 f**king days remaining to conquer her, there's no time. I can't fail this quest, me picking it up once again wouldn't go to waste'. Aiden thought to himself while journeying.

..That was a determination, let's see if he'd be able to keep to it.

He kept journeying until he arrived at the Slakar Community. He didn't stop, he kept walking until he arrived in front of Cara's home...he was here once again.

He stood there glancing at the door to the house, and something was running through his mind at that moment. He was wondering if Cara's dad was around or not.

It was still morning, there was a chance that he could still be around...but the chance of him not being around was higher. He was a man who took his work seriously, so he'd have most likely left by now.

..People who take their work seriously try their very best to leave early in the morning.

Well, he can't just stand there glancing at the door wondering if her dad was around or not, he has to knock on it to confirm. If he was around...he knows what to do.

He began walking toward the door until he reached it, then he began knocking on it. First knock, no response, no one opened the door, second knock, the same case. But he was sure someone was inside.

Third knock, the door opened, and Cara was looking so pretty. A smile appeared on her face the moment she set eyes on Aiden, then she voiced out...

"You're here already".

"Yes, decided to come here on time, is your dad around?". Aiden inquired.

"No, he left minutes ago".

"So can I come in?".


Aiden walked into the house...and yeah, it was looking the same, no changes. He wasn't expecting any changes though, he visited about two days ago, that wasn't long at all.

"I'm about to eat, should I bring something for you?". Cara uttered to Aiden.

"No need, I'm not hungry, I ate before coming here". Aiden retorted.

"Even if it's small, I'm the one that prepared the food, my dad ate some before leaving. I just want you to tell me if I'm a good cook or not".

Aiden truly wasn't hungry, as known, he ate breakfast with his family before coming here. But he doesn't want to refuse her, he doesn't want to disappoint her since she said it would be little, so he voiced out,

"Okay, bring some for me".

Cara smiled before walking out of the living room. She came back with a tray with two plates of food on it, then she dropped it on the table. There was a little dining table in the living room, but seems like she doesn't plan on making use of it.

She gave Aiden's food to him, and the food was little just as she said. The food was looking good, and the aroma was would most likely be delicious according to Aiden's thinking.

..And he wasn't wrong, the moment he put a spoonful of the food into his mouth and chewed, he confirmed it.

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