Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 35 I Want Us To Become Friends.

Chapter 35 I Want Us To Become Friends.

Oliver glanced at him with a kind of 'What is it?' type of expression on his face...not the rude type though. Then Aiden inquired,

"So, how does it work in this place? Is it that we'll take our food before finding a place to sit and eat? Or we'll sit down and get served?".

"The second one, after sitting down, then we'll get served. Look at everyone sitting on chairs, both teachers and students, do they have food in front of them and are eating? No. They'll have to wait till they get served, and the serving would soon begin". Oliver responded.

Aiden nodded his head while uttering, "Ohhh", Then Oliver voiced out again,

"Let's find a nice place to sit, if possible, a place that hasn't been occupied by anyone".

Aiden immediately sighted a table with vacant chairs around it, none of them had been occupied, so he pointed to them while saying to Oliver,

"Look at those over there, none of the chairs had been occupied, we can head over to them".

"Nice one, Aiden". Oliver uttered to Aiden placing his palm on his right shoulder, he was complimenting him for finding this quick...then the both of them began sauntering toward the chairs and table.

They reached them, and the both of them didn't waste time balancing on chairs, they sat close to each other. Up till now, the cooks hadn't started serving the food, not even a single person in the cafeteria had started eating.

Aiden wanted to know what food they prepared, but 'cause they haven't started serving yet, he doesn't know...and he was getting a bit impatient. He glanced at Oliver and uttered,

"Do you have an idea of what they prepared?".

"Not even the slightest". Oliver responded.

"I wonder when they are gonna start serving the food, we've paid, right? So they should start serving the food already".

The moment Aiden made that utterance, two teenagers in the same color of robes joined them occupying two of the seats around the table. The moment they sat down, they glanced at Oliver and Aiden, and greeted them in a way small boys were supposed to be greeted...and that irritated Aiden a little.

Yeah, they occupied some of the chairs around the table when all the chairs were completely vacant...but the chairs wouldn't stay vacant forever? People would have to occupy them, and that's what just happened.

..So currently, it was remaining one vacant chair around the table.

After some seconds, the cooks began serving the food, they started with the teachers first. And at that moment, Aiden and Oliver sighted the food was porridge.

Aiden wasn't that amused, yeah, he's eaten porridge a lot of times at home. But this porridge was prepared in a way, it was different from the way his mum does prepare hers...he was interested in tasting it.

"It's porridge". Oliver said to Aiden.

"Is this the first time they are preparing it in this school?". Aiden inquired of Oliver, he just wanted to know.

"No, this isn't the first time". Oliver retorted shaking his head a little.

"I have eaten porridge a lot of times at home, but according to what I am seeing, this one might taste a little different". Aiden said.

"Yeah, me too, I do eat porridge at home, my mum is good at preparing it. But I've come to notice that this academy own is different from the ones my mum does prepare at home".

Aiden nodded his head to Oliver's utterance. At that moment, he was hoping the porridge would taste different from the ones his mum does prepare at home...he was hoping it would taste better.

The cooks kept on serving the teachers as people kept on trooping into the cafeteria and occupying the seats. Within some minutes, they were done serving the teachers, it was about time to serve the students.

..And that's what happened, they began serving the students.

Seven years old Aiden sat on his chair patiently waiting for the cooks to reach their table. He was waiting for the cooks to serve them so they could begin eating. He was still waiting when he sighted Ava strolling toward them.

At first, he was confused if she was really sauntering toward them. But after some seconds, he came to realize that she was really strolling toward them. He knew where she was sitting before, he sighted her seconds after stepping foot into the cafeteria...but why was she sauntering toward them currently?

She reached where they were sitting and occupied the vacant chair around the table...the remaining vacant chair around the table. And the moment she sat down, everyone around the table was just glancing at her. Aiden, Oliver, and even the teenage boys.

What was running through their minds at that moment was, 'Why did she leave where she was sitting before and come here? And out of all places, why did she choose to sit here? A place that was occupied by only boys? So she was the only girl in their midst currently?

Remember, Aiden developed a liking for her not long after entering the class, after many girls approached him. He liked the fact that she was sitting close to him now, but he found it weird. Why did she suddenly choose to come sit close to him? That's what he wanted to know.

"What are you doing?". Oliver inquired of Ava glancing at her.

"What do you mean?". Ava uttered glancing at Oliver.

"Why did you suddenly choose to come sit here? Out of all places, why here? Can't you see this place is filled with boys?". Oliver voiced out once again with a kind of expression on his face.

"I just wanted to sit close to you be precise, I wanted to sit close to, Aiden".

And at that moment, a certain kind of expression appeared on Aiden's face. Like, an amused and bewildered expression combined.

'Seems like she likes me'. Aiden thought to himself.

..But the fact was, he was still very young, and from the look of things, he wouldn't be able to do love.

"You wanted to sit close to me? Why?". Aiden inquired glancing at Ava.

He wanted to see what she'll say, he was expecting that most likely, she would give another reason why she wanted to sit close to him. Even if she likes him, she might not want to say it now. But he was surprised when she went straight to the point...

"I like you, and I want us to become friends".


At that moment, a certain kind of expression appeared on the face of Oliver and the two teenage boys occupying seats around the table. Aiden was surprised that she didn't hide her feelings, that she went straight to the point.

"Don't you have female friends?". Aiden inquired of her at that moment.

"I do, but not here, at home. I don't have lots of friends in this academy. I want to add you to my friends list, I want us to become pals". Ava retorted.

"Hmmm, that's okay, I also want to become friends with you, it's nice making friends on my first day in this academy. I already have one here". Aiden uttered glancing at Oliver, then he placed his arm over his shoulders...Oliver was the friend he was referring to.

A little smile just appeared on Ava's face. Then not long after, they began serving them their food around that table.

"Finally". Aiden muttered to himself.

They dropped the plates of porridge in front of them with fish on top of each plate. The aroma that entered Aiden's nose at that moment was really nice...saliva almost dropped out of his mouth.

..From the aroma of the food, Aiden could tell that it was delicious, but he didn't know if it was more delicious than the ones his mum does prepare.

The two teenage boys around the table had already started eating, no wasting time. Oliver had started eating also, it was remaining Aiden and Ava. Aiden took the spoon and began eating as well.

And wow! the food was one of a kind, it was delicious. Yeah, it tasted different from his mum's own, but he wouldn't say it was more If he was told to score the deliciousness of this porridge and his mum's own, he'll give them the same score.

He ate and ate, and for some seconds, he'll glance around to see everyone focused on their food, and he'll do the same.

After the passing of some minutes, teachers began evacuating the cafeteria. They were served first, so they were supposed to be leaving by now...unless they were slow eaters.

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