Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 34 A Place To Eat At The Academy.

Chapter 34 A Place To Eat At The Academy.

When she asked that question, he knew the type of reaction he was expecting once he tells her his age. She'll react as the others in this academy reacted...the same mindset, why was he starting late? Why was he starting at this age?

"Why are you starting at this age? Seven years old? That's too late". She inquired of Aiden, exactly the question he was expecting.

Well, he was gonna give her the same answer until she tires out, "Ummm".

He kept on saying 'Ummm' until she said to him,

"Don't worry about answering the question, just sit down".

And that's exactly what Aiden did, he sat back in his chair. Then the teaching began. Everything she taught, he knew. She wrote some things on the board, asked some questions which students gave answers to, and activities kept on taking place.

Throughout everything, Aiden just sat there glancing at her and the students that participated in the teaching. She didn't tell them to write anything in their books, she's done that in the past, but she wouldn't be doing it today.

..So they didn't make use of their books and reed pens throughout her class.

Minutes had passed, and it was about time for her to step out of the class, she was done teaching. She had already taken off the board she hung in front of the classroom, she was holding her teaching notes in her hand. Then she glanced at Aiden and said,

"Aiden Dankworth, try to be serious and put your attention into what is being taught so you could learn faster since you're starting by this time".

Aiden responded with, 'Yes, Miss Hannah', then she strolled out of the classroom.

The moment she departed from the classroom, a smile appeared on Aiden's face. Why was he smiling? The same reason, she had no idea of how knowledgeable he was, they had no idea of how knowledgeable he was.

Yeah, they were thinking he already knew some things due to the teachings he's been receiving at home...but they had no idea of how smart he was, he was smarter than they thought.

After the teacher departed from the classroom, murmuring began...students began discussing amongst themselves. After some minutes, Aiden heard a bell ring. He knew the ringing of the bell signified something, but he didn't just know what it was.

He glanced around and noticed that students were standing up from their chairs, and he hadn't come to understand why they were standing up...until one student voiced out,

"It's time to go eat, finally".

And the moment the student made that utterance, he and another student began walking out of the classroom. Aiden had realized what the bell ringing signified due to the statement that flowed out of the student's mouth, it was time to go eat.

Students were sauntering out of the classroom, and at that moment, Aiden sighted Ava walking out of the classroom also.

'They must be heading to the cafeteria'. Aiden thought to himself.

He stood up from the chair he was sitting on, glanced at his bag, and was wondering if he should leave his bag and go. Then he glanced around and noticed that everyone that had left the classroom left their he decided he'll leave his bag here and go as well.

..Not like there was money in it.

He began strolling out of the classroom until he was out of the classroom and standing in the corridor currently. Lots of students in different colors of robes were walking in the corridor heading straight to the staircase that would lead them downstairs.

This was the first floor, so they'll have to dismount staircases to get to the last floor. Aiden glanced at the compound and saw both teachers and students heading to the place where they'll gather to eat...the cafeteria.

While the teacher, Miss Alice, was showing him different places in this academy, she showed him the cafeteria and told him the cooks would soon start preparing something that everyone would eat...they must have finished cooking by now.

Aiden joined the students strolling in the corridor as he began heading to the staircase as well. He wanted to see the food they prepared, he was hungry to a certain extent to empty his plate of food in minutes.

He got to the staircase and began dismounting it. He dismounted all the staircases one by one until he got to the last floor, then he began walking on the compound.

The sun was shining, but it wasn't hot, it was warm. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was comfortable walking under was a nice feeling.

The door to the cafeteria was open as different people were entering it. Both teachers, students in their teenage age, and students that weren't up to their teenage age. Aiden was still sauntering toward it along with other people when someone placed his arm over his shoulders.

..He glanced at the person...and it was, Oliver.

He didn't see Oliver when he was strolling out of the classroom, he thought he would have entered the cafeteria by now, but he was here?

"Hey, Oliver". Aiden uttered after glancing at, Oliver.

"Hey, Aiden". Oliver voiced out glancing at Aiden as well.

"I thought you would have gotten to the cafeteria by now, I didn't see you while I was sauntering out of the classroom". Aiden said to Oliver.

"Yes, I departed from the classroom the moment the bell rang, but I didn't head over to the place for eating, I headed to another classroom to meet someone". Oliver voiced out.

Aiden nodded his head while uttering, "Ohh!".

Then Oliver voiced out once again, "You're pretty smart. Though you haven't attended an academy before, you were able to solve that equation due to what they've been teaching you at home?".

"Yeah". Aiden responded.

"Wow! That's incredible. As the maths teacher said, that's sign of smartness, or isn't it smartness already?".

A smile appeared on Aiden's face, then Oliver voiced out once again,

"I've introduced part of myself to you, I told you my name but didn't tell you my age. Well, I'm..."

Aiden didn't allow him complete the statement as he cut him short uttering,

"You're seven years old".

Yeah, he's already confirmed it from his system. A certain kind of expression appeared on Oliver's face at that moment, how did he know that? He didn't remember telling him? He inquired of Aiden,

"How did you know that? I didn't remember telling you my age?".josei

And it was at that moment Aiden realized he f**ked up a little. He can't tell Oliver about the system? Never, so he voiced out,

"Ummm...I could tell from glancing at you, I could tell that we were age mates".

Oliver nodded his head a little and uttered, "Ohh! True, you can tell a person's age sometimes by glancing at the person. Wow! you're really smart, another sign of smartness".

Aiden only smiled as the both of them kept sauntering toward the cafeteria. Then Oliver said to Aiden once again,

"Are you aware?".

"Aware of what?". Aiden inquired.

"Aware that you'll have to pay a certain amount of copper coins to be able to eat the food prepared by the cooks. We don't eat free food in this school, but some schools feed their students for free". Oliver explained.

"Yes, I am aware of that. The head teacher told me and my father when I was being registered, and our class teacher, Miss Alice, also said something like that". Aiden responded.

"OK, that's good then. I wonder what we are gonna be eating today".

Aiden glanced at Oliver the moment he made that utterance and voiced out as well,

"I'm also curious, we just have to enter and see".

They kept on strolling until they got to the door of the cafeteria and stepped foot into it along with some other people. Aiden had seen the inner part of the cafeteria this morning, so he wasn't astonished at all when he stepped foot into it.

He glanced around and saw that people were sitting on chairs already, some tables were already circulated. As Aiden and Oliver were walking, a man in white robe stopped them, stretched out his hand, and voiced out,

"4 copper coins, please".

"Oh! Almost forgot". Aiden uttered and put his hand into one of the pockets of his robe.

Oliver and Aiden brought out 4 copper coins each and handed them over to the man totaling 8 copper coins. Then the man paved way for them to pass blocking the group of students behind their backs.

As they were sauntering, Aiden sighted a group of people dressed in white robes like the man that stopped them to collect money. From the way they were dressed, Aiden could tell that they were the cooks...they consisted of both men and women.

Aiden had a question to ask, Oliver, so he glanced at him and called out his name...


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