Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 303 Visiting Lucia's Academy Again.(2)

Chapter 303 Visiting Lucia's Academy Again.(2)

He just stood there glancing at the academy, and you know what? They had already closed by now. Aiden could even see students walking out of the academy.

And at that moment, he hoped Lucia would still be around. Since they'd closed, she might have headed home already. According to what he remembered, she was the daughter of a high-ranked chief.

And he remembered there was a certain knight that does pick her up from school everyday...maybe the knight has picked her up already.

He began walking toward the academy, he needed to see Lucia, he needed to confirm if she was still around or not. He had already arrived at the compound of the academy as he was glancing around searching for Lucia.

He glanced around for seconds but didn't see her, and this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment,

'Hope she hasn't headed home'.

He was still cautious though, the boy close to Lucia mustn't sight him, he was aware of that, so he was watchful of the boy. He began walking forward as his eyes were still scanning around in search of Lucia.

There were students around, so maybe a certain student was standing in front of her, that's why he couldn't see her. That was his mindset, that's why he was walking forward now and still glancing around to see if he'd see her though he'd scanned around before.

He was still walking forward and glancing around, but he hadn't still sighted her. He stopped walking, then he glanced at the door to her classroom. Yes, as known, he knew where her classroom was situated.

And he was contemplating if he should head toward her classroom to search for her. But that could be dangerous 'cause he could come across the boy he was avoiding when he gets there...and that would be really bad.

..But he can't just stand here, it could be something was delaying her in her classroom.

Should he just take the risk of heading toward her classroom or wait here to see if she'd come out of her classroom? Well, he chose the first one, it's better he takes the risk, there was no time to waste.

Just as he was about to begin walking toward the staircase to begin mounting it, he felt something. Something like what? Like someone was watching him.

..He could feel it, someone was staring at him, and it was making him so afraid at that moment.

It could be the boy he was avoiding...if it happened to be the boy, then there was problem. He began turning his head to the side slowly 'cause he could feel the gaze was coming from that direction.

The moment he had turned his head fully and was glancing at the person staring at him, he wasn't afraid anymore. Why? 'Cause it was Lucia staring at him.

Lucia was standing there looking so beautiful and staring at him...she could feel butterflies in her stomach, she was happy to see him. In her mind, she was like, 'So he finally came after all these weeks'.

And as for Aiden, this was the thought running through his mind...

'How come I didn't see her even after scanning around for minutes? Where did she come from?'.

Yes, it was just so confusing, I mean, he scanned around for minutes. Well, the main thing now was that he'd seen her. She began walking toward him, and from the expression on her face, Aiden could tell she was happy to see him.

She reached where he was standing and was like, "Hi".

Aiden uttered 'hi' as well, and this was the next utterance that flowed out of her mouth,

"It's been some time".

"Yes, it's definitely been some time, I've been busy. And as agreed, we wouldn't be seeing each other too frequently". Aiden said.

"So, how have you been?". She inquired of Aiden.

..If Aiden were to tell her the truth, a lot has happened, he's felt different emotions within these weeks, but he can't tell her that.

This was what he said, "I've been good, you know, engaging in different activities. What of you?".

"I've been good as well, but I've missed you. Yes, we agreed on the time you'd be coming and all that, I'm fully aware of that, but I couldn't stop myself from missing you. I'm so drawn to you, and I'm so happy to see you right now".

She was already close to a certain boy, but here she was flirting with another boy, they had even had sex twice...and the boy wasn't aware of this at all.

But there was a certain boy who had been noticing Lucia and Aiden for some time. And from what he was seeing, they weren't just friends, they were closer than friends.lights

..Now, we'd come back to this boy later.

Aiden nodded his head to Lucia's statement then voiced out, "I'm so happy to see you too".

There was silence for a while as the both of them were just smiling at each other, then Aiden's voice resounded again...

"So are you still interested in the both of know?".

Aiden didn't complete the utterance, but Lucia had already understood what he was talking about, so she voiced out,

"Yes, I'm still interested in the both of us having sex, I'd always be interested in it".

A smile appeared on Aiden's face, then he uttered, "Would it be possible for the both of us to engage in it today?".

"No, I don't think so, I didn't inform the knight and the boy I'm close to about it, you know, the normal lie I do tell them. The boy I'm close to isn't present at school today, but the knight that does pick me up from school will soon arrive,

So I can't leave with you just like that, I've promised I'd always inform him ahead of time whenever I want to engage in something so he wouldn't waste his time coming to pick me up. So before the both of us would have sex again, I have to inform them with the normal lie". Lucia clarified.

"So, when would be the best time for the both of us to have sex again?". Aiden threw another question.

"The day after tomorrow, yes, that would be the best time for us to have sex again, I'd be fully ready for you on that day. I would have informed the knight and the boy about it, so the knight wouldn't come to pick me up on that day". Lucia responded.

Aiden nodded his head then voiced out, "Okay, that's good".

..According to what he heard her say, the boy she was close to wasn't around, the boy he was avoiding, so he saw no need to be in a hurry to leave this academy.

He wanted to converse with her a little more, he wanted to spend some more time with her. Well, he did so for some minutes more, then he said to Lucia,

"I'd be leaving now".

"Bye, I'll be expecting you the day after tomorrow". Lucia stated.

"Sure, I'd be here".

That was the last utterance Aiden made before walking out of the academy. Lucia just stood there glancing at space...she was actually glancing at Aiden walk out of the academy until he wasn't in sight anymore.

Now, coming back to the boy who had been noticing Lucia and Aiden together...

Now, as known, he wasn't the only one that had been noticing Lucia and Aiden together though it's been weeks since Aiden last came here, others had been noticing it as well.josei

But everyone was simply minding their business, they had other things to worry about rather than worrying about things that wouldn't benefit them.

Yes, Lucia was really close to a new handsome boy though there was another boy she was close to, what was happening?...But as said, they have other things to worry about.

Now, that boy was among the people noticing this, and he had been choosing to mind his business since. But seeing them together again, he's changed his mind.

He was close to the boy, they were in the same class, so by not telling him this, he felt like he was betraying him...

..He needed to tell him this and free his mind.

He knew the boy wasn't present at school today, so there's no how he'd be able to tell him what he's been seeing. So at the perfect time when he was present at school, he'd relay the information to him.

Now, would he succeed in relaying the information to him? Well, let's see. And if he succeeds in relaying the information to him, how would the boy close to Lucia react?

..We would find out that later.

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