Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 36 The Reason For Their Closeness.

Chapter 36 The Reason For Their Closeness.

Students began leaving the cafeteria as well, by now, all the teachers had left the cafeteria. The two teenage boys sitting around the same table as Aiden had already departed from the cafeteria as well, they were really fast eaters.

They drank the water that was served to them, stood up from the chairs they were sitting on, and strolled out of the cafeteria. Among the three of them, that's Aiden, Ava, and Oliver, the first person to finish eating was Oliver.josei

He finished eating, drank water, and began waiting for Aiden so the both of them could stroll out of the cafeteria together. He was waiting for Aiden, not Ava, if she wants to join them...then she can.

Aiden finished eating, and Ava finished as well. The both of them drank water, then Oliver said to Aiden,

"Let's depart from this place".

"I'll be departing along with you guys, I'll follow you guys". Ava stated.

"Up to you". Oliver voiced out.

He hadn't really come to like her 'cause she was here because of Aiden, so why should he take her as an instant friend? Before Aiden came, they were in the same class, but never friends.

So Oliver just took it like he shouldn't try to mingle with her that much 'cause she was making friends with them 'cause of, Aiden...the same case. The three of them stood up from the chairs they were sitting on and began walking out of the cafeteria.

..As they strolled, they conversed.

They got to the compound and began strolling on it as they kept discussing. Throughout their discussion, Oliver tried not to say anything to Ava, every single thing he said, he said to, Aiden. Every single reply he gave, he gave to, Aiden.

As they were getting closer to their classroom, Ava separated from them. She hastened her pace entering the classroom before them. Then Aiden said to Oliver, something he didn't want to say when Ava was there.

"I noticed something, you weren't talking to, Ava. It was just like the conversation was one-sided, if she says something to you, you won't reply, but when I said something to you, you replied. Why?".

"That's 'cause she's making friends with us 'cause of you. As she said, she likes you. I and Ava had been in the same class for some time now, since when we were six years old, but she never made friends with me, and I wasn't bothered at all. Then why now? 'Cause of you". Oliver responded.

Aiden nodded his head a little, yeah, he understood everything that flowed out of Oliver's mouth. He glanced at Oliver and voiced out,

"I understand what you're saying, but still try to give her a chance though. Who knows? You guys might turn out to be very good friends. And at that time, you wouldn't even care about the reason why you guys became friends".

Oliver didn't say anything, he just nodded his head a little and glanced away. They had gotten to the door of their classroom already. Then Oliver glanced back at Aiden and uttered,

"So, what do you think about the porridge? Was it better than the ones your mum does prepare?".

"It was nice, delicious, but it wasn't better than the ones my mum does prepare. If I'm to rate them, I'll give them the same score". Aiden retorted.

Oliver just nodded his head as the both of them strolled into the classroom, headed toward their different seats, and sat on them.


Different activities took place for the rest of the day at the academy. After Aiden and Oliver sat down on their seats, a male young teacher stepped foot into their classroom, it was about time to teach them.

According to what Aiden found out, he was a history teacher. After he sighted Aiden, the same things took place. Asking if Aiden was a new student to this academy and completely new to this class, Aiden replying yes.

Finding out that his dad was an average-ranked chief in this kingdom. Asking Aiden's age, Aiden telling him and getting the same reaction. Why was he starting by this time? Why was the son of an average-ranked chief starting school by this time? And so on.

Aiden wasn't even surprised by the reaction, he was expecting something like this...this wasn't the first time it was happening.

With the teacher's permission, Aiden sat back on his chair 'cause he had to stand up to answer the teacher's questions. Hanging the board on the front wall of the classroom, the young man began teaching.

Now, this was history, the man was a history teacher. This wasn't history about the modern world, this wasn't the history being taught in modern schools. The history being taught in modern schools consisted of things that had taken place in the that had occurred in the past.

This was history of ancient times, history that was hard for Aiden to understand. He wasn't born in this world, he reincarnated into this world, so there were lots of things concerning ancient histories that he wasn't aware of.

For the whole of today, since he became a student in this class, he found every subject easy. But as for this one, history...he found it hard. The history teacher left the class after he was done teaching. He didn't give them anything to do, he just taught and left the classroom.

Another teacher entered, and that was the last teacher that was to enter their classroom for today. Activities took place, the teacher finished teaching, took his board, and left the classroom.

Currently, it was time for everyone to go home, the bell rang to signify that. Aiden sighted students standing up from their chairs, carrying their bags, and leaving the classroom. Some girls even said goodbye to him before leaving the class, he didn't understand why.

He was still on his chair when Oliver ran over to him and said,

"Let's go home together".

It was at that moment that Aiden remembered his dad said he'll come to pick him up after school. And again, he wasn't that aware of this place yet, the city where this academy was situated. If he goes home by himself, he'll most likely lose his way.

"No one would come to pick you up?". Aiden inquired of Oliver glancing at him.

"No, I do go home by myself. But when I first started attending this academy, my dad do come to pick me up". Oliver responded, then uttered once again, "Any problem?".

"No, no problem. The same thing that happened to you in the past would be happening to me today. I'm not that familiar with this city yet, I'll most likely not be able to go home by myself, so my dad would be coming to pick me up today. He told me this when he was registering me at the head office".

Oliver nodded his head while uttering, "Ohh!".

Aiden didn't say anything, he was just glancing at Oliver...then Oliver voiced out once again,

"Well, let's just stroll out of the classroom together and onto the compound. It could be that your dad hasn't arrived yet, so you'll just wait for him".

A smile appeared on Aiden's face at that moment as he said,

"OK, that's completely fine by me".

And the moment he made that utterance, they sighted Ava sauntering toward she hasn't gone home? The moment Oliver sighted her strolling toward them, he became a little uncomfortable...and Aiden noticed it.

She reached where they were standing and voiced out,

"Hey, guys".

Aiden was the only one that replied, "Hey".

"So, it's closing time already, going home together would be a nice idea". Ava uttered once again.

"I don't think so". Oliver stated.

And that caused Ava to glance at him while uttering, "What?".

Aiden's voice resounded at that moment, "It's a good idea. But the thing is, my dad would be coming to pick me up today. I'm not familiar with this city, I don't want to get lost. But we can stroll out of this classroom together and onto the compound, and after that, you and Oliver can go home together".

There was a bit of disappointment on Ava's face the moment Aiden made that statement, then she uttered,

"Hmmm, well, that's also a good idea".

'Is it?'. Oliver questioned himself in his thought, he noticed the disappointment on her face the moment Aiden said his dad would be coming to pick him up.

"Then, let's get going". Aiden uttered glancing at both Ava and Oliver with a bit of smile on his face.

The three of them began strolling out of the classroom together. They got to the balcony and began walking in it as other students were walking in it as well. They got to the staircase and began dismounting it.

Getting to the next staircase, they began dismounting it as well. They dismounted all the staircases until they arrived at the compound.

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