Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 304 Something Is Going On With Lucia.

Chapter 304 Something Is Going On With Lucia.

Lucia and Aiden had set another date...a day they were to bang again. Now that he's set a date with her and was hoping they were really gonna bang on that day, he was thinking about Anne.

Yes, he hadn't had a taste of Anne's pussy for some time now, and her pussy was really sweet. He wanted to have a taste of her pussy, but he'd have to be taking things easy.

..I mean, he's already set a date with Lucia, when he was done handling her, he'd then think of how he'd handle Anne next.

He's also noticed something, Anne doesn't do that shit anymore, it's reduced drastically. She doesn't signal him anymore, you know, signaling him if he was ready to have sex with her again.

It's been some time since she last signaled him, and Aiden liked it like that. As he's always been telling her, he'd be the one to signal her when he was ready to have sex with her again.

And that's exactly what would happen, when he was done having sex with Lucia, he'd then come for Anne next.

..He has to handle his harem members.

Now, that boy who had been noticing Lucia and Aiden together hadn't changed his mind at all, he still planned on telling the boy close to Lucia about what he's been noticing.

They were in class currently, and no teacher was in their classroom. The boy was sitting in his seat glancing at the boy close to Lucia, he was contemplating if he should tell him now.

'Should I tell him now or should I just postpone it?'. He thought to himself.

He was still glancing at the boy when he decided to postpone it, he'd tell him as early as possible tomorrow. Since he's decided, he turned his gaze to another side.

Now, the boy had no idea that Aiden and Lucia had plans of having sex tomorrow. If he knew, to ruin their plans, he would inform him about it right now.

..But as known, the plan was to inform him as early as possible tomorrow.

Now, Lucia hadn't told the knight and the boy close to her the lie she wanted to tell them. Yes, she was gonna be having sex with Aiden tomorrow, so she had to inform them with the normal lie.

She must make sure to inform them about it today since tomorrow was D-Day. And even after informing them about it, she still has to be really cautious 'cause the boy close to her was in the same academy with her.

So even after lying to him and he ends up watching her without her knowledge, he'd find out something that would definitely result in trouble. What she wasn't aware of was that someone already planned on informing him about it.

..Now, both parties were lacking knowledge in some ways.

The boy didn't know that both of them planned on having sex tomorrow, as said, if he knew, he would inform him about it right now.

And Lucia wasn't aware that someone had finally decided to reveal what he'd been seeing to the right person...he couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore.

..If she was aware of this, then she would have known what to do for her and Aiden not to meet tomorrow.

That day after school, Lucia informed them about it. Yes, she informed the boy about it first, and she did it while they were in the carriage heading home, the knight was busy riding them without having a clue about what they were discussing.

"So, I'd be hanging out with some friends tomorrow". Lucia uttered to the boy while they were in the carriage.

And the boy was just like, "Again?".

And Lucia was like, "Yes, again, it's been weeks since I last hung out with them...isn't that long enough?".

"Well, yes, it's long enough to an extent. Where would you people be heading to?". The boy inquired of Lucia.

"I don't know, I can't say yet, I haven't been told, guess I'll find out tomorrow". Lucia retorted.

They conversed about this for some minutes, and the boy didn't have anything more to say, he'd just allow her do what she wanted to know, hang out with the so-called friends.

"Always be careful though".

That was the last utterance the boy made to Lucia, and a smile only appeared on Lucia's face.

She handled that aspect easily...umm, to rephrase, it wasn't that easy, but it wasn't hard either. Then after arriving at Lucia's home and the boy had already left for his house, she informed the knight about it...the normal lie.

The knight was just like, "Shouldn't I get to see these so-called friends of yours you've been hanging out with?".

Fear gripped Lucia immediately the moment she heard that, why? 'Cause there were no friends to see. Not like she doesn't have friends in her classroom, but they weren't hanging out just as she's been claiming.

"Do you want to scare them off? A knight has come to see them, what would they think?". She voiced out immediately, they were already at the compound of the house.

The knight nodded his head a little and uttered once again, "Hmmm, I understand you, that might make them think they're being watched since I've come to see them, and they're fully aware you're the daughter of a high-ranked chief,lights

They might not want to hang out with you again 'cause of this...I understand".

A smile appeared on Lucia's face as she voiced out, "You hit the nail on the head, thanks for understanding".

"You can hang out with them again, have fun". The knight said once again.

With that smile still plastered to Lucia's face, she stated, "Thanks, I'd do just so".

"That means I wouldn't be coming to pick you up tomorrow".


"Always remember to be careful".

"Sure, I will".

..And it's ended, Lucia had handled them both.

But as known, there was something she wasn't aware of.

The both of them anticipated what it would be like having each other in bed again...yes, both Aiden and Lucia.

They did this while they were at home. Lucia kept thinking about Aiden's big dick over and over again, she was just so happy she'd be having a taste of it again.

And Aiden kept thinking about her sweet pussy, he was so happy he'd be having a taste of it again real soon.

Whether he was gonna make use of any of the seduction skills on her while they were having sex, he didn't know. But he knew he was going to give her proper satisfaction.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow to reach so he could have a taste of Lucia's pussy again, and that was the same case for Lucia as well. She couldn't wait for tomorrow to reach so she could have a taste of Aiden's big dick again.


Tomorrow had reached, yes, the tomorrow they were waiting for had finally reached. At Lucia's academy, every student who was supposed to be present at school was already seated in their different seats.

Today was the day the boy decided he was gonna tell the boy close to Lucia about what he'd been noticing, and he didn't plan on changing his mind at all.

He was glancing at the boy currently, and this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment...


'I'm gonna tell him after break hour'.

..That's what he's decided, and he was gonna make sure to keep to it.

Time passed, teachers taught and left, then the bell rang to signify break hour just as it's been done in other academies. The boy and the boy close to Lucia were talking while heading toward the cafeteria to eat.

As said, they were close, but they weren't extremely close. They were friends, but they weren't best friends.

The boy hadn't told him about the stuff he'd been noticing yet, so they weren't talking about Lucia and Aiden at all. As known, he was gonna tell him that after break hour.

..So they were discussing a different topic as they were heading toward the cafeteria.

They reached the cafeteria, paid, ate, and so on, and the both of them still walked out of the cafeteria together since they sat around the same table to eat.

They were the only ones walking together, no one else was following them...this was the perfect time for the boy to tell him what he wanted to tell him.

I mean, this was after break hour, he should relay the information to him, and he was gonna do so. After calling out his name and the both of them were glancing at each other, the boy voiced out,

"I have something to tell you".

"What is it?". The boy uttered with a curious face.

"Something is going on with Lucia". The boy stated once again.

..The curiousness on the other boy's face increased the moment he heard that.

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