Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 305 So Annoying.

Chapter 305 So Annoying.

Chapter 305 So Annoying.

'Something is going on with Lucia'.

..Yes, that statement rang in his head again after the boy said it, he wanted to know what was going on with Lucia immediately.

With widened eyes, he inquired, "What is going on with Lucia? Tell me".

The boy sighed, didn't say anything for some seconds, then he voiced out,

"I know you might find it hard to believe what I'm about to say, but you just have to believe it 'cause it's the truth. I've been noticing Lucia with a certain boy, he's handsome. It's been some time now since I've been noticing them together, but I've been keeping my mouth shut,

Not until I noticed them together yesterday that I decided to tell you. What I'm telling you is the absolute truth".

The boy close to Lucia was just glancing at the other guy with his mouth opened in awe, he was really surprised by what he'd heard just now. It took him seconds before he could open his mouth to speak,

"You really mean what you're saying?".

"Yes, I'm completely serious. As I said, I've been noticing them since but was just keeping my mouth shut for certain reasons. But seeing them together again right in this academy yesterday, I just decided to tell you". The boy uttered.

"Are you sure they are not friends? You know, she definitely has some male friends in this academy. Maybe they're friends, who knows?". The boy close to Lucia voiced out once again.

..He didn't want to believe what he'd heard just like he was even trying to find an excuse for Lucia.

"When I see friendship between a male and a female, I'd know. I'm sure the relationship between the both of them isn't friendship, I'm f**king sure. I wasn't sure at first the first time I saw them together, but I'm very sure now, they aren't friends,

I'm telling you this 'cause we're friends and I know you really like Lucia, there's a strong relationship taking place between the both of you. But as it is like this, it could be said she's cheating on you,

She knows she has a relationship going on with a certain boy, but she's flirting with another one, isn't that cheating?". The boy clarified. josei

The other boy's mood had dropped badly 'cause of what he was hearing, but he didn't let it show on his facial expression. He voiced out,

"The boy you're speaking of isn't from this academy, right? Most likely".

"Yes, he isn't from this academy according to what I'm seeing, his face doesn't look familiar at all. He seems like our age mate, so he's supposed to be in our classroom or the other class, but I haven't seen him in any, so I don't think he's from this academy".

..He didn't recognize him as Aiden Dankworth at all, he didn't know he was the son of a chief.

The boy close to Lucia began thinking of when Aiden approached him that day, he still had the picture of Aiden's face registered to his head to an extent.

He tried confirming with Lucia if Aiden had approached her before, but what he got was a big fat 'No'. From the way Aiden approached him and the way he asked about Lucia and the way he disappeared, the boy began suspecting him of approaching Lucia.

..But as said, he asked Lucia, and he didn't confirm anything.

Now, the boy suspected it was the same Aiden his friend was talking about...and his mindset was completely true. He didn't know Aiden's name though, he only knew what his face looked like to an extent.

By now, both of them had already stopped walking, and the boy close to Lucia had a lot of things processing in his head. Due to what he heard just now, his mind had become so busy.

'Have they been having sex? Who knows maybe this hanging out with friends of a thing is a big lie, she's hanging out with the guy'. He thought to himself.

..And his thinking was completely true, a lot was still running through his mind,

'How was he able to seduce her? Am I not cute enough for her? Why is she doing this? I have to see who the boy is first before making my next move, I have to see if it's that same boy. She said she's hanging out with friends today again, she and the boy are most likely heading somewhere,

She has just been using this statement to hang out with the boy. Before I make my next move, I must see who the boy is first. She's been lying to me and the knight that does come to pick her up 'cause of the special is he?'.

He passed his hands through his hair, he was a little frustrated. He glanced at his friend and uttered to him,

"Let's go".

The both of them began walking, then his friend inquired of him...

"So, you believe what I'm telling you, right?".

"Yes, there's a very high possibility it's true, some things are making sense now as I'm thinking of them. But I need to confirm it, I want to see it with my eyes. Seeing it with my eyes would make me confirm some things, then I'd know what to do next". The boy stated.

His friend only nodded his head as they were still walking.


Throughout the time in his classroom, even when a certain teacher was teaching them, the boy close to Lucia was just waiting for the bell to ring to signify closing hour so he could leave his classroom.

Once he leaves the classroom, he'd then watch Lucia closely without her noticing. He'd then confirm if she was truly hanging out with friends or it was the boy she'd been going out with.

If it happened to be the boy she'd been going out with, he'd get to see his face at that moment...he'd then confirm if it was Aiden or not.

After confirming that, he'd then know what to do next. But what he knew was that he'd be really angry at Lucia.

Time passed, and the bell had already rung to signify closing hour.

'It's time'. The boy thought to himself.

..Now, he has to do things really cautiously, she mustn't know that she was being watched.

She'd been telling him she'd been hanging out with friends, and he never tried to confirm if it was true 'cause he believed her. But now, he has to confirm if it was a lie or not.

The first thing was to see if she was truly hanging out with friends...if it happened to be a lie which would most likely be, he'd then see the so-called boy she's been going out with.

He had already carried his bag, the plan was to head toward Lucia's classroom currently, but he wouldn't enter it, he'd just be watching her cautiously.

Just as he was about to stand up from his seat, a teacher stepped foot into their classroom...and the boy was glancing at the teacher with his mouth opened in awe.

This was the thought running through his mind at that moment...

'This man shouldn't dare try to ruin my plans'.

..Yes, the teacher was male, and according to the look of things, seems like he was gonna ruin his plans, not on purpose though.

"A lot of information would be passed across to you guys right now, everyone should stay in their seats, no one should leave". The teacher voiced out.

'A lot of what? That means we'd be spending some time here, my plan is about to be ruined'. The boy thought to himself once again.

A kind of gloomy expression appeared on his face at that moment...everything he'd planned was about to be ruined, it was very annoying.

For some time now, they'd been leaving their classroom freely whenever the bell rang to signify closing hour, no teacher do walk into their classroom to halt them...the extra lesson hadn't taken place for some days now.

Why is it today that he planned something a teacher was stepping foot into their classroom at closing hour to relay a lot of information to them?

..I mean, why didn't he come to relay the information when it hadn't gotten to closing hour? It was just so annoying.

'Maybe the same thing would be taking place in Lucia's class as well since we're at the same level of learning. A lot of information might be relayed to them as well which would definitely delay them,

With that, my plan can still hold...I just hope so'. The boy thought to himself once again.

..In the next seconds, the man began relaying the information to them.

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