Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 33 Quest To Tap Her Buttocks.

Chapter 33 Quest To Tap Her Buttocks.

All of the students were satisfied with Aiden's answer. Yeah, he had been taught some of these things at home, and those things included simple equations like this...that's why he was able to solve it.

Most of them nodded their heads and focused their gazes on their books once again. Oliver was among the people that nodded their heads and focused their gazes on their books...he was impressed.

"So, you were able to solve this equation due to what you were taught at home? That's nice, that's impressive...that's sign of smartness. Well, as you already know, you got the equation right, keep up the good job". The man uttered to Aiden once again as he moved to the other student.

The moment the man wasn't standing in front of Aiden anymore, a smirk appeared on his face. Why was he smirking? 'Cause he was able to fool the teacher and everyone in the classroom. Yeah, both his parents and sister began teaching him how to read when he was a baby...but none of them taught him equations like this.

..He was able to solve this equation based on his knowledge, based on knowledge he got from his previous world.

The man kept on walking round checking the students' work as it was remaining a few. And as usual, some were getting the equation right, and some got it wrong.

Within some minutes more, he had checked out the work of all the students in the classroom. Right now, he was standing in front of the classroom, then he uttered,

"We aren't done with this topic, we aren't done with this equation. In our next class, we'll continue from where we stopped...some of you haven't come to understand this equation yet".

He strolled over to the board he hung in front of the class, took it, glanced at Aiden, then immediately focused his gaze on everyone in the classroom before voicing out,

"See you guys later".

And after that, he walked out of the classroom. And at that moment, Aiden began wondering why the teacher glanced at only him before glancing at everyone in the classroom. What was it? Oh! was it 'cause he solved an equation he wasn't expecting him to solve?

That could be the case, but Aiden doesn't want to think about it anymore, he doesn't want to stress his brain thinking about it, it wasn't worth it.

Students in the classroom were already putting their books and reed pens back into their bags, and Aiden did the same. He put the book and reed pen into his bag, then he kept the bag close to him. And at that moment, the system's interface appeared in front of, Aiden,


<Ding! Ding!>

<Daily quest>

<Tap Alora's buttocks>


<+10 Exp>

<+10 Skill points>


Glancing at the quest, a certain kind of expression appeared on Aiden's face, 'Tap Alora's buttocks?'. Yeah, he would love to do so since he'd been admiring her body for some time. Tapping her ass wasn't even enough, he wanted to bang her if he had the chance.

But he can't 'cause he was still a small boy. He wanted to tap her big buttocks, but he'll get into trouble if he does that. She'll take it like he was disrespecting her, and she could even report him to his mum, and that would lead him into serious trouble.

But he'll have to find a way, he'll have to tap her buttocks, and he'll try to do so in a way that wouldn't get him into trouble. One thing was for sure, the system knew that Aiden had been admiring Alora's body and wanted to bang her, that's why she was giving him this quest.

This wasn't the first time he had been given a quest to do something dangerous like this. When he was still a baby, the system gave him a quest to glance in between Alora's legs which he accomplished. It was a dangerous quest, but he accomplished it.

And after that, the system hadn't given him any more quest concerning Alora. This was the second quest he was getting to do something to, Alora...perverted stuff. He'll have to try to accomplish it, and since it was a daily quest, he'll have to accomplish it today.

Once it reaches tomorrow, he's already failed the quest, and he'll miss out on the rewards, and he hates missing out on the rewards. Ever since the system started giving him daily quests when he was a baby till now, he's never missed out on any rewards.

But a thought struck his mind at that moment. What if he gets home and doesn't see the chance to tap Alora's ass? Remember, she wasn't the only maid in their house, there was also, Lydia. And he'll most likely meet his mum once he gets home.

Now, what if his mum and Lydia were with, Alora? Maybe the three of them doing a chore together that Aiden wouldn't see the chance to tap her ass? Emma had taken both ladies as her daughters, so there was a possibility that the three of them might be together when Aiden gets home.

Now, that would be mission spoilt for Aiden 'cause he wouldn't see the chance to tap Alora's buttocks, he has to do it when no one was there...without anyone knowing. He might miss out on the rewards...for the first time.

But he decided to be patient and not make any conclusions till he gets home.

'Why didn't the system give me a quest concerning where I am currently? I am at an academy, give me a quest concerning this academy'. Aiden thought to himself.

But the moment he thought that, a smirk appeared on his face, tapping Alora's ass wouldn't be that bad...that's if he's able to accomplish it, ugh.

His mind was still a little busy when another teacher stepped foot into the classroom, and Aiden glanced at her immediately. He was thinking it was Miss Alice, but it wasn't.

The teacher was female, and she seemed pretty young and beautiful... prettier than Miss Alice. Aiden couldn't even take his gaze off her for a while due to her prettiness...were all the female teachers in this academy this beautiful?

She was dressed in pink robe, and there was a little smile on her face as she strolled into the classroom making her look prettier. From the look of things, seems like she was in her 'twenties. And she was also carrying a board in her hand.

She walked to the front of the class, then uttered,

"Hello, class".

"Hello, Miss Hannah". The whole class voiced out apart from Aiden once again.

Since she was bearing 'Miss', then she wasn't married as well. And she was bearing 'Hannah?', that was Aiden's grandmother's name. Apart from the time Aiden's grandma visited when he was still a baby, she visited again when he was four and when he was six along with Amelia, Emma's younger sister.

So Aiden had gotten to know both of their names. And hearing the whole class call this pretty lady 'Miss Hannah', he discerned immediately that she was his grandma's namesake. But it wasn't much of a surprising thing for two people to be bearing the same name, right?

After the whole class was done returning the greeting, she voiced out,

"So, we are gonna continue from where we stopped regarding letters and syllables".

Hearing that, Aiden discerned that this woman must be an English Teacher, it was very easy for him to discern. Those topics were in English Language, and they were simple stuff.

..Another thing he was aware of...he was gonna learn something else he had full idea of.

The teacher strolled to the front wall of the classroom and hung the board in her hand just as the maths teacher did. As she strolled back to face the class so the teaching could begin, she noticed, unfamiliar face.

She wasn't like the maths teacher that was very familiar with every face in a class, but she knew she hadn't seen this face before...she was sure.

And the same thing took place, she asked Aiden if this was his first time in this class, and Aiden stood up from the chair he was sitting on and replied 'Yes'. And she said something like, no wonder his face looked so unfamiliar.

Then the news about him being a child of one of the average-ranked chiefs in this kingdom came out, and the teacher was astonished but wasn't that astonished 'cause there were kids in this academy whose fathers were chiefs and nobles too.

Then she asked for Aiden's age, and Aiden told her he was seven years old, and the same thing took place...overreaction and questions.

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